
Oscar Show Research Paper

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Imagine four cute, cuddly, crime fighting penguins going on various adventures and completing missions in order to protect their beloved home. They narrowly escape death and act as if they are immortal. This is reality on the Penguins of Madagascar show, but not all penguins can be like these special four, moreover be immortal. Penguins have different lifespans, and do not stay alive forever. Throughout their lives, they give birth, but also see some of their closest friends pass away. For example, the Falkland Islands started with 1000 penguins, but with the births and deaths each year, the population is becoming hard to keep track of. This is where math comes in handy. A formula can be used to calculate the population each year. If each couple has a chick every spring, and the penguins only die due to natural causes, a formula to keep track of the population is 1000 multiplied by the quantity of 1.2 raised to the power x. …show more content…

If each of the 1000 penguins mate, 500 chicks will be born. Adding 1000 and 500 will get 1500, the total number of penguins after birth. It is known that 0.2 of the penguins die, or 0.8 of them stay alive. If 0.8 is multiplied by 1500, the total is 1200. This represents the penguin population for the first year after the births and deaths are accounted for. Going through one more year can make the formula clearer. The next year starts with a population of 1200. After mating, 600 chicks are born. Adding 1200 and 600 will get 1800. Multiplying this by 0.8 will get 1440 penguins, the population for the second year. Taking a closer look, one can see that 1440 is 1200 multiplied by 1.2, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2. Cleaning this up, one can conclude that 1440 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2 squared, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by

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