
Organizational and Professional Development

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Organizational and Professional Development Introduction Social intelligence has been defined as the ability to understand and manage other people, and to engage in adaptive social interactions like making them to get along with you. Social intelligence entails a person's awareness to a situation and the social dynamics that accompany the situation and the knowledge of the strategies and interaction style, that, he/she can use to achieve the desired objective while dealing with others (Bob, 2008). Social intelligence has gained popularity because initially a person's potential in life was measured using a single number which is his/her IQ score but since the introduction and accreditation of social intelligence, a person's potential in life can now be viewed with a multidimensional approach and it is said that each of the given key approaches of social intelligence can continue to broaden with time given the appropriate challenges, experiences and growth opportunities (Goleman, 2006). Social intelligence uses a set of skills which enables people to interact successfully with them. These skills are linked to communication in various ways. The skills are; situational radar, presence, authenticity, clarity and empathy. Situational radar relies on one's ability to read situation, understands the social aspect that affects the behavior of another person within the organization's society, and through gaining that understanding, the individual can decide to choose the most

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