
Oskar Schindler: Determinism

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To his own detriment, Oskar Schindler relentlessly protected Jews in spite of the world around him. Thus, the notion that determinism trumps agency is an insult towards those who actively opposed the crimes committed by the Nazi Party. To claim that the German people were helpless brainwashed bystanders and prisoners to their predetermined fate devalues the efforts of those like Schindler who resisted and rebelled against the Nazis. As Elie Wiesel suggests, innocent bystanders do not exist. Each and every German had the tools necessary to help cease the slayings of the Jewish people. Every indifferent German, every supporter of Hitler, everyone who turned a blind eye, each and every person who did not do whatever they could to oppose the …show more content…

Keneally does not attempt to portray him as such, and thus writes the novel as an unbiased, partly fictionalized account of historical events. He begins with Schindler’s childhood, stressing that he had a normal and decently privileged upbringing, and that it does not seem that Schindler had any early inclination towards being a savior. This suggests that nearly anyone could have also accomplished what Schindler did. Schindler naively married young, and due to his drinking and reputation as a philanderer, his marriage faltered. But Schindler was a sociable and genial man, characteristics that led him to a job offer to gather information for the Nazis to help them advance into Poland. And so it seems at one point, Schindler’s beliefs did partially coincide with those of the Nazi party. Scarily enough, Schindler’s upbringing is eerily similar to that of the sadistic commander of the concentration camp Plaszów, Amon Goeth. However, the differences in these men’s actions could not better demonstrate agency. For when Schindler was living in the Polish city of Krakow as a businessman, he formed several connections and friendships with Jews, something Geoth and other Nazis would never consider. Schindler even bought a failing enamel factory under the advisement of a Jew, and the factory became a safe haven for hundreds of Jewish workers. Soon after the purchase, a

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