Introduction of Company 2
• Ghee Hoe – Vision & Mission 2
• Early day Organization Structure 2
• Decrease in Demand 3
• Re-Organization Structure of Ghee Hoe 3
Organization Structure 4
• Complexity 4
• Centralization 5
• Formalization 5
Measuring Ghee Hoe Organizational Effectiveness 6
• External Resource Approach 6
• Internal Resource Approach 6
• Technology Approach 7
Recommendation of Approaches to Improve Ghee Hoe 7
Conclusion 8 Annex 1 9
Annex 2 10
Reference 11
Introduction of Company
Ghee Hoe, is a trading company established in 1948. It’s started operation after World War 2, importing motorcycles from one
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This structure decided on how the roles, power, responsibilities of each and every individual are assigned to controlled and coordinated the flows of information between the different level in a management.
We used organizational chart to illustrates the organizational structure in showing the different levels of management.
The 3 core dimensions of an organization structure are – Complexity, Centralization and Formalization.
Gareth R (2010) define “Organizational complexity, the number of different function and divisions possessed by an organization, determining the level of differentiation,. “ in this organizational structure, differentiation is high. Basically there are 2 types of differentiation – Vertical and Horizontal also known as Tall & Flat Structure.
Vertical differentiation, the way an organization designs its hierarchy of authority and creates reporting relationships to connect organizational roles and subunits. Lower levels report to higher levels. In Ghee Hoe, Mechanic is to report to workshop foreman and foreman is to report to Manager and Manager is to report to Chief Director (the man who has the most power and authority).
Horizontal differentiation, the way an organization groups organizational tasks into roles, and roles into subunits, establishing the division of labor. In Ghee Hoe, the spare part and workshop function made up a spare part division provide services to customer who need services to
A Hierarchical structure is a term used to organise a business into different categories of employees that contain multiple types of groups, which would be typically in a chain of commands that is usually in a pyramid that contains a large number of employees, so the lower part of the pyramid having the responsibility of a small role, meanwhile the upper part of the pyramid consists of roles that carry a big responsibility. However, there is one rank that is one
Vertical integration – when you choose to produce raw materials and/or distribute finished goods themselves rather than rely on independent suppliers, factors and agents for these tasks
Having organizational structure also entails having what is called an organization chart. An organization chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. Sherill believes you need an organization chart so that you are aware of who to report to. Where Sherill is currently employed, has not had anything set up this way in a few years. People are not sure who they are to report to and often report to whoever they feel like. She has seen a few employees leave the company for other jobs because they felt that their job lacked structure and it was difficult for them to work in a place like that.
Horizontal refers to the idea of one firm joining with another at the same stage of the same production process. It also allows for greater market share; achieves economies of scale; and an opportunity to enter a different market segment. An example of this would be Ford’s takeover of Volvo - both being car manufacturers.
Every type of company or organization that exists operates with a certain organizational structure. However, the organizational structure is tailored to best meet the needs and services of the company. Organizational structures are used as a means of communicating how business will take place within an organization. The structure of an organization is important to the main areas that make an organization function effectively. Organization functions and designs determine the organizational structure. Memphis City Schools has a horizontal organizational structure. Although a horizontal structure exists as the overall structure at the executive level, a vertical structure is also in place at the management/staff level.
As we read Jack London’s The Call of The Wild and To Build A Fire, we interpreted that the books have a few comparisons, but differ at the same time. Both of the books are based on the Yukon during the gold rush, and they both persevere with the situations they are given. The second similarity between the two is that in both novels, they involve the sled dogs. In To Build A Fire, we saw that the man was on an adventure and he needed to build fires to survive, but he did not succeed. In The Call of The Wild, we got to see the growth in Buck as he eventually became a strong sled dog. The differences in these examples is that in The Call of The Wild, Buck has a good ending to life, but the man does not.
In modern society, people tend to enjoy terrifying and horrific films and novels because of the anticipation and thrill of the character’s fear, in which they are not aware of. One of these common and popular genres is known as Gothic Horror. Although this entertainment is common in our society today, in past time periods, it was written during a mass transition. The age’s in which there are religious, cultural, and technological advances and changes, is a particular time when novels in this genre come to light. People are typically not comfortable with change, which is why these transitional times can cause anxiety, in which causes novels in this genre to be written. The short story, The Judges House, written by Bram Stoker is properly categorized
As seen in the figure, functional structure comprising top level management is embedded in levels 1-3. The geographical divisions are embedded in level 4. Product divisions are embedded in levels 5-7 and the frontline teams, the teams at level 8.
This article was written by a group of physicians at the Indiana University School of Medicine, it emphasizes on some ethical factors that surround the current vaccine debate; thus, the impact that these may imply in vaccine policy and health care delivery. The authors begin by describing the different concepts that may influence an individual's behavior in relation to vaccinating or not; thus, the significance on how these attitudes may impact the vulnerable population, herd immunity, health care delivery, and policy making. Additionally, the authors present the idea of using a more effective form of communication that is guided by latest research, on how to approach anti-vaccine parents, with the goal of reshaping their views. Moreover,
Vertical integration is a business growth strategy for economics of scale. It is typified by one firm engaged in different parts of production example; growing raw materials, manufacturing, transporting, marketing, and/or retailing to expand business in existing market for the firm. It can function in two directions both forward integration and backward integration.
Effective organizational structures define how job tasks are subdivided, grouped, coordinated, and managed. Six key components of organizational structures include division of labor, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization, and formalization (Remme, Jones, Van der Heijden, & De Bono, 2008, p. 79). Each element influence how employees interact with each other to reach organizational goals. Different structures are common in similar organizations among high performing organizations (Reimann, 1974, p. 707). The most appropriate structure will depend on the unique needs and culture of the organization.
At each stage in the chain, the upper level had a number of subordinate, within their span of control. A tall hierarchical organization has many levels and a flat hierarchical organization will only have a few. The chain of command is a typical pyramid shape.
Just as the pin factory example showed, the one task of creating a pin was broken down into multiple roles/subunits (Horizontal Differentiation) and just as these tasks can be simplified and more efficient by dividing them into roles and subunits, they need to people coordinate them. These people can range from a simple manager of a subunit, all the way to the owner of the organization, creating an organizational hierarchy (Vertical Differentiation). When these processes and forms of coordination work together, this is what drives the building of the organization as a whole. The extent of which is determined by the organizations structure.
“Every structure should be built to support its work load” This statement supports the use of the organizational chart within the work place, can you begin to imagine the confusion that would exist without it? In a company organizing, is to arrange or to position resources strategically in order to achieve goals. It is imperative for a company to function efficiently, under the use of an organizational structure. An organizational structure provides balance in the work environment and monitors the workflow of all employees. It also provides growth in the organization, in terms of new employment and other major achievements. A company that exist without practicing organizational structure would cause a lot of confusion and chaos as it relates
Organizational structure is a system that consists of explicit and implicit institutional rules and policies designed to outline how various work roles and responsibilities are delegated, controlled and coordinated. Organizational structure also determines how information flows from level to level within the company (, 2017). If one level or department does not undertake its function accurately the entire business suffers, because all the departments interrelated to each other. There are generally four types of organizational structure: