Imagine four cute, cuddly, crime fighting penguins going on various adventures and completing missions in order to protect their beloved home. They narrowly escape death and act as if they are immortal. This is reality on the Penguins of Madagascar show, but not all penguins can be like these special four, moreover be immortal. Penguins have different lifespans, and do not stay alive forever. Throughout their lives, they give birth, but also see some of their closest friends pass away. For example, the Falkland Islands started with 1000 penguins, but with the births and deaths each year, the population is becoming hard to keep track of. This is where math comes in handy. A formula can be used to calculate the population each year. If each couple has a chick every spring, and the penguins only die due to natural causes, a formula to keep track of the population is 1000 multiplied by the quantity of 1.2 raised to the power x. …show more content…
If each of the 1000 penguins mate, 500 chicks will be born. Adding 1000 and 500 will get 1500, the total number of penguins after birth. It is known that 0.2 of the penguins die, or 0.8 of them stay alive. If 0.8 is multiplied by 1500, the total is 1200. This represents the penguin population for the first year after the births and deaths are accounted for. Going through one more year can make the formula clearer. The next year starts with a population of 1200. After mating, 600 chicks are born. Adding 1200 and 600 will get 1800. Multiplying this by 0.8 will get 1440 penguins, the population for the second year. Taking a closer look, one can see that 1440 is 1200 multiplied by 1.2, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2. Cleaning this up, one can conclude that 1440 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2 squared, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by
1. Why do you think so many people are diagnosed with mental illness in the criminal justice system? Why do you think so many offenders in the criminal justice system suffer from mental illness?
Born in New York City on September 28, 1901 Ed Sullivan became the host of the well-liked and popular long-running TV variety show “The Ed Sullivan Show”. The show was at the peak of popularity in the 50s and 60s. There were a great many popular entertainers who appeared on the show like The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Rudolf Nureyev, Jerry Lewis and Bob Hope.
Although Will is most commonly associated with Saturday Night Live, he did not start there. In fact his first taste of the television world was when he began working as an intern for NBC. He soon realized comedy was his calling when he noticed he drew laughter from large crowds when he would joke. He moved back in with his parents and began taking classes and eventually earned parts in the Reginal Theater. Soon Will had earned a regular spot on an improve troupe known as The Groundlings. After a while Will was earning guest spots on sitcoms like Living Single and Grace under Fire. It was not long before Will had captured the attention of Saturday Night Live founder and producer, Lorne Michaels (Editors 2)
The novel The Brief Wondrous life of Oscar Wao is a fictional story that captures the imagination of the reader through fantasy scenes in the narration. Notably, the book talks about the life of Oscar Wao, who wants to experience love, but his personality puts off the women that he approaches. In addition, the author has managed to construct the story by encompassing various aspects of the main character’s life. Importantly, the political environment is set in the Dominican Republic that is under the rule of an iron-fisted dictator Rafael Trujillo in the 1930s (Díaz 32). As such, the citizens live in terror and are unable to express their feelings freely. Insightfully, the writer alternates the plot between New York and Dominica
Normally, when most people think about the 1970s (Avoid broad statements like this…), one of the first things that comes to mind is music. So much music came out in that decade, and the majority of it was influential on the time period (What do you mean by this statement? How was it influential? Again, avoid big,broad statements like this). One of these styles of music, disco is one of the most well known and thought-of during the time.
On page 151 of Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woa, Oscar is portrayed as “You really want to know what being an X-Man feels like? Just be a smart bookish boy of color in a contemporary U.S. ghetto. Mamma Mia! Like having bat wings or a pair of tentacles growing out of your chest” (Diaz 151). Diaz evokes real world problems by creating characters that are very relatable. Through this statement, Diaz creates in his characterization an American Latino, attempting to find himself and where he belongs in society.
The 41st Daytime Emmy Awards experienced a major revamp following a disappointing decline in its core viewership. A once popular televised award show, The Day-Time Emmy Awards is a four-decade award ceremony recognizing "outstanding achievement in all fields of daytime television”(Fairman). Despite its storied past, the 2014 ceremony faced an imminent threat—cancelation—due to the failure to secure a major network to partner up with. The National Academy of Arts and Sciences brought MWW agency in an effort to leverage new audiences—millennials— and to enhance interactivity through the use of new channels, including social media. Earlier measures
The first four paragraphs all serve as foreshadowing. The story starts in the present. The girl is a teacher at a school that is getting a new headmaster. As the other teachers are intrigued by him, she seemed unsettled at his arrival. Others even make a comment that she is in a bad mood. As readers, we can tell that the girl is not found of the new headmaster and we do not understand why, yet. It is not clear that they once knew each other, but it is obvious that this is foreshadowing the reason behind the girl’s uneasiness. The title also foreshadowed that the man had sexually abused her. I was surprised, however, that it was actually in past and not something that happened in the present.
The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert is one of the best shows on television due to the host’s satirical and less-conservative nature, his witty comedic sketches often critiquing various political or presidential candidates and his funny jokes and informative interviews of guests to the
Scientists have observed these penguins for years and noticed that they rotate in the huddle and
Have you ever wondered about MTV and how it became as big as it is today? The reason for this is that it has been around a while and your parents may have even watched it when they were younger. So, they have a little experience in how to draw young teens to watch their programs. MTV got its big start and revolutionized television as modern viewers know it today.
Ever had a carpool to work or school? But you’ve probably never had a “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden and some amazing stars riding shot gun.
When it comes to the Oscars, one of the key points of discussion the next day, besides the winners and losers, is how the host did. There are very few awards shows as prestigious as the Oscars, thus the role of Oscar Host is a very big deal. The Oscars has relied on a host since its very first ceremony in 1929, when the duo of William C. DeMille and Douglas Fairbanks where brought in to serve as the very first hosts. The most used, and highly regarded host, was Bob Hope, who first served as host in 1940. The comedian would go on to host the ceremony for a record 18 more times, his last being 1978. Other notable Oscar hosts include fan favorite Billy Crystal, who served as host 9 times and Tonight Show Legend Johnny Carson, who served 5 times
On June 11, 2002, the world watched as a new leader in the genre of reality TV was born. American Idol was something fresh and exciting, the opportunity of a lifetime for many. On American Idol, contestants from all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds auditioned for a chance to “Go to Hollywood!” This audition would not be a small feat though; they were up against serious talent from across the country and around the world and critiqued by music industry savvy, seriously sarcastic judges like Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey.
A swath of videos titled “Why Action Movies Suck” have been buzzing around the internet for the past few years. They have discussed surface details of some of the practical and obvious reasons why so many big time action movies released over the past few years have been such a massive disappointment.