Oskar Schindler was as you would call it, the protagonist of the film. He was the man looking to make a fortune off the German invasion in Poland, he could be considered as callous or greedy. As you are introduced to Schindler you see him picking out each part of his outfit. The suit, tie, shoes and pants. Right down to the pin and how much money was in his pocket. This came off to me as being a narcasist, or pompass. Schindler began as a womanizing and immoral man who only cared about his personal gain. He was not faithful to his wife and had many mistresses. His wife Emilie did not live with him for most of their marriage because of it,and when she walked in on him and the mistress she was very upset and annoyed by Shindler. Schindler, who …show more content…
Goeth finds a sanctioned outlet for his cruelty in the Nazi military and is representative of the mindless evil of the Third Reich and its “final solution.” He views Jews as vermin, creatures unworthy of possessing basic human rights. He kills often and without hesitation or provocation. Unlike Schindler, Goeth never strays into goodness. However, the lack of change in his basic nature does not render him a one-dimensional character; Goeth is a complicated and conflicted man, as well. He lusts after his Jewish maid, Helen Hirsch, and actor Ralph Fiennes skillfully conveys both the strength and ambivalence of this passion. Goeth attempts to seduce Helen, and when she shows no reaction, he turns on her, blames her for trying to tempt him, calls her names, and beats her savagely. Later, when Schindler wants to buy Helen to put her on his list, Goeth refuses. He tells Schindler he will never let her go, that he wants to bring her back to Vienna and grow old with her. Schindler tells him it can never be, and Goeth, exhibiting his conflicting feelings, replies that he would never subject Helen to Auschwitz, but would shoot her in the head, “mercifully,” instead. Goeth’s twisted idea of a merciful end for Helen epitomizes both his inner conflict and essential
Goeth can also be considered to be Schindler’s foil, as they can parallel one another in many ways. At the beginning of the film, this parallel is shown through the use of mirrors and reflections, however, as the film progresses along with the character transformations, they become opposites. Like Schindler, Goeth is a practical man, not a thinker, but also fancies himself as someone of great importance; he also has a weakness for liquor. However, what defined the two as good and evil was that, unlike Schindler, Goeth was a cruel man who was physically abusive. He uses his power to construct a road paved with Jewish headstones, symbolising the destruction of the Jewish race. Amon seems to be unsatisfied with merely wiping out existing Jews, so by planning the road he denies acknowledgement of many Jews final resting places. Despite his intense hatred for Jews, he is intoxicated by his Jewish maid, Helen Hirsch. Unable to touch Helen in love, his only acceptable option is to lash out at her with a horrific display of violence. “I would like so much to reach out and touch you in your loneliness.... Is this the face of a rat? Are
He employed Jewish workers to make sure that they were safe from the other camps. If he saw skill in them, that’s how he knew they were worthy. Schindler would spend every dime to make sure that his worker got more than what the Jews at other camps received. The Holocaust escalated, beating and killing Jews every day.
When you think of Oskar Schindler you may think of a hero, the Holocaust, or you may not even know who he is. Oskar was a womaniser, a gambler and a very heavy drinker, he wasn’t perfect, far from it in fact. Even with these imperfections he still risked his life to save Jewish people and for that he should be honored. Oskar Schindler became a very known man during the Holocaust. Oskar was a member of the Nazi Party and he ran a factory in Krakow during the German occupation of Poland, employing workers from the nearby Jewish ghetto.
yet somewhat different . mostly in a different perspective . schindler was a german industrial businessman who was known for being greedy , selfish, cheating, liar like many of the other germans. But the longer this reality of a nightmare goes on he was changing into a different person . he started to noticed what was wrong .
“Schindler hired a Jewish accountant for persuasion on recruiting. He went to poland went to the black market and made friends with the gestapo big wigs softened them up with woman and money and booze”. His new connection helped him get his new factory he ran the cheapest labor around the jewish, in December 1939 something changed poland was being torn apart he took his steps away from nazism and said “ if you saw a dog going to be crushed under a car wouldn't you help him?” schindler's jewish accountant put him in touch with a few jews that had some wealth left, invested in his factory and in return they would be able to work there. Schindler was making money but everyone in his factory was fed and no one was beaten.
In the beginning of the film, Oskar Schindler is a man who is intrigued by anyway to make money. In the past, he has mostly been a failed businessman who is extremely persistent and will stop at nothing to become a profiteer. Schindler however, has an idea, unlike any idea he has ever had in the past. In the beginning of the film, he bribes and communicates with many German officials just as the war is beginning so he can gain access to jews and their free labor. He is an exceptionally greedy man who will abuse his power and social status to make money even if it’s through the blood, sweat, and tears of other individuals. At the beginning of the film, Schindler proclaims, “In every business I tried, I can see now, it wasn't me that failed. Something was missing.” He expresses that the reason for his success in his newly found business can be credited to war. This quote clearly indicates his extreme desire for wealth. However, over time he begins to adjust and modify his behaviors as a result of his friendship with a Jewish man named Itzhak Stern, who also is a manager of his business. As time goes on he begins to protect his workers and save them from concentration camps proclaiming that they are “essential workers” for the war effort. Schindler has now begun to understand that jews
Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money could buy. He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party, who outwitted Hitler and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly events of World War॥. With the help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition and enamelware factories, spending millions bribing the SS, and eventually risking his life to rescue the Schindler-Jews (“The Oscar Schindler Story”)
At the beginning Macbeth didn't want to hurt anyone, but in the middle of the play his wife Lady Macbeth had wanted to be queen so she had convinced Macbeth to kill King Duncan. He was going to go through with the plan but she made it to where he was convinced even more. The downfall was that he had been under her control so much that Macbeth had not only killed King Duncan he had also kill seven other people that had been in his way of the King. And the full change of Macbeth was that he had once been a nice man and then he had been changed into a killer just because his wife wanted to be queen. I believe that If Lady Macbeth didn't get full control over Macbeth he would still be a nice man who doesn't want to hurt anyone and if he did he
Watching Schindler's list I decided to focus on Oskar Schindler. Throughout the movie Schindler personal emotions change on the war. In the beginning we see that it was a good thing for business that nothing else mattered as long as he made money. When Jews would come up he wouldn't care about them because he knew he could manipulate them and earn more money since they needed him. Schindler didn't really care for the Jews and what would happen to them. We see that Schindler only concern is that his business profits in the war. His concern for going to parties were to make connection that would better his money earning business. Money was his only concern which is why he went out seeking a jew. Since having a jew made it so they could be payed less than a normal person and they would be to scared to not do work. If he got a Jew it would earn him more money than hiring a German accountant. After getting an accountant he goes and seek workers for his factory. The workers are Jews since they don't need to be payed to be working. We later learn that his wife influences him with making business and wanting to succeed. He came from a place where he had nothing and is just beginning to make it. Hes making so much money he doesn't know what to do and he thanks the war for that. With his business doing so well he starts to care about his workers. He cares about them because he needs them to continue making the money.He starts really caring about his accountant Stern he makes sure he
The main character Oskar Schindler is a Catholic, German businessman. In the beginning, Schindler is a selfish man yearning for money and attention. Schindler is a daring and dashing man who isn’t afraid to lose anything. He is a ladies man and never stays with one woman for too long despite the fact that he is married. This will later play a large part in the movie. I often wondered during that film how this careless, childish and selfish man became the hero that everybody recognizes and accepts today.
To think that this self centred man would become known for a shining moment of salvation for so many is almost beyond belief. Oskar Schindler is not a humanitarian or a force for ?good? in the typical sense. He is depicted within the film as a man that simply found himself in a unique position and rose to the occasion. Evil on the other hand, is epitomised throughout the film by the actions of those involved in the Nazi regime, in particular Amon Goeth who was in charge of the forced labour camp at Plaszow.
I have multiple objections when it comes to Nicomachean Ethics. In my opinion, I believe that is very discouraging. Aristotle stated, “Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good” (Aristotle 624). There are multiple individuals like criminals for instance, believe that they are doing a good when they shoot a bank or rob a person on the street. They are not achieving in any action a good. But if think about on the opposite spectrum of military personnel, killing criminal at war, those criminals had a family and a home. Can you describe this situation as a thought to aim at some good?
[War] brings out the worst in people. Never the good, always the bad. Even in the midst the devastation of a national genocide, where one race turned against another in hate, good people existed and worked to counteract the hate through love and compassion. Oskar Schindler was one of these people. World War II provided him the means to become a very wealthy and powerful man, yet he did not exploit the Jews like many other businessmen during his time. He used his money and power to save thousands. Much can be learned from what happened during the holocaust and what Schindler did to save thousands of Jews.
Many boys are raised in a home where there is a dominant male, most of the parents and psychologist agree that young men need more feminism, even in their homes. Young men do need to be more concerned about women's right on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality of men. There are many examples of women being superior to men, and yes men do need to be raised so they have more “Rugged masculinity”But they also need to need to learn how to respect and try to gain more rights for woman. There needs to be more of a change in the way we raise boys. Women are being disrespected and the men involved have slower brain development.
The relieved boy runs off. The next scene is a powerful scene. The camera does a close up of Goeth looking into a mirror. He is adjusting his hair. He seems to slip into a dream world. He envisions himself the powerful emperor that Schindler describes. He whispers “ I pardon you”. The camera then focuses on Goeth eyes. Without saying anything, the viewer knows that Goeth is far too gone. He doesn’t have the power described by Schindler. He is a mad man.