What is a hero? In my opinion, a hero can be a number of things. A person you look up to, or even an ordinary person who does something out of the ordinary. Oskar Schindler was a man of flaws like the rest of us, but also a man of courage, strength, and sacrifice. Schindler spared his own life to save thousands of strangers. People that he had never met or known. Would you risk everything to save a complete stranger? This is a question I would like you to consider while reading this. During the holocaust, Jewish people were punished severely for practicing the Jewish religion. Many were sent to execution camps and stripped of their freedoms and entitlements. This evilness fed off of the people susceptible to the atrocities, people who did not stand up for other people’s lives. Many succumbed to, “Hitler’s Final Solution,” where he planned to kill all 9.5 million jews living in Europe. Oskar Schindler, however, did not. Schindler was one of the greatest heroes, if not the greatest hero of the holocaust. While many joined the Nazi party in fear, Oskar Schindler had an entirely different purpose. Schindler joined the Nazi party with hopes that he would be favored in the eyes of the gestapo officers in order to gain their trust. He was recruited to the German …show more content…
Although he was married, he always carried had a mistress at his side, and often would leave his wife o retreats with the mistress. Sadly, Schindler was an alcoholic and became very involved in the blackmarket/gambling. This may lead many to think, how can this man be considered a hero? Despite his alcoholism and greed, the hardships of the Jews inspired him to become a much better man. His experience with business made him a professional at bringing and bartering with officers was key in order to save the lives of many Jews. Although he had done very unmoralized things in the past, his acts of selflessness make up for his
Oskar Schindler was a German businessman who became an unlikely hero when he saved thousands of Jews in Czechoslovakia. He employed Jewish men and women to
Oskar Schindler rescued Jews from being deported to concentration camps by getting them to work for him. He treated them all very well and they were all exempt from Auschwitz. He got arrested on charges of irregularities and favoring Jews. He set up factories in Krakow, home of about 60,000 Jews. The factories primarily had Jewish workers. He got permission to keep his factories if he moved them to Brunnlitz. There were 700 men and 300 women deported to Auschwitz, when Schindler found out he got them released and sent to work for him. Oskar and his wife Emily both helped rescue Jews. Emily stopped a cattle car with 120 Jewish men in it and she convinced the SS officer that the men were needed for work. As a result the men were sent back to work for Oskar and Emily. Together they rescued over 1,000 Jews.
Throughout the movie Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler, a German, ends up saving a group of Jewish instead of trying to kill them. There is a large change in how the character feels, from the beginning of the movie not really caring about the Jewish people, to the end of the movie where he ends up saving a large group of Jewish people from extermination. We can see this character change throughout the movie, but what is the real reason he saved the Jewish people? Schindler saved the group of Jewish people because his character slowly changed to one that cared about the lives of all people, to the point where he rescued a group of Jewish people because it was the right thing to do.
Oskar Schindler was a true hero during World War II. He risked life and limb for people he did not even meet before. He saved his accountant Itzhak Stern from death and Itzhak helped change his views and help save the Jews. Oskar Schindler saved over a thousand Jews from subsequently being sent to the gas chambers and he gave them food and work. Not a single S.S. officer got suspicious because they knew that the Jews would be working for a German cause, but on the contrary, they did not know that they were being treated affectionately and compassionately. Overall we believe that Oskar Schindler was a source of optimism and expectancy for the Jewish people. Oskar Schindler was the Moses of
And when World War II ended and the camps started getting liberated, he let all his workers free. One final reason why Oskar Schindler made a huge impact on the war was that he saved many Jews from certain death. Schindler and his wife Emilie made sure the Jews that worked in his factories were in decent health. They both managed to get medical supplies and food for the Jews. It was very risky for both of them to do this, since they could’ve been killed if they had been caught and charged.
Oskar Schindler’s identity drastically changes from the beginning to the end of the movie. At first, Schindler was a greedy, selfish, and rich man, who was a member of the Nazi party and profited from the war. He also was a womanizer who constantly cheated on his wife. He only cared about making money and he only hired Jewish workers because they were cheaper. He saved his workers initially because he did not want to pay to train other workers and protected them since he believed that their welfare impacted his business. He saw Jewish people differently than other Germans, he saw them as workers, and he inadvertently developed a reputation for kindness. He did not do this at first to be a
helped so many Jewish people. Schindler definitely was not a man of many morals, but his
He saved over one thousand Jewish people from going to labor or death camps. He risked his life for people he has never even met. Schindler received word that a train of evacuated Jews from Golezow camp was stranded in the nearby city of Svitavy. As he has done twice before, Schindler pulled some strings at the top and got permission from German officials to take his workers to the nearby station to rescue the stranded. Once at the station, they forced the doors open to the rail car and saved about one hundred half frozen Jews and did their best to nurse the ill back to health, and those who did not survive received a proper Jewish burial.
Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money could buy. He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party, who outwitted Hitler and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly events of World War॥. With the help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition and enamelware factories, spending millions bribing the SS, and eventually risking his life to rescue the Schindler-Jews (“The Oscar Schindler Story”)
He acquired property, jewellery and money and in many accounts given, gentiles who helped affluent Jews became wealthy and that was perhaps a major driving force. In 1983 when Schindler was asked about his reasons for saving Jews he said: “I hated the brutality, the sadism, and the insanity of Nazism. I just couldn’t stand by and see people destroyed. I did what I could,what I had to do, what my conscience told me I must do. That’s all there is to it.
First of all, Oskar Schindler was a part of the Nazi party although he didn’t agree with some of the things that they were implementing. According to, Crowe (2004) “Schindler was a well-respected man looked upon the Nazi
According to Joseph Campbell the definition of a hero is “an ordinary human who does the best of things in the worst of times”. I believe that Oskar Schindler is a hero because he did the best things for many people, in their worst of times. Three great qualities that make up a hero are, loyalty, courage, and compassion. When Oskar Schindler hired Jews to work in his factory he took a huge risk. Throughout the time he employed the Jews he showed all of these amazing qualities as he helped some Jews in Poland survive the Holocaust.
Schindler's List is one of the most powerful movies of all time. It presents the indelible true story of enigmatic German businessman Oskar Schindler who becomes an unlikely saviour of more than 1100 Jews amid the barbaric Nazi reign. A German Catholic war profiteer, Schindler moved to Krakow in 1939 when Germany overran Poland. There he opens an enamelware factory that, on the advice of his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern, was staffed by Jews from the nearby forced labour camp at Plaszow. Schindler's factory prospered though his contacts with the Nazi war machine and its local representatives, as well as his deft skill on the black market. Then, somewhere along the way, Schindler's devotion to self-interest was
[War] brings out the worst in people. Never the good, always the bad. Even in the midst the devastation of a national genocide, where one race turned against another in hate, good people existed and worked to counteract the hate through love and compassion. Oskar Schindler was one of these people. World War II provided him the means to become a very wealthy and powerful man, yet he did not exploit the Jews like many other businessmen during his time. He used his money and power to save thousands. Much can be learned from what happened during the holocaust and what Schindler did to save thousands of Jews.
The movie “Schindler’s List” by Steven Spielberg portrayed many antagonists and protagonists. The movie was based on how the Jews were treated in World War 2 by the Nazi’s. It was about a man named Oskar Schindler. At first, Oskar just wanted to make money by producing pots and pans to sell to the Nazi army. His plan was to first make Nazi connections by bribing them. At a party, Oskar bought people drinks and that led them to like him. By doing this, he could make connections so he could hire Jews to work for him. He wanted to hire Jews because they were cheaper then hiring Polish. This movie contains many heroes and villains, and we will be taking a look at them.