The Ottomans were by far the greatest of the Muslim empires. It was the greatest in size and power, and it lasted the longest out of the three Muslim empires. Altogether, the Ottoman empire had the greatest influence and made the most contributions to world history. The Ottomans had a great influence on religion. Although the Ottomans we officially Suni Muslims, they respected the non-Muslims as well. They basically gave religious tolerance to the Islams as long as they paid their taxes. When it came to Christians, they gave them tolerance too but they did not have the same amount of religious freedom as the Muslims. Because of their lenient religious policies, many Jews fled to the Ottoman empire seeking a safe hold. The Ottoman empire was extremely diverse. Many different cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions were scattered throughout the Ottoman Empire. One reason for this could be their location. The empire connected Africa, Europe, and Asia. This meant that they had different influences and ideas coming from all over. They also had good trade and technology because they had access to three continents. The Ottoman Empire was so great because of the exchange of ideas to and from different continents that surrounded them. Because the empire was so large and had …show more content…
Without a good, strong political system, an empire is doomed. Many of empires fell because of government issues like succession, civil wars, unjust rulers, and so on. The Ottomans had a very organized system that worked for hundreds of years. The Sultan had supreme authority in both a political and military sense. This position was also heredity. Since it was difficult to control such a large empire, Pashas were appointed to be local leaders and administer some of the conquered parts of the empire. The Pashas did things like collect taxes and maintain the laws, but they were still responsible to the
I will start by addressing the primary similarities, which are that each Empire was responsible for innovating and creating things in the following areas of: mathematics, architecture, and philosophy. In contrast, the differences that existed were due to each Empire creating advancements and developments as a need from their respective demography, which means their environment and surroundings dictated the areas they excelled and innovated the most in.
The Ottoman Empire of Turkey was the most successful and most enduring of the three empires. Their reign began with the first sultan, Osman I, who founded the empire and used Islamic religion to unify and centralized the empire. As the empire grew more stability through,
On a religious point of view for all the empires. The Governments in all 3 were muslim based. Mughals were the only group that was not predominately Muslim. Muslims were only a small minority Ottomans were Sunni Muslims. The Ottoman titles were claimed to be caliphs. They maintained Islamic law called Sandri'a. Only applied to Ottoman Muslims. Ottoman minorities were mostly
The Ottoman Empire was successful because of its tolerance towards people’s beliefs and religions and having a highly skilled army.
While taking the class of Early Modern European History there was two states that really stuck out and peaked my interest the most. They were the Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe. If you compare and contrast both the Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe during the 16th Century through the 18th Century, you will see that there are a number of similarities as well as differences when you look at the expansion of the states. You will also see many of these contrasts as well when you look in terms of each states military and commerce. Although the Ottoman Empire existed before the 16th century and continued to exist past the 18th century and in great decline until the early 20th century, when looking at the state as a whole the time
The Ottoman Empire consisted of Sunni Muslims. Along with the emperors throughout this time being politically in charge, they were also in charge by religion, with the title of caliph. The Ottoman Empire had a high tolerance for non-Muslims. They were so tolerant that most of the non-Muslims did not convert to Muslim. The only thing the Ottoman Empire did against other religions was they gave people of other religions a tax called jitza. Throughout the Ottoman Empire the tolerance for religion stayed consistently high.
In a time notorious for religious wars and acts of injustice, some empires chose to keep an open mind and benefited greatly. The Ottoman empire used other empires’ religious intolerance to their advantage. They had all religions, even their own, make a contribution to the empire. Muslims and people of conquered lands were forced to served in the military. On the other hand, Jews and Christians had to heavy taxes. By allowing Jews and Christians a safe place to practice their religion it made the empire desirable. With other empires forcing conversions, expelling, or even murdering paying tax was no problem. In exchange for paying these tax the
Explain how successfully the work of the common men and women contributed to the economy of the Ottoman Empire. The common men and women were very successful in adding to the Ottoman Empire's economy. The Ottoman Empire was the largest historical empire, initiated by Turkish tribes in Asia Minor and centred in modern-day Turkey, growing to become one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries. The empire lasted for 623 years, spanning nearly two million square kilometres over Southern Europe and Northern Africa.
Long before this battle for conquest could have begun, the Ottomans were greatly threatened by a force from the East. The Persian Safavi dynasty was one of the most dominant powers between 1501 and 1510.1 They conquered much of Mesopotamia as well as the majority of modern day Iran along with other lands
The Europeans were able to penetrate the Ottoman economy through unfair agreements and treaties which led the Ottomans to not only lose money and materials but also the pride they once felt. The Europeans were indirectly ruling much of the empire through imperialism and the simple conquering of the trade market. The Ottomans were unable to feel superior as they once had which led to them using a defensive modernization strategy to kick of their Western foes. The leadership within the empire had the idea to create ambitious programs that would allow the empire to regain much of their people and materials back from the West during the nineteenth century. The Ottoman Empire had more success with their defensive modernization when compared to China’s self strengthening as the Ottoman’s leadership pushed forward with their ideas earlier than the Chinese.
Because of the Ottoman and Mughal Empire being tolerant of other beliefs, people of all religions living in the empire lived in peace. The Ottomans granted freedom of worship to
The Ottoman empire was a dynasty so whenever the sultan had died one of the sons will take charge of the throne, the sons of the sultan will serve as governors within the empire gaining the required experience needed to take the pivotal role of the sultan.
The Ottoman Empire was an empire that came to its rise during the year 1299, the empire was a strong follower of the Islamic religion, they were also one of the biggest reasons for the spreading of the religion. The Holy crusades ended during the year 1291, this was just a few years before the Ottoman empire was founded. The Religious wars were far from finished though, religions would keep on fighting for their beliefs for a long time, even until the current day. The Ottoman Empire did not have as much discrimination towards other religions though, they instead invited them through a system called Millet.
The Ottomans were one of the numbers of Turkish tribes that migrated from Central Asia. Initially they followed a primitive shamanistic religion. Their contacts with various tribes led to the introduction of Islam and they acquired their greatest combat tradition, that of the ghazi warrior. The first period of the Ottoman history was characterized by almost continuous territorial expansion. The Ottoman dominion spread out from a small Anatolian principality to cover a major amount of land in Middle East and southeastern Europe.
At its peak, the Ottoman Empire spread across 3 continents and was known as the most powerful empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the beginning, the Ottomans were descendants of the Seljuk Turks, the great empire in Asia. The Ottomans were military minded and raided surrounding areas. Of these raiders, or Gazis, Osman I was the most important. Sultan Osman Gazi I was an expert at invading and conquering. Soon, Osman and his followers, Ottomans, created a small state in Anatolia. They bought and conquered land and expanded their small state into an empire. Also, their military was the first to use gunpowder and cannons as an offense and thus were considered the greatest military at the time. With all of this, their Empire successfully survived from one family line of Sultans for seven centuries. Because of their strength and superiority, the Ottomans were considered one of the most successful Empires in history.