
Organized Crime And Criminal Behavior

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[Prior to taking this course I had a perspective of “organized crime” groups that did not view them in any other context other than a criminal enterprise for ethnic groups. However, after several weeks of reading and research there is much more to the organizations. There are many groups that make up our society, and are considered social institutions. Organized crime groups are just one more of those social institutions. In this paper we will review the term social institution as it applies to organized crime, and reveal the theories and models which help explain organized crime and criminal behavior. [The term social institution has many definitions, one definition is “Social Institutions are established sets of norms and subsystems that support each society’s survival” (Devore, 2016). In general, a social institution is a group of people that share similar ideas, characteristics, and behaviors they organize to achieve a desired result. There are mainly five types of social institutions, they are; political, educational, economic, religious, economic, and family (Ashbaugh, 2016). These groups can be represented by a formal group, such as, Democratic Party which share rules, ideals, and goals for a political system. Additionally, the groups could be a church group with similar beliefs, morals, and spiritual ideals. It would appear after review of these groups that they have in common a positive outcome for society, in contrast, organized crime seems to violate the nature

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