
Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior is the study and application of understanding about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Its function is to assemble better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. Organizational behavior involves management paying attention to the employees’ issues, both work related and personal to make the work environment a better place. Organizational Behavior explains why an organization is only as popular and proficient as it’s employees that execute daily activities. According to Hunt, Osborn, and Schermerhorn (2005), “Individual, interpersonal, and organizational factors determine the behavior and ultimate value of an organization’s employees” (p. …show more content…

Organizational communication starts with the executive management and is filtered all the way down to the associates. Communication gives every employee an idea of what is expected from him or her, the goals that need to be accomplished, and the possible rewards that may be obtained. Some of the different types of communication flow are formal communication, informal communication, and downward communication. A common type of communication is downward communication. Downward communication is when the top management gives orders to the middle manager, and this order is delivered to the immediate manager for execution and supervision. When organizational communication is not accomplished lives are lost and that is the most important aspect of being a leader in the Marine Corps. Organizational Effectiveness and efficiency is a direct reflection upon top management. Managers of all levels must understand the organization’s strategy to produce results and sustain an orderly structure. Occasionally managers must make time for employees to be cross-trained, to understand different systems that are encompassed within an organization. Cross training gives employees a better understanding of the whole organization; therefore, enriches employees making them better contributing partners and building efficiency as products of organizational effectiveness. Efficiency within an organization is using the least amount of resources to accomplish the desired

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