
Origins How Life Began Analysis

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Today on the planet of Earth, there are a vast variety of organisms ranging from large mammals to minuscule bacterial cells. Every species here resides on a sustainable planet with a stable atmosphere, temperature, pressure, and much more. Nevertheless, these sundry organisms could simply not appear without an explanation; prominent events must have altered our planet to producing the first forms before the process of evolution occurred. However, what did commence life? Humans are currently speculating about various, abstract concepts for this controversy. Based on NOVA’s documentary centered around the origins of organisms called Origins: How Life Began, it reveals several ideas which revolutionized this planet billions of years ago. About four point five billion years ago, Earth was a chaotic, fiery planet; meteoroids and comets sent a volley of strikes on Earth. The planet’s atmosphere consisted of toxic substances, and the skies were severely hazy with the sun unable to penetrate the surface of Earth. This period was the “Heavy Bombardment”. Life was unable to secure a presence on Earth with all the discrepancies which essentially prevented growth and evolution. Nonetheless, considering the key components from the documentary, the organisms on Earth began with bacteria when asteroids crashed on this planet. Near the conclusion of the “Heavy …show more content…

From my perspective, I would surmise that organisms arose from the assistance of foreign objects. Without asteroids striking the Earth billions of years ago, biomolecules and the elements of life would cease to exist on this diverse planet. In turn, the numerous species of organisms would have never evolved. Based on the video, Origins: How Life Began, I can produce a respectable possibility to this vital issue. A subject which attempts to reveal the truth for Earth, evolution, and

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