
Our World Is Far From Perfect. I Am Not The First And I

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Our world is far from perfect. I am not the first and I defiantly will not be the last to admit this. But the world we live in does have its quirks that make us think “What would the world be like without (fill in the blank)?” What would February be without the Super Bowl? A month of wandering love-struck (and love-less) humans. What would the fall be without the World Series? The season of pumpkin spice flavored everything, not the season where dreams come true. There would be no shoes known as Jordans (for in this world the namesake does not exist) and no ideal place to eat peanuts and crackerjacks. Where would our world be? For a time in the early 20th century many universities and colleges throughout America idealized this universe. …show more content…

Colleges and high schools across the United States were shutting down their athletic programs in fear of student safety. In the year 1905 alone, 18 sport-related deaths were recorded in America with 159 serious injuries. Within the next two years those numbers would slowly decline, with the year 1909 being an outlier in the death category with 26. Not only was the overall wellbeing a factor to this American ideology of the early 1900s but education as well. Participation in athletics as by the athletes and the many spectators who devoted their time to events were widely believed to cause many people to ignore the importance of education. This was especially of high concern among college-aged youth. As Brian Ingrasia, a professor of History at West Texas A&M University wrote “extracurricular activities – fraternities, choral societies, yearbooks, newspapers, and athletics – came to dominate university life.” Athletics were more influential on college campuses than simply lining the newspapers and being a free-time leisure activity. It was negatively affecting the educational realm as well. For the Augustana campus, something had to be done.
June 1905 marked a monumental point in the life of athletics at Augustana College and Theological Seminary. Augustana was a small, religiously affiliated Swedish college proud of its roots

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