
Ottoman Empire Influence

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The Ottomans were by far the greatest of the Muslim empires. It was the greatest in size and power, and it lasted the longest out of the three Muslim empires. Altogether, the Ottoman empire had the greatest influence and made the most contributions to world history. The Ottomans had a great influence on religion. Although the Ottomans we officially Suni Muslims, they respected the non-Muslims as well. They basically gave religious tolerance to the Islams as long as they paid their taxes. When it came to Christians, they gave them tolerance too but they did not have the same amount of religious freedom as the Muslims. Because of their lenient religious policies, many Jews fled to the Ottoman empire seeking a safe hold. The Ottoman empire was extremely diverse. Many different cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions were scattered throughout the Ottoman Empire. One reason for this could be their location. The empire connected Africa, Europe, and Asia. This meant that they had different influences and ideas coming from all over. They also had good trade and technology because they had access to three continents. The Ottoman Empire was so great because of the exchange of ideas to and from different continents that surrounded them. Because the empire was so large and had …show more content…

Without a good, strong political system, an empire is doomed. Many of empires fell because of government issues like succession, civil wars, unjust rulers, and so on. The Ottomans had a very organized system that worked for hundreds of years. The Sultan had supreme authority in both a political and military sense. This position was also heredity. Since it was difficult to control such a large empire, Pashas were appointed to be local leaders and administer some of the conquered parts of the empire. The Pashas did things like collect taxes and maintain the laws, but they were still responsible to the

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