
Ottoman Empire Culture

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Empires Culture
Kathy Yarbrough
Post University
October, 22, 2017

Empires Culture

In my paper I will compare the civilizations I chose. The three Empires I wrote about were the Ottoman Empire, Tang Dynasty, and the Harappan, they had many similarities, but their differences were few and I will compare each of them.
" Tang Dynasty ruled China for nearly 300 years (618-907)." ( youtube, ) They say that after Tang Tiazon became Emperor China was restored. Also, they said that art became popular in the Tang Dynasty, it showed that their one talent was painting figurines, they also were excellent at working with ceramics. " The Tang era was a golden period for pottery and art." (Tang Dynasty Culture, 2014)
The Tang people were said to be the …show more content…

"Chiefly lync in nature, Ottman poetry had three main genes; dealing with love, eulogies and romance." (Ottoman Empire Culture,flooter, 2017) In my readings I discovered that literature was so popular in the Ottoman Empire, and they used the literature to perform with puppets in a coffeehouse setting. " " Poetry was often sung and stories were told by master storytellers at coffeehouses or at special occasions." (Ottoman Empire Culture,flooter 2017) They were also very good in the music department, they were a very creative …show more content…

(Ancient Origins, 2013-2017) I know that some of the art in the Harappan Empire were sculptures, seals, pottery, and many other types of art. I believe they were very good at constructing things, like homes with bathrooms that drained. I know they also worked a lot with clay the most. I saw that working with pottery was number one. " Bronze casting was practiced in wide scale in almost all major sites of the civilization." (Art of the Indus Valley Civilization, 2017) I noticed that beading was also very important to the men and women to make their clothes flashy. I know this this Empire differs from the Ottoman Empire and the Tang Dynasty, because the Harappan civilization was so good at building cities. Something else I read about that was so interesting amazed me. "A cemetery has been found at Tamron in Harappan where dead bodies were banded with ornaments." (Art of Indus Valley Civilization,

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