
Othello The Moor Of Venice Essay

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Othello, the Moor of Venice The story of Othello, the Moor of Venice was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare got the idea of Othello from a writer by the name of Giraldi Cinthio. The original story, was entitled,” Of Unfaithfulness of Husbands and Wives.” In the original story Disdemona was beaten to death with a stocking full of sand, which is quite a bit different from Shakespeare’s Othello, tragedy still befalls Desdemona. (Gioia) The story was believed to have been written in 1603-1604 and published in 1622. …show more content…

Iago is eager to get back to Othello and tell him what Roderigo has done, leaving out the part where he tells Roderigo what is going on. Brabantio finds Othello and accuses him of stealing his daughter and demands he be thrown in prison. Othello explains to Brabantio that he has more urgent matters to attend at the moment, so prison will have to wait. The Duke and senators are waiting for Othello to meet with them on war matters. Brabantio thinks this is an excellent opportunity to accuse Othello of his crimes. What Brabantio does not expect is for Desdemona to be there waiting on Othello so she can go off to war with him. She confesses to her father and the Duke that she is in fact in love with the Moor. Brabantio was in shock and could not believe what his daughter was doing to him. The Duke does allow her to go, but she must be accompanied by Iago because Othello has to leave at once. Iago’s second part of the plan is put in motion when he schemes to make Othello think that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. He plans to take out both of his enemies at the same time with a lie. (Shakespeare, Othello, the Moor of Venice) With news that a storm has destroyed an enemy ship, Desdemona fears the worse for Othello. She fears he has died in the storm, and Cassio comes in to confirm her fears that his ship cannot be located. With fear in her mind she goes to Iago and Emilia, the wife of Iago , but does not

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