
Originality In 'The Great Automatic Grammatizator'

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Throughout all the stories in “The Umbrella Man and Other Stories” by Roald Dahl many different themes are brought up, and touched on in each of the stories. The specific theme I will be discussing is the theme of originality in “The Great Automatic Grammatizator”. In this short story a young man by the name of Knipe, whose dream is to become a successful author, is able to create a machine that can create any type of story by the press a few buttons. Knipe and his boss are quickly on their ways to becoming very successful authors, even though they are very successful mechanics who have already invented a machine that can solve any mathematical problem.
Soon Mr.Bohlen, Knipe’s employer, becomes blinded by the amount of money he starts to …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury also uses the theme of originality, but in a much different way. In the novel the theme is about how originality of ideas is dangerous. Firemen in Fahrenheit 451 no longer have the job of battling and subduing flames, but are used for a much different job, that being to burn books that are deemed ‘too dangerous’ or books that have ideas different than that of modern society. The reason these books are burned are to “Keep the people happy”, but moreover the books are also burned to stop the spread of original ideas that differ from that of the government's. In the novel the firemen also believe that because books have so many contradicting statements, and ideas, most of which are original, will cause confusion on a mass scale. Or in more extreme cases perhaps a revolt could happen with too many different ideas within the populus, and in populus who has been ‘blinded’ by the removal of

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