
Original Sin Theory Essay

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Autobiographical Psychosocial History Weston Carpenter Mrs. Owen 5/1/17 Child Development Growing up mischievous kids are very common to say the least. No one taught them to be like this it was as if it was just in their nature. Its been discovered that there are 3 philosophical views on child development. They are Original Sin, Tubula Rasa, and Innate goodness. The original sin theory states that all children are born with the desire to sin due to Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden. So this is saying that since our ancestors sinned its just in our nature to sin. Innate Goodness states that every human being is born being naturally good and they seek to find experiences which can help them grow or prosper. This theory really disagrees …show more content…

The theory I most agree with is the original sin, which states that all children are born with the desire to sin. My reason for this is not only because of my religious views which plays a huge part in my beliefs, but because of things I’ve witnessed in my life. After studying the original sin it truly made sense to me why kids are taught to do good things, but they do bad things such as steal or cry for attention on their own because it is just in their nature. Theories of personality Growing up my whole life people have bragged on my personality. I have always thought of myself as a likeable guy, but as we learned in class there isn’t anybody that is liked by everyone. While I have a good sense of humor and personality I have grown to know people with dry personality’s that were more laid back and not as friendly. When I think of someone the first thing that comes to my mind is his or her personality. All a person’s personality really is is what makes a person who they are. A person’s personality is what sets them apart from others and makes them

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