
Our Biggest Fish Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

The poem “Our Biggest Fish” written by Eugene Field, packs a very powerful meaning with the words that he wrote. Key elements are what made this poem what it is, mainly between the repetition and symbolism. Repetition is always a key factor in poems and is repeats a main or important idea through the poem. Eugene used repetition in order to explain how the biggest fish he had ever caught had got away. This was repeated once in every paragraph, but a least one word changed almost every time. Starting off with the biggest fish I’d every caught, and changed four other times from I’d, to I, to you, to we’ve, and ended with he. As well as the way he described catching the fish, starting with “caught had got away”, to “caught had somehow got away”, “catch that gets away”, “caught are those that got away”, and finally “caught were those that got away”. …show more content…

In the middle of the poem he says that you shouldn’t blame anything else like faulty poles or to thin fishing string. That this repletion is also his way of saying that every day he goes to the lake and tries to catch these fish and that everything has it time to come no matter how close you come it “somehow got away”, you just cant blame anything, it might not be at this moment or in an hour, day week, maybe even month. You just need to keep trying and waiting because it will come. I think the reason for changing I’d so many times was to make a personal connection to the readers that starts off with Eugene not being able to get what he wanted, than personally to the audience not getting what they wanted, then the word we’ve makes us feel that we are not alone and that every one had those defeats that are hard to over come. He puts it into perspective for us that it happens to all of us and not to give up and to be

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