The poem “Our Biggest Fish” written by Eugene Field, packs a very powerful meaning with the words that he wrote. Key elements are what made this poem what it is, mainly between the repetition and symbolism. Repetition is always a key factor in poems and is repeats a main or important idea through the poem. Eugene used repetition in order to explain how the biggest fish he had ever caught had got away. This was repeated once in every paragraph, but a least one word changed almost every time. Starting off with the biggest fish I’d every caught, and changed four other times from I’d, to I, to you, to we’ve, and ended with he. As well as the way he described catching the fish, starting with “caught had got away”, to “caught had somehow got away”, “catch that gets away”, “caught are those that got away”, and finally “caught were those that got away”. …show more content…
In the middle of the poem he says that you shouldn’t blame anything else like faulty poles or to thin fishing string. That this repletion is also his way of saying that every day he goes to the lake and tries to catch these fish and that everything has it time to come no matter how close you come it “somehow got away”, you just cant blame anything, it might not be at this moment or in an hour, day week, maybe even month. You just need to keep trying and waiting because it will come. I think the reason for changing I’d so many times was to make a personal connection to the readers that starts off with Eugene not being able to get what he wanted, than personally to the audience not getting what they wanted, then the word we’ve makes us feel that we are not alone and that every one had those defeats that are hard to over come. He puts it into perspective for us that it happens to all of us and not to give up and to be
The main point Singer is trying to show his audience is that we should try to prevent unfortunate circumstances to arise for others but we should do so without losing something of equal importance to us. This means that we should help the less fortunate but without putting ourselves
Your Inner Fish is a book that explains evolutionary concepts from multiple different scientific viewpoints. It explains how fossils help us to understand where we started from, and how we evolved. It also explains how DNA can help us track where we came from and trace our ancestry.
VIP= I think this part is very important because it taught me that hard times will come and go and i should never give up. The best thing to do in hard times is to always keep striving and to never give up.
The purpose is for us to stop complaining. It is for us to understand people actually go through worse times such as having a boulder on top of one of your hand and then amputating that hand four days later to escape death. The person responds to the event with it could have been worse. The speaker made us realize life is about fighting and our muscles were created to lift us up of things that weigh us down. We are all still alive with every heartbeat therefore we should "act like it" as he put it meaning to stop complaining, keep fighting daily obstacles with what we
This quote really explains the topic in this story because as you read, you notice his entire life situation and how he came about of his careers and his life after. Everything that motivated him and pushed him, the people who believed in him all had part of the topic.
Death is inescapable. In the same way, life is inescapable. The Appalachian short story, “Jake Pond”, portrays this inevitable cycle through the depiction of a young boy enjoying nature. Lou Crabtree writes of the many inner workings of life through symbolism. While some would say this story is a literal telling of a boy and his surroundings, it does, in fact, include a plethora of metaphors to display the complexities of life through figurative language (Crabtree). In Lou Crabtree’s “Jake Pond” symbols such as the young boy, black snakes, pond, hollytree, and other natural entities portray themes of life and death, while detailing multiple aspects of change.
Love can come from many different people. It is not always given by a family member. Love is not always given by a romantic interest, either. Sometimes love can be given by friends, especially in a time of need. This can be seen in Chris Crutcher’s short story Goin’ Fishin’. Goin’ Fishin’ is a short story about a boy named Lionel Serbousek, whose family is killed by his previous best friend, Neal Anderson. The story follows him through his grief. Throughout the story, Lionel’s friends are there to guide him through his grief and guard him from the outside world. Lionel’s friends love him like family.
Would you ever think an indigenous poem about nature would have any similarities with a short story that is set later on in the future, where everybody is dependent on technology? “The Song My Paddle Sings” is by an early 1900s indigenous poet, Pauline Johnson, and “The Pedestrian” is written by early 2000s writer, Ray Bradbury. The short story and the poem both establish a very determined, lonely,anxious and gloomy mood. “The Song My Paddle Sings” is an indigenous poem that exemplifies to stay determined in every journey in life. The poem is about a man who goes sailing but there is no wind, so then he has to take down the sail and start canoeing but then the water gets faster and he accepts that he has to change for nature. Consequently
He explains that the guy driving recklessly might have a sick child in the car, or the mother yelling at her child could have been in the hospital for the past three nights, holding the hand of her sick husband. He creates all of these possible situations that people might be going through, as a way to make a point that he isn't the only person who is tired or upset in the grocery line. He states, “If you're automatically sure that you know what reality is and who and what is really important... then you, like me, will not consider possibilities that aren't pointless and annoying. But if you've really learned how to think, how to pay attention, then you will know you have other options... you get to decide how you're going to try to see it.” He explains that if you choose to look outside your own little box that you have subconciously put yourself into, you will see the realities going on around you.
It explains to the reader that no matter how many times a man fails or succeeds in his life, it comes down to whether or not they give it there all or not.
Richard Blanco is a Cuban- American poet who was given the oppurunity to write an inaugaration poem for Barack Obama's second swearing-in. He wrote a poem titled "One Today" that praised the good and unique things about the United States and also the everyday people who's daily routines help to make America the proud country that it is.
The poem titled Sea Rose by Hilda Doolittle tells about a rose, but not just a rose like any other. The poem instantly begins by going against the common connotation of a rose, the reader is given this passage “Rose, harsh rose,” (line 1). When the thought of a rose comes to mind the last word used to describe the soft petals and beautiful color would be harsh. H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) wants us to think about this rose as not an ordinary or normal rose but to see it as something more or something less. She goes on to say, “marred and with stint of petals” (line 2). To mar something is to disfigure or impair the quality/appearance of something, in this case a rose. Stint means to have an ungenerous amount; by this line we can understand that H.D. has begun to take a rose something commonly associated with beauty and love and twist into a disfigured and battered depiction of what it once was. The rest of the stanza goes on to say, “meagre flower, thin, sparse of leaf,”. A rose is meant to be a strong symbol of love and beauty, yet the depiction of the rose H.D. is giving the reader goes against the preconceived notions of what a rose should be. H.D.’s language and perception of the rose challenges to the reader to think of the rose as something more.
He transitions the tone of the poem from one of despair and hopelessness to one of encouragement which adds a realistic effect to the poem while still encouraging the reader. There is a thin line between being completely discouraging and being realistic; the speaker in the story seems to keep the perfect balance between these two lines. With the skillfully organized tone, the author helps the reader better understand the mood of the story as well as the difficult
He recognizes that life is sacred and it should not be given up despite the hard situations that
I went to the Amalfi coast for kayaking and it was amazing! Sunshine reflects over crystal blue sea beautifully. I’m so burned out and my arms will be sore tomorrow. It’s been three months since I last saw you and missed you already. I know I have not had a chance to email you back sooner. I have met passionate professors and they are wonderful! I always wish you were here, we can have fun together. I’ve traveled to Florence, Venice, Sardinia, Milan, Naples and now I’m going to Rome soon. I’m too excited to see the coliseum in person for the first time! People here are so friendly and we become good friends.