
Organized Mom

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Mom is the first one in the family to wake up and the last one to go to bed. Her hectic schedule - cooking food, packing their lunch, cleaning the house, laundry, etc. can make her irritable. An organized mom is the one behind a smooth and happy family. However, an unorganized ‘you’ will only result in stress.
So, here are six sure shot tips to be an organized mom:
Keep a master calendar
Have a master calendar hung on the wall. Mark the dates of important family events, extracurricular activities, school holidays, class tests and major events at school on it. You can refer this calendar later to plan the day’s schedule. It will also prevent you from missing out any important events.

Create a timetable for daily routine
The second most important …show more content…

Allot a day in the week to clean the study table, sort out toys and clothes. Reorganizing his room every week will help him in keeping the room neat and his things safe.

Use checklists
You can help your child to prepare different checklists. Checklists are the best way to keep track of his actions. He can have lists for his assignments, household chores, and also as reminders for school. Ask him to cross the tasks once accomplished.

Utilize Technology
Mom is always busy with some or the other work but in the case of working mothers, the burden just doubles ups. You have to manage your professional and personal life together. You can use the technology to ease up your work a bit. Use the contact lists to save important contacts and sort it into official and personal ones. Use the calendar to schedule important meetings and set reminders for the due dates of paying bills - electricity, school and tution fees, etc.

What the child is taught at the young age, his behaviours, habits will come along with him a long way. So, follow the above tips and help your child to grow as a responsible individual. Have any more valuable tips? Share them with us

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