A beneficial science course that I took before this semester was Ornithology. The professor, Dr. Leon Jernigan was an awesome instructor, very helpful and knowledgeable. Dr. Leon Jernigan focused on teaching us the major groupings of birds, basics of flights, adaptions, and their nesting behaviors. He presented the material with PowerPoints, handouts and videos. The instructor taught the lab with many hands-on activities including fieldtrips, dissections, bird watching, and birding identification. The Biology Department did not require any prerequisite classes for Ornithology and it was an elective for Biology major. I thought the class was fun with the many hands on activates including field trips to Fort Bragg. Skills I obtained from taking Ornithology include being able to recognize and identify birds from their calls, …show more content…
For example, Botany and Ornithology was taught with awesome professors that did anything to help their students succeed. Likewise, Botany and Ornithology both taught us how all organisms are made up of the basic unit of life; cells. Also, the professors of Botany and Ornithology taught lecture mainly with PowerPoints while lab included more hands-on activities. However, that’s where the similarities between the classes end. Ornithology is the study of birds. Uniquely, the professor taught lab with many field trips to different locations for birding. Not to mention, The Biology Department did not require prerequisite courses for Ornithology. Lastly, I used Ornithology as an elective. Botany, however, required General Biology as a prerequisite class. Also, the professor did not include any outside field trips for Botany. Additionally, Botany is the study of plants. Also, Haleigh needed Botany for her major as General Biology. All though our courses are different they were beneficial to our growing development of becoming
Interactive programs where students can complete a scavenger hunt throughout the zoo learning the facts about the different animals, a live lesson with a few educational animals like birds, snakes, and owls. Role play theater where students will be asked to act like concern animals.
Veterinary technology students have the open option to take field classes while taking their required classes while they are students here. A field class gives students the option to go out into the “real world” and be able to work alongside veterinarians, and licensed veterinary technicians. This gives the student a chance to experience if they really want to go into the field that they are looking at. Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture veterinary technology systems already offers a few different kinds of field classes, those including Emergency rotation, Equine surgery and anesthesia, calving rotation, the world of work, making a difference, and their internships per the Spring 2017 schedule of classes. All of these classes require some kind of pre-requisite classes with a 70% or above, and provides the student with the choice of where they would like to go and complete the course. These courses have the following range of requirements from working 40-80 hours, doing progress sheets during the time of the class, getting rated by the manager you are working for, and writing a final paper over what you learned and experienced during the class. Yet, the college does not offer an Exotic field class for students who would like to go into that field of work.
I believe that even though students have the same opportunities and environment in the same exact classroom, they are all still not receiving the same education. This all depends on their mental capacities, the amount of attention they give, and if they understand the assignments and lectures. Everyone can have different experiences and take in different information even though being in the same
At Heritage High School i will take Agriscience my freshman year. Heritage High School offers a lot of good agricultural classes. I will have to opportunity to take agriscience my freshman year that will help me out later on in life if i decide to become a veterinarian for large animals. In high school it will allow me to sample the agriculture department. Course one is Agriscience, Course two is small animal science, Course three is large animal science, Course four is veterinary science. Agriscience is what i will be taking my freshman year. Agriscience is not a year long class. It will only
I do not have any experience in health care or veterinary medicine. A hobby that I feel like helped me gain skills that could easily transfer over to helping animals would have to be helping out at my local elementary school with the young children. Children and animals are alike in that they make noise when they want something, love attention, and enjoy being praised when they have done something good. They are different in the fact that children can verbalize with words what they want while animals can only make sounds to try and show you what they want. I have personally first hand seen how much joy and happiness animals can bring to society as the local elementary school has had dogs come in and listen to the students read to them causing the students to not feel any pressure or worry. I heard about Black Hawk College’s Veterinary Sciences program through Black Hawk’s website and word of mouth. Just knowing the basics about taking care of animals and children can really help me succeed. By completing this course, I hope to gain a deeper insight into Veterinary Medicine and helping animals thrive as best as I
are basically two sides of the very same coin. The classes and textbook aid you construct a strong
Biology is used in all veterinary careers and most colleges like when you had taken a biology class in high school.(Careers in Focus 84). One can not just become a equine veterinarian with a high school diploma, they “must earn a doctor of veterinary medicine degree and pass the north american veterinary licensing exam”, you are also required to take a test given by the state needed to become a equine veterinarian. (What Does an Equine Vet Do. 1). Some universities that offer this career course are Cornell University, Texas A&M, Ohio State University, and many more. While in college you should be taking “ courses in animal science, chemistry, biology, genetics, physics, physiology, and mathematics” (Degrees & Majors. 1). These classes will help you in one’s equine veterinarian career. After you graduate college it is optional for one to take a 1 year
In high school, I always looked forward to science class—Biology and Anatomy and Physiology the most. Life, creatures, and the science behind it fascinated me (and still does to this day). I was with classmates that did not have the greatest interests in science like I did, but it made me more motivated.
The most common quality that some classes share is that they are easy. The easiest class of all would be Combination Rackets. All that is required is to show up and participate. It’s hard to not get an A unless attendance is an issue. Another really easy class is Photoshop. There is never any homework and the majority of the graded work is the tests that are given every once in a while.
I also took the liberty of interviewing Chris King who went to Idaho State University to become a wildlife biologist. Even though this is not his career now, he gave me insight on the college requirements and how tedious the courses were. King said, “The classes themselves were pretty tough, but the labs made it worth it. Depending on the professor, your class could be fairly easy, or it could be self taught and extremely difficult.” The interview with King opened my eyes to the challenges that lay ahead.
The most important one to take is animal science because when working with wildlife knowing about the animals is very important. Physical education is also a great class to take, a few others would be computer applications, criminology, natural resources management, and psychology. Any class that has something to do with nature of animals would be a great class to take. In any of the jobs at the game and fish department, there will be a lot of working conditions that you have to adapt to.
One class was forensic science; it mainly covered pattern evidence, controlled substances, forensic instrumental, analysis, trace evidence, law/science interface, ethics and quality assurance. Giving me the skills to be prepared for the future successes in either a laboratory or courtroom. Most memorable unit in the class would be learning the process of decomposition and rigor mortis of a human or animal body moments after death. After the course ended I figured soon I’d need to learn more about the human body, so senior year I took a fifth science on anatomy and physiology. Didn’t think the subject would be difficult, but so far memorizing the different cavities, muscles, and many other parts has kept me studying
Wildlife biologists need many years of schooling and hands on experience to become experts at their jobs. Altogether with bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees, it is close to 12-14 years. Each university is different in how many credit hours are needed. The areas are general biology, ecology, genetics, cellular biology, evolution, wildlife management, and fisheries management (Everyday Life). Deciding on a school is based on what area I want to work in. If I want to be a marine biologist, schools on the coasts of oceans are the best for me to go to. To become a wildlife biologist, colleges with programs that focus on land mammals are the best option. One college that is very popular for this study is Texas A and M University. Texas A and M University is constantly ranked among
Not every teacher teaching the same subject is going to emphasize the same area of that subject because each teacher has a different
In order for a student to become an ornithologist, it is an obvious statement that you must have a great passion for birds or else this