
Osama Bin Laden Research Paper

Decent Essays

On May 1st one of the Greatest Military operation had taken place. Osama Bin Laden had been killed. The C.I.A had been tracking a man in Abbottabad, Pakistan. They referred to him as the pacer because he would only walk around within the walls of his house and then disappear back into his house. They used his shadow to find his height and it matched the same as bin laden. A C.I.A agent had originally want to drop 32 2,000lb on the compound. But President wanted confirmation that they really did kill Bin Laden and wanted to minimize collateral damage. Prior to this Seal Team Six had been training in a replica home of bin laden. They trained with the Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne). Or also known as the Nightstalkers. …show more content…

The original plan was to take to helicopter and take group 1 onto the roof and Team 2 on the ground. The didn't go so well when one of the Modified black hawk helicopter had started to lose altitude because of the 10 ft wall. The helicopter crashed inside the compound. Then instead the other helicopter landed outside of the wall to drop of the seal. The team at first had no idea what happened and when the were gonna blow a hole into the wall to get inside tone of their teammates had opened the front gate for them. When inside of the compound they were engaged by men who came from the compound and were quickly neutralized. A team had gone inside while the other team had stayed outside for security. When securing the house they encountered children which were believed to have suicide vest were shot in the leg and were moved out of the way. Once they reached the 2nd floor of the 3 story house they encountered bin laden's son who had a weapon and was shot and killed. When they proceed to the final floor 2 women came out of the room and were tackled by the point man because he believed they carried suicide vest and wanted to absorb the blast in order to save his teammates they weren't carrying suicide

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