
Organizational Behavior and Strong Culture

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How a leader or a found of an organization can helps in creating a strong culture in an organization? Can a leader eliminate culture? Explain. Introduction. Leaders is a person who have a conduct and power in organization and made the decision to make sure achieve a goals. Leaders also have a power to influence on the organization to follow what the decision made on him. There are three major type of the leader such as autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Leader must have a good skill and knowledge to conduct the organization very well in the work. (Northouse's (2007, p3). Kim Ann Zimmermann, LiveScience Contributor, July 09, 2012 ,the meaning culture is characteristic group of people such as religion, language, social habits, music and another else. Environment in the work place, defines the boundaries of the different groups. This is because the work place have many different people culture. This is make organization operate efficiently only when shared values exist among the employees. The another employees can learn about new values on the culture both of them.Culture are elusive and hidden, so they are hard to diagnose, manage and change. Next, culture sustain people through periods of difficulty and ward off anxiety. Culture also provides and encourages stability. It is more employees share and accept the core values, the stronger the culture and the more influences it is behavior. Organization is a social structured people to manage on the

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