
Orthodontics Research Paper

Decent Essays

Looking for orthodontics that offer an innovative approach to straightening your smile that will speed up the process? Orthodontic acceleration has become a fascinating development for the field of orthodontics because it allows patients to straighten their teeth faster than ever before. If you had crooked teeth in the past, it could take years before braces would change your tooth structure.

Progression of Technology

However, advances in technology have changed the pace of the realignment process to lead to greater efficiency than ever before. Meanwhile, patients will love the benefits of a picture-perfect smile. How does technology work? Propel examines the entire mouth of patients, and when looking for a treatment plan, it stimulates the bone structure that surrounds the teeth. Adopting this approach, the orthodontist will ensure the teeth have been positioned correctly, and he or she will …show more content…

The process does not require invasive surgery, so that means that you will experience no recovery time or discomfort.

Is Propel Right for You?

This treatment plan becomes a perfect option for about 80 percent of patients who want faster benefits with braces. You can also use this system in conjunction with TADs, clear braces or your conventional metal braces. As an adult, you have a full list of other obligations that probably do not include spending months or years on braces. With this approach, you can speed up the process by up to 50 percent faster.

The Procedure

Orthodontists call the procedure Alveocentesis, and the process involves the depth dial of the device and adjusting it to stimulate the bone in a micro-invasive manner. During the process, the tissue will be kept taught, and there is an LED stop indicator light that will allow for deeper illumination when necessary. What does this mean? Your orthodontist will give you results with greater accuracy and speed. Why should you consider this method over

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