Iago’s Soliloquies and Intentions
In every play there is at least one character that jumps of the page and begs for your attention. In The Tragedy of Othello by William Shakespeare this character is Iago. Iago is a devious man, liar, manipulator, and psychopath. It seems as though in the world of Shakespeare there is always consent power struggles throughout almost all his plays (list several examples) However, to me the most interesting of all of these, is in the play Othello. Where Iago seeks revenge on an unknowing Othello. Iago Othello’s trusted ensign betrays him in the most deceitful ways. One would conclude that Iago would have motive behind his ruthless and elaborate plans. My theory is that Iago had committed these moral
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He uses his language and he self-awareness to create a false perception of himself, one he wishes others to believe. Othello often takes Iago’s words with great face, often referring to him as loyal and honest. It is Othello who is the fooled by this perception pronouncing him “ Honest Iago”. Iago seems to know how he should act in society, what the proper rules and protocols are however he disobeys them without hesitation. He has a wife Emilia, and although to me it seems that he doesn’t care for her why does he keep her around, perhaps to blend in with the others, as to not drawl attention to himself. In Iago’s first soliloquy he reveals bits of his plans, and motives behind them. Iago confesses that he plans to destroy Othello “ but for my sport and profit. I hate the Moor”. Declaring his hate for Othello his plots against him for fun and for his own personal gain. He later gives the excuse that Othello may have slept with his wife Emilia “and it is thought abroad that ’twixt my sheets h’as done my office”, but this seems hard to believe because it doesn’t seem to bother him all that much. He doesn’t even bother to find out if this claim is even true or not. This is where we really get to see Iago’s ingenious, he decides to kill to birds with one stone “In double knavery” his victims are Othello and Cassio. He states that he will plant seeds of
Critical Analysis of Iago's Soliloquy in Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello by William Shakespeare
Yet, no matter how strong Coleridge’s view may seem, it is completely incorrect, the motive is there it just may seem to be hard to see. One thing that can be concluded about Iago is that he is not an honest man, and that Othello has mislabeled him drastically. Iago’s character through a strategic and well planned manipulation process eceive many of the other characters. He uses carefully thought out words and actions to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits himself, while also pushing Othello, Desdemona, Roderigo, Emilia, and Cassio to their tragic death. Not only is he betraying his commander he is also using his wife,
Iago is one of the most misunderstood villains in Shakespeare literature. We side with Othello from the start because his name is on the cover of our paperback, we read Othello when learning about heroes, so we expect Iago to be a villain, a ruthless manipulator. We don’t know why, he doesn’t state it plainly or in simple English, so we assume that he’s evil, that he’s just a disgruntled sociopath out to exact his exaggerated revenge on good and noble Othello. Iago’s misunderstood reputation is a result of not truly examining his character, and answering the “why” factor behind his actions. After all, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. His goal in the play was not just to destroy Othello for the fun of it. His objective,
He fears the exposure of his actual character and wants to execute his plan by keeping other individuals believing that he is an honest and a trustworthy man. Firstly, Iago undermines Emilia not to say another word in regards to the handkerchief that he utilizes as a major aspect of the arrangement to devastate Othello. He advises Emilia to “Be wise and get you home.” (Act 5.2.221). Emilia disagrees with what Iago says and soon after, Iago draws his sword. This shows Iago really thinks about his personality and notoriety, his trepidation of presentation is fierce to the point that it drives him to execute his own particular wife. Also, there is not a single line written in the play, which uncovers Iago presenting his reality to someone else. In spite of the fact that everybody makes sense of Iago's two-sided personality towards the end of the play, despite everything he doesn't have the quality to uncover his actual two- sided character or translate why he has done such offensive deeds. When Othello demands Iago for a reasoning behind his actions, he responds back saying, “Demand me nothing; what you know, you know. / From this time forth I never will speak word” (Act 5.2.300-301). Iago's instability of character is powerful to the point that is prohibits him to talk up and give a sensible reaction to Othello regarding why he has done such malevolence activities. Identity, as well as reputation, is what a man is acknowledged for, a wide range of wrong decisions will destroy this part of Iago
8ahlmeier 5characters so well, Iago uses ethos to effectively ;udge which method of persuasion to use based on a character’s 0ualities, flaws, motives, and desires, and Iago’s relationship to him or her.Iago easily evokes "assio’s emotions through pathos. #e recogni%es the honorable and valiant virtues "assio e2hibits and uses these virtues to fashion "assio into a pawn. Iago, knowing alcohol to be the counteragent of "assio’s virtues, encourages the sport of drinking to the point where "assio rela2es his conduct and allows his emotions to overcome him, breaking out in a fight which causes him to forfeit his position as officer !II.iii.465-$. "assio has a strong desire for redemption and reinstallation, and Iago suggests "assio beseech
Iago claims to “hate the Moor” (Act 1, sc 3, line 368) so he wants to
The two passages I have looked at share just some of the possible motives for Iago's master plan. It has been suggested that Iago is motiveless maliginty, meaning that he has no real motive for destroying both Othello's reputation and chance for happiness with Desdemona. This could be explained in act five, scene two when Othello asks “why he hath ensnared my soul and body?” and Iago refuses to answer “I will never speak word”. This suggests he has no motive for his actions and may have acted out of pure entertainment. Another explaination for Iago's motives is that he is the devil incarnate. This
Iago is the antagonist of the play, and one of the most evil Shakespearean villains. Iago is extremely clever in the way he uses unsuspecting power- especially psychological power. He gets into people’s heads in many dishonest ways- by spreading false rumours, telling lies and psychologically tricking people and secretly controlling certain situations. His power to manipulate is a key point in the play, as it results in major consequences and the deaths of some main characters. Iago’s schemes are multi-levelled- he conspires with roderigo, and makes him believe that Desdemona will take him back. On another level, he leads Othello to believe his wife is having an affair with Cassio. He uses his wife Emilia (unknown to her), to bring back the handkerchief he uses to deceive Othello. Iago is an extremely resourceful and talented man, but he uses these resources and talents in detrimental ways. Iago is constantly referred to by numerous characters as ‘honest’. He himself also refers to honesty. Numerous characters believe that they know and trust Iago and that he would not lie, nor deceive them. Iago’s soliloquies also provide invaluable insight into his wicked mind and evil schemes and plans.
The three people that Othello trust the most are: his wife, lieutenant Cassio, and Iago. But Iago has bad intensions, and he is going to be the character that steers Othello wrong. Even though Othello has done nothing wrong to him he thinks that his wife, Emilia cheated on him with Othello. So that’s why he wants to get revenge on Othello. But the main reason Iago is steering Othello wrong because he wants a higher position in the army. Iago is just the evil character in the play that lies and cheats.
As the villain in Shakespeare's play Othello, Iago has two main actions. They are to plot and to deceive. Iago wishes to plot and to deceive because he is jealous of Othello and hates him. Iago's reasons for why he hates Othello is because he believes that Othello made love to his wife, and Iago is mad that Cassio was chosen to be Lieutenant instead of himself. From this hate comes the main conflict of the play.
Iago is a powerful predator who exploits those around him by infecting their perceptions of truth with carefully chosen fallacy. His skill in finding the proverbial chinks in others' armor allows him to skillfully weave his machinations of destroying Othello into their minds and actions; by manipulating character's perceptions of Desdemona, Iago gains the leverage he needs to exploit each character. No one is impervious to Iago's seething purpose; even Othello falls prey to Iago's suggestions and insinuations about Desdemona. Iago's constant presence as the stager, as well as his ceaseless - but subtle - reinforcement of events through narration, allows him to be the pivotal force that directs
reason he "would expend time with such a snipe" is but to use him. He
By using short, choppy sentence structure and weak diction, he seems less of a threat to Othello and his innocence is enhanced through it. Also, by always using rhetorical questions, he never does address what it is Othello is talking about. Iago distorts Othello’s thoughts and gets him to think he knows much more than he is telling him about the entire affair. This becomes especially clear when Othello asks for “ocular proof” and Iago confirms he has it using statements like “I should be wise; for honesty’s a fool and looses that it works for,” Act III Scene iii line 378-379, meaning he should not tell Othello what he knows or it would ruin Iago’s reputation. This sets Othello’s suspicions aflame and soon Iago is relaying to him the story about Cassio’s dream about he and Desdemona, and finally, he closes with the handkerchief, the most powerful thing which Othello held as a sacred gift of love to his wife. He is then completely overcome with jealousy and scorn for his former lover and friend, wanting death for the both of them.
Iago's manipulative nature has a profound effect on the decisions made by other characters in Shakespeare's ‘Othello’. Through his relations with those around him Shakespear characterizes him as a man full of malice, vengeance and dishonesty that is wholly inspired by jealousy. Furthermore it would appear that Iago has an exceptional ability to scheme, a talent which he uses to snake his way into the lives of others and exploit them through their weaknesses. Whether he does this for profit or for pleasure is a separate issue.
Evil masterminds are always successful in their diabolical schemes, but each one does it in their own special way. Some may be highly ranked and powerful, but some may be simple people in a simple community. In the play Othello, the simple ancient, Iago is very successful at his schemes. Iago is able to get the trust of everyone around him, and to appear honest. He is also driven to continue with his schemes and to never quite.