Mom is the first one in the family to wake up and the last one to go to bed. Her hectic schedule - cooking food, packing their lunch, cleaning the house, laundry, etc. can make her irritable. An organized mom is the one behind a smooth and happy family. However, an unorganized ‘you’ will only result in stress.
So, here are six sure shot tips to be an organized mom:
Keep a master calendar
Have a master calendar hung on the wall. Mark the dates of important family events, extracurricular activities, school holidays, class tests and major events at school on it. You can refer this calendar later to plan the day’s schedule. It will also prevent you from missing out any important events.
Create a timetable for daily routine
The second most important
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Allot a day in the week to clean the study table, sort out toys and clothes. Reorganizing his room every week will help him in keeping the room neat and his things safe.
Use checklists
You can help your child to prepare different checklists. Checklists are the best way to keep track of his actions. He can have lists for his assignments, household chores, and also as reminders for school. Ask him to cross the tasks once accomplished.
Utilize Technology
Mom is always busy with some or the other work but in the case of working mothers, the burden just doubles ups. You have to manage your professional and personal life together. You can use the technology to ease up your work a bit. Use the contact lists to save important contacts and sort it into official and personal ones. Use the calendar to schedule important meetings and set reminders for the due dates of paying bills - electricity, school and tution fees, etc.
What the child is taught at the young age, his behaviours, habits will come along with him a long way. So, follow the above tips and help your child to grow as a responsible individual. Have any more valuable tips? Share them with us
We are all very busy with work and school so sometimes we forget what needs to be done in time, so the daily planner is a very useful tool that helps you remember important events. Every day I update something new on my planner that would keep me updated for the upcoming week or month. For example, when it comes to my studies I have a special section for it and I always put a writing “study an hour in am and pm for English” to look over the materials on the given chapter. It is a great way not to fall behind on your studies and you are much better prepared when it comes on taking the chapter exam. When it comes to work I put the days and hours that I work a head of time so I can be able to figure out the time I have left to spend with my family and time for studying. As I mention before, family time is very important to me so I mostly put on my planer simple family stuff such us having dinner in a certain time, days of going out, or doing different chores, enrolling my son into daily or weekly activities, shopping, or family trips.
Checklists are popular, especially where people are working with large groups of children. Many checklists are commercially produced, but it is also possible to design your own.
Putting it that I manage to organize my school day by taking up to 10 minutes in the morning, where I specify the tasks that need to be accomplished, the projects that need my attention, and the goals that I would like to achieve in this day. I thought this strategy was so effective I started to put it to use in other classes and my daily life. For example, in chemistry class my peers and I have a summative due on January 19th, so to make sure I don't forget I created a list of due dates on phone a set of reminders telling me what I need to do to get a certain assignment
# 5 tip is to encourage the child self- care such as teaching the child to care for themselves and have fun.
Children do not come with guidelines or instructions. What they do come with is a crucial set of physical and emotional needs that need to be met. To raise children properly, parents duties are not limited to just food, shelter and protection. Parents are largely responsible for their children’s success in life. Parents are required to teach and educate children. They have to shape knowledge and character into their children to prepare them to face the real world. To be successful with this, parents must provide self esteem needs, teach moral and values and provide discipline that is both effective and appropriate. As the generations have changed, many parenting styles have evolved, as well.
Exactly when the photo of a propelled mother rings a ringer, of what do you think? A woman wearing a suit? Hustling to practice? Cooking dinner while on the phone? Some individual who has everything in flawless request? Have you anytime pondered the impact that most of this has on the mother? As you can imagine, the level of stress of the present mother is basically extended. In view of her hoisted level of obligations, the she is dependable to more people. Her children appreciate her and her associates depend on upon her. There are dependably commitments being foreseen from women both at home and at work. Clearly, the blend of "work and family push, extend… overseeing part blend stress would require overseeing part stress(ors) of both
Right from birth children develop their behaviour and social skills from what they experience at home. This experience should be caring, loving and supportive, it should provide children with the opportunity to develop and interact as much as possible. Children need to be exposed to as many experiences as feasible, so that not only can they learn and develop, but they can have their main carers/parents support. This will allow a child to learn to deal with different situations.
I can hear some moms already groaning. Time is a scarce resource for many moms. In the course of any given day, I keep wishing for more hours. However, every one of us has been given the same number of hours. It’s up to you to organize and prioritize your activities for maximum success.
Honestly, I am a person that is not so organized. I am not so organized because in my opinion organize is related with plan. I think if someone has a plane it they can be fail. Lis is not always like we expected. sometimes we must choose anothet way to live in this word.
The first step to prevent an immense amount of stress caused by school work is to purchase a planner of some sort. Throughout my freshman and sophomore year, I neglected to purchase one and consequently forgot a majority of my homework on a daily basis. Near the end of the school year, I was fed up with running back to the school to pick up one simple sheet of paper or a heavy textbook. I bought my planner on Amazon, but many girls tend to purchase them from Lilly Pulitzer. If you find yourself strapped for cash however, most high schools (including Henry Clay) provide them for free or an extremely low price depending on whom you speak with. Planners allow you to make a note of upcoming tests, projects, and homework on a daily basis. By having a constant reminder of your daily tasks, it becomes nearly impossible to forget. It also allows you to be more likely to study for a test because it will constantly be shoved in your face.
Any neat person knows that the easiest way to stay strategized in your life is a calendar.
I believe that next thing any parent must not forget about is trust. Being consistent with your child is of paramount importance because that's how trust is supported. Being consistent is not changing the rules half way through the game. Being consistent is not promising rewards that kids will never see. Being consistent is not threatening punishment without carrying it through. From the very first day on Earth children put trust in their parents and it must not be betrayed because once it is, once children find out they have been lied to, you will have to literally put yourself out to win it back.
Being a working mother is time consuming. Balancing work and home, making sure the kids have everything they need, and keeping the house together are just a few tasks they accomplish. While being a working mother is time consuming there are major pros to this lifestyle. Having more income and their children being more independent are just two perks that come with being a working mother.
I think it is a good principle some of it. Let your child live like a child, let them eat pizza play games, see television and what ells. But it can be too much. A child need also to be active, they need motion. Motion is good for your child’s body, and it make the brain stay in focus. It is an important thing to stay motivated for the child and the parents. If the child I motivated for something it could be the school, then the child will make good results. But a child needs space and time to learn. It can take days, weeks and maybe years to learn. As a parent is the most important thing in life, to know your child will make it good in the future. And then you must let your child come to you. They always know mom and dad knows best. This is just one way to look at a child raise. It is different form parents to parents how they see the way to raise their child best. But the thing every parent has
Even though you’re up and down all day you never get a break in your day full of work and family. But being a mother is amazing because it gives you the ability to multitask. “I think if you love what you do, and the choice you’ve made in your life, somehow that drives you forward to enjoy it all. Even the chaos, even the exhaustion from it, and even when it seems out of balance.”-Angelina Jolie