
Organizational Learning Is Not Built On Firm Foundations

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Abstract As organizational learning takes a clear presence in today’s workplaces; I am analyzing various case studies to better understand the intentions and impact of such organizational changes. Who benefits from organizational learning? What impact does it have on the economy? Studies suggest the outcome of organizational learning is not guaranteed to result in a win-win situation for all parties and the outcomes differ from one organization to the next. Furthermore education is still designed to instill compliance. There is a danger society will continue to further segment into a class society if top CEO’s continue to heavily benefit from organizational initiatives. Such outcomes suggest organizational learning is not built on firm foundations. The Foundations of a Learning Organization On the job education has arguably become a prime aspect of most jobs. While it’s hard to ignore the presence of organizational learning; the concept has many pros and cons which coincide with organizational initiatives. The outcomes of such changes are not guaranteed to result in a win-win situation for all parties and differ from one organization to the next. Companies need to consider an employee’s education entering the workforce, the nature of the work being performed at the time and after the organizational changes, and the current economy. External factors such as global competition, continues to affect the decisions organizations make, and the learning that occurs

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