Empires Culture
Kathy Yarbrough
Post University
October, 22, 2017
Empires Culture
In my paper I will compare the civilizations I chose. The three Empires I wrote about were the Ottoman Empire, Tang Dynasty, and the Harappan, they had many similarities, but their differences were few and I will compare each of them.
" Tang Dynasty ruled China for nearly 300 years (618-907)." ( youtube, ) They say that after Tang Tiazon became Emperor China was restored. Also, they said that art became popular in the Tang Dynasty, it showed that their one talent was painting figurines, they also were excellent at working with ceramics. " The Tang era was a golden period for pottery and art." (Tang Dynasty Culture, 2014)
The Tang people were said to be the
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"Chiefly lync in nature, Ottman poetry had three main genes; dealing with love, eulogies and romance." (Ottoman Empire Culture,flooter, 2017) In my readings I discovered that literature was so popular in the Ottoman Empire, and they used the literature to perform with puppets in a coffeehouse setting. " " Poetry was often sung and stories were told by master storytellers at coffeehouses or at special occasions." (Ottoman Empire Culture,flooter 2017) They were also very good in the music department, they were a very creative …show more content…
(Ancient Origins, 2013-2017) I know that some of the art in the Harappan Empire were sculptures, seals, pottery, and many other types of art. I believe they were very good at constructing things, like homes with bathrooms that drained. I know they also worked a lot with clay the most. I saw that working with pottery was number one. " Bronze casting was practiced in wide scale in almost all major sites of the civilization." (Art of the Indus Valley Civilization, 2017) I noticed that beading was also very important to the men and women to make their clothes flashy. I know this this Empire differs from the Ottoman Empire and the Tang Dynasty, because the Harappan civilization was so good at building cities. Something else I read about that was so interesting amazed me. "A cemetery has been found at Tamron in Harappan where dead bodies were banded with ornaments." (Art of Indus Valley Civilization,
In historic times, multiple Societies of people living and collaborating together in a community is what led to the formation of many Empires. Empires were comprised of similar groups of people that were most often geographically located within close proximities. It is interesting to compare and contrast three societies which became Empires: the Egyptian, Zhou Chinese, and Persian. Each Empire is responsible for contributing to a foundational advancement that has been used in future generations. I will compare the similarities and contrasts of each and explain why I believe the Persian Empire was the most successful Empire.
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughals were all gunpowder empires. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between all of these empires mentioned. Each fall into five different categories.
Amy Chua included this Empire in the book because this Empire lasted the longest and was one of the largest empires in history. In this section, her thesis is that tolerance is necessary to reach power and global dominancy.
century in which Europeans embarked on extensive overseas expeditions. European nations, such as Portugal, Spain, England, and the Netherlands, participated heavily in global trade and set up many trade colonies and routes. Many people will say that the European’s only reason for exploration was to spread Christianity, obtain gold, and gain glory through their conquests and acquisition of lands. Some people might also say that the Ottomans heavily influenced the Europeans to participate in this period of exploration. Although the goals of “God, gold, and glory” are often associated with the Age of Exploration, the Ottoman Empire had a greater influence on the desire of European states to establish overseas empires and employ mercantilist economy
2. In thinking about the similarities and differences among the empires of the early modern era, what categories of comparison might be most useful to consider? Why?
One of the most important events of the history was European expansion into the new world. Traditional Feudal societies collapsed under the weight of demographic and political changes during Eurasia experienced Mongol expansion and Black death. There was sociopolitical and religious conflict between states and reconsideration of traditional knowledge and institution. The social and intellectual revolutions in Europe can be considered provocative and subversive. Revolutions in the European society encouraged each other incrementally rather than remaining isolated and produced systematic and lasting changes in the European society.
dress. Stone sculpture is the most popular art form of this period and most of the bronze works are
At the beginning of 19th century, the Ottoman Empire experienced a series of events that demonstrated the need for major reform efforts. Revolts were taking place in Serbia that were increasingly concerned about separating from Ottoman rule. Territory in the Balkans and in parts of modern day Turkey and Bulgaria had been ceded to Russia. In Egypt, the power vacuum left behind by the French had yet to be filled. Europe was increasingly intervened in Ottoman and Egyptian conflicts due to the fear that disintegration.
“The future depends on what we do in the present” - Gandhi. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if Karl Benzin hadn’t created the first car, or Thomas Edison hadn’t invented the light bulb? Things that we take for granted now, were once a dream, an idea, a plan. The inventors probably had little idea about the impact it would have on the future. 4,000 years ago people wouldn’t have even dreamed of things that we take for granted now. But many of the people back then had ideas and made decisions that affected the future of the world. Around 3,000 years ago in China, the 3rd of China’s dynasties occurred. This dynasty is called the Tang Dynasty and is often referred to as the Golden Age because of its great advancements. The Tang dynasty was the most impactful of China’s Dynasty because of the cultural advancements, economic growth, useful inventions, important studies, and government code changes that took place.
To be a part of the Ottoman Empire ruling class, three characteristics were necessary: “Islamic faith, loyalty to the sultan, and compliance with the standards of behavior of the Ottoman court.” This only applied to Muslim people while Turks, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews—recognized as the millets—were excluded and usually employed in state services. As the Ottoman Empire developed and its strength grew, it was looked upon as “a daily increasing flame” for its ability to rule and take control, but during the centuries of its decline in strength and prestige was looked down upon as the “Sick Man of Europe” (Stavrianos 1957, 31). As the prestigious Ottoman Empire dominated any and all enemies that stepped in their way, they could not hold this reign forever. The Ottoman Empire, like most powerhouses, fell due to the external and internal conflicts as well as the search for independence, nationalism, and modernity. The Ottoman Empire as a whole was not to blame for their decline, but rather one can say the Ottoman Empire was two separate empires and the latter of the two was the cause of the decline.
Throughout the history of Earth, there have been many fascinating developments, the most prominent being the first civilizations, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. They had many similarities, such as characteristics of early civilizations and social structures, but they also had their differences. The most embossed differences included the divergent geography, prior belief, trade, relations with other civilizations, and politics.
The rise of the Ottoman Empire started in Turkey and spread through most of the Middle East. Their military practice and successful transition to the use of gun powder made them one of the most successful ruling bodies in the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire which ruled until modern times had great influence on the Middle Eastern world. Their political and economic abilities astonished the western world. Their religious views and fears were instilled into any non-Muslim and helped the western world to find new trade. The rise of Christianity in the western world provided new ways to preserve the dead and ended the need for frankensence, the main export of the Ottoman Empire. This
The Ottoman Turks emerged on the periphery of the Byzantine Empire and the Saljuk Turks. Under a Turkish Muslim warrior named Osman, raids were conducted in western Anatolia on Byzantine settlements and a vast number of Turks were united under his banner. Those Turks who flocked to Osman's banner and followed him into the history books came to be called the Ottomans. The word Ottoman, fits these Turks well as it roughly translates from Turkish as "those associated with Oman."
From the year 1566, to 1683 (I'm stating the history relevant to the starting RP year only, which is 1620), the Ottoman Empire suffered from many revolts, reversals, and revivals. This, mainly caused by weak Sultans, would later result in the Ottoman Empire's total demise. While the Ottomans would still prove to be a major Eastern European power, there weakening was obvious, as they fell behind in European technology, due to most of the Ottoman wants of conquest became drained by the emergence of new conservative religious and intellectual ideas. One of the consequences of this, while not known by many, was a Catholic naval coalition victory, the coalition being led by Spain's Phillip II, at the Battle of Laptano in 1571 over an Ottoman fleet. This, along with the previous victory over the far smaller defending force at the Ottoman Siege of Malta in 1565, ever threw away the Ottoman's previous image of being invincible. They lost more men then ships, and, however, were still able to quickly replace them, after getting Venice to sign a peace
The Ottoman Empire was a successful empire established by Osman Gaze, a Turkish tribal leader. It spanned at the end of the 13th century, and lasted to the beginning of the 20th century. The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, the fall of the Byzantine Empire, brought enormous shock to Western and Central Europe, but the actual economic and politic influence was minor because of their connection to Africa as well as colonial expansion. However, the effect of Ottoman conquest brought themselves a wealth poured into Anatolia where was capital city of the Ottoman Empire and the place commercial and industrial power developed. This essay will be discussing mainly about the daily life of people such as religious exercise, education, law, and occupation