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COURSE DETAILS Course Code:MGTS 2606 | Course Name:Managerial Skills& Communication | Course Co-ordinator:Susan Arend | Assignment No:1Assignment Due Date:12/09/2011 |
STUDENT CONTACT DETAILS Student Number:42491318 | Student Name:Shufang Deng | | Email |
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Another reason for why non-verbal communication is superior for organizational communication is that people can transmit a message naturally and even do not need to speak out to make others understand the meaning unconsciously. Firstly, body language helps us conducting the discussion. It will not make sense until you response to other’s talking. When we agree with others, we will show our understanding through nodding our heads or raising our thumbs. Secondly, we sat very close to each other when we were discussing, like friends more than group mates that help us to establish the relationship more friendly and warmer. Orlova(2010) emphasised the reason of why the use of spaces is mainly significant when people have interaction in groups is because where group members sit relative to one another have an effect on the flow of the conversation.
Face-to-face communication contribute to the successfully communication as well. Rick et al. (2009) found that because face-to-face communication is produced in real time, speakers have direct feedback on how their message is being understood as it is being delivered. In our discussion group, our entire group members insist of having group meeting in campus everyday contributed to the success of the discussion most. Face-to-face communication is able to make sure that each of us merely focuses on our discussion in the particular time. Despite the fact that face to face communication
The management level of this company has lack communication with their employees. The company never empower their employees, which makes all the employees become lazy and more likely to listen the orders from the SMART group.
There are many ways to communicate other than straight forward talking which many people find more productive than having a verbal conversation. These include: -
Assessments should be typed, double spaced with a 3cm margins on both sides. All pages should be numbered.
To develop positive relationships effective communication is key. It should be demonstrated and modelled by yourself. When dealing or talking to or with other people you must take into consideration how you approach others and how you respond to the.
Face to face is also an easy form of communication because a lot of the times it is a conversation that has been struck up between two individuals as there are no other items needed such as a cell phone, computer, pencil, paper, T.V, and the radio. Also when you are face to face it is instant questions and answers rather than waiting on it from one of the other forms of communication. You also can pick up on people’s body language and tone in their voice to know and understand how important, serious, or relaxed one is
Effective communication is important within any relationship, whether personal or professional. It will also depend upon whom you are communicating with, a child, a young person or an adult.
Meeting in person allows you to show your true personality, emotions, and reactions. It helps you build a more meaningful connection with potential partners and clients, helps build credibility, and establishes trust and loyalty. Relationships can only grow through face-to-face interaction.A twenty five message email thread could be boiled down to a five minutes in-person meeting. Tasks are accomplished quicker and misinterpretation and misunderstanding are minimized. Face-to-face communication also boosts collaboration and creativity through the ability to share ideas more freely. It increases productivity. It allows you to read nonverbal cues. Communication is more than just words. Meeting in person helps you detect body language, feelings, tone, and reactions, which can often be misinterpreted through digital means.
Face-to-face discussions are the foundation of human communication; once established, it allows us to build trust, clearly articulate our ideas and minimize misunderstanding.
The interpretative view of organizational communication developed from a humanistic approach to organizational behavior. The approach views organizations as cultural centers that develop over time. Consequently, the cultural setting of an organization determines the relationship between the management and the employees as well as between the employees. The interpretive organizational communication approach centers on the nature of communication between human beings in their natural environments. Moreover, the approach seeks to establish communication between persons whose incentive to communicate develops from the desire to accomplish the goals that describe the organization.
Absolutely the most important thing for having a good discussion is organized learners, hence it seems as if eye contact is made with the speaker, what others say is clearly listened, and different variation of seating/standing can be used; learners being organized in discussion time. (Scrivener,
I’m pleased to inform you that our company would like to offer a wellness program to you and your spouse as a birthday gift. Our wellness program is all about investing in your health and helping you live a healthier lifestyle and make better choices. We believe that healthier the employee and his or her family happier he or she is and a happier employee can serve our customers better and help our company prosper.
The “real world” is coming soon. The moment we all wait for, the moment we are able to put on our graduation caps, and have the sense of relief. We’re done! But as the soon-to-be graduates are handed their diplomas, and we being the search, some of dread. A recurring theme in recent graduate job search is the lack of experience factor. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?" “What will set our resume apart from the rest?” Easy answer, internships. Many students focus on gaining experience with internships to add to the resume. Work experience makes you more marketable as a job candidate; it also gives you the opportunity to fully understand the field you have chosen. Then you can truly enter your field with your eyes wide open. Employers are not only looking for experience, but the right experience.
Nordstrom Inc., started as a small shoe store in Seattle, Washington in 1901. Since that time it has become one of the leading and successful shoe and apparel retailers in operation today. After reviewing different information regarding Nordstrom Inc. espoused values and enacted values, it is apparent that they are in alignment. Espoused values are the core values of the company. The history and organizational beliefs, developed into policy for the company. The goal of the espoused values is to create standard of behavior for the company. The enacted values are norms exhibited by employees (Answers, 2013). If the espoused and enacted values are misaligned problems could occur within the
For the greatest success of the business, employees need interpersonal communication to connect with their co-workers. A leadership expert, John C. Maxwell (2010) says: “Connecting goes beyond words.” (p. 41). Physically being in the same room, verbally speaking thoughts, engaging in eye contact, and being able to see nonverbal responses are all important and add to a person’s understanding of the message being communicated and feeling a connection. Overall, communicating face-to-face is more natural for employees. An employee knows who is hearing what they are saying and seeing their nonverbal gestures. The employee can either get immediate feedback whether or not the person understands or agrees or disagrees. The communication does not have to be formatted as it does on paper. An employee should still present themselves professionally, but communicating face-to-face is a process, instead of format.
In order to get all company representatives in line with a general topic, or topics to talk about when it comes time for the meeting I can use an oral, digital channel of communication. I can use this method because it is fast and efficient, in the sense that it allows for immediate feedback, it allows everyone who needs to be involved to be present, and can be confidential. The only drawbacks to this method is lack of nonverbal cues, and loss of interest/lack of attention. In this instance, I can also consider written, digital channels of communication. Depending on what kind of written, digital communication you use it can be instant or not. For instance, emailing is not instant, yet something like instant messaging or live messaging can be. This can also be a liable medium for communication because it can be fast, allow for all to participate, flexible with writing, allowing the link of important information, allow for diversity and privacy. Although it has many advantages it has many