
Orlando Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Orlando, a fourteen years old boy, behaves opposite to what he used to be in his childhood. Changes that according to his school counselor have been happening gradually over the years. Orlando describes all the steps of how to cut class and not get caught. David Elkind described this behavior as Personal Fable. This concept is part of the egocentrism of the adolescent where he believes to be invulnerable and his experiences are unique. According to his counselor, Orlando has streets manners and acts to show the world his big man. This Orlando's behavior is a characteristic of the adolescent thinking called imaginative audience. The adolescent believes to be the focus of people's attention. Orlando's mother believes he is following his father's ways, differently from Orlando's thinking. Although Orlando has similar behavior to his father, Orlando cannot realize it. He believes to be able to teach his father how to behave. Orlando is dealing with a myriad of …show more content…

Besides, he felt uncomfortable knowing that he would have been able to graduate if he had made the right choice. Orlando seems confused about himself. He presents low self-esteem characteristics: (1) feeling bad about himself - without behavioral compliance; (2) performing poor academically; (3) cutting class; and (4) using alcohol and drugs at an early age. Video 4 – Parenting Middle School Confessions In that Video, the girls are around twelve and thirteen years old. They are engaging sexually and have boyfriends. Amanda presents the following beliefs: (1) she is more engage sexually than she would; (2) she takes advantages of the guys; (3) she receives more attention from her boyfriend after doing what he wants; (4)she does not like to be touched because she is more conscious, and this made her self-esteem goes down; (5) she believes that today sex is introduced to people at a much younger age than it was

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