Elimination of Out of State Tuition
How will you feel knowing that the person sitting next to you paid less for the same seat? Imagine traveling to your dream vacation, everything is perfect you are on the plane enjoying a small talk with the person next to you. After a few minutes into the conversation you are hit with reality; the conversation turns on how much that person paid for his flight and you realized that they pay less for the same seat. In today's society students who are headed to a two-year college or four-year university are subdivided into two categories. These categories are the in-state students and out-of-state students they are categorized into this group depending on their legal residency in the state they which to attend school.For out of state
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Colleges and Universities are involved in third-degree price discrimination defined as the difference of prices depending on the factors of gender, sex, geographical location and socioeconomic status.According to Boundless “Analysis of Price Discrimination” “Price discrimination exists within a market when the sales of identical goods or services are sold at different prices by the same provider. The goal of price discrimination is for the seller to make the most profit possible . Although the cost of producing the products is the same, the
The House Bill 904, also known as The In-State Tuition/Some N.C. Immigrant Youth Act was introduced during the same week of “Immigrants Right Day” and the “Time Is Now” Rally was held in Washington, D.C. The rally, were thousands of immigrants and their families, friends, and activists gathered in support for Immigration Reform.
As an out-of-State student, I will pay a higher tuition rate than those who are in-State students. Vocabulary: • Interstate compacts: agreements among themselves and with foreign states. • Full Faith and Credit Clause: Constitution’s requirement that each State accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. • Extradition: the legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State can be returned to that State. It is designed to protect a person from escaping justice by fleeing a State. • Privileges and Immunities Clause: no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States. Chapter 5-Section 1 Page 118 #1-3, 6 1. What is a political party? • A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office. 2. Identify 2 functions of political parties. • Nominate (name) candidates for public office. • Inform the people, and inspire and activate their interest and participation in public affairs. 3. In what ways is American government conducted on the basis of partisanship? • Parties provide a basis for the conduct of government.
If tuition is held below equilibrium price, demand will surpass supply. A price below equilibrium is called a price ceiling. Benefits inure to the consumers who get to obtain the tuition at lower cost, and other suppliers also benefit because demand exceeds supply, and buyers will move to substitutes, regardless of price. Excess buyers who want
America’s 38th president, Gerald Ford (1913-2006) took office on August 9, 1974, following the resignation of President Richard Nixon (1913-1994), who left the White House in disgrace over the Watergate scandal. Ford became the first unelected president in the nation’s history. Antenna’s Johnny Carson TV series kicks off with the January 1, 1982 episode. Eddie Murphy, McLean Stevenson are featured. Antenna TV begins running full episodes, re-billed as Johnny Carson. NBC owns the rights to The Tonight Show moniker. In the early 1970’s fashion was a big deal for women, males, and children. It was very important because they cared a lot about how they look and feel wearing new fashion clothing. Another big deal for fashion was for furniture women
Price discrimination is the practice of offering the same product to different consumers at different prices. This policy allows the producer to exploit the differences in elasticity of demand between buyers. A seller of baby formula could charge a higher price in Chinese markets where buyers are willing to pay high prices, and lower prices in the Australian market where buyers are less price sensitive. Price discrimination allows the producer to capture a higher profit between both markets than if they were charging a uniform price (Maskus, 2000, 1275).
Throughout the 1920’s, new industries and new methods of production led to prosperity in America. America was able to use its great supply of raw materials to produce steel, chemicals, glass, and machinery that became the foundation of an enormous boom in consumer goods (Samuelson, 2). Many US citizens invested on the stock market, speculating to make a quick profit. This great prosperity ended in October 1929. People began to fear that the boom was going to end, the stock market crashed, the economy collapsed and the United States entered a long depression.
According to this article the gap in college has become larger as of late because of students financial situations. Public universities cost on average one forth of private universities. The wealthier students benefit from this because of the way financial aid operates. When the tuition cost are raised it benefits the poorer students
First in order to become a neurosurgeon you must earn a bachelor’s degree. The total cost for your rooms, books, and board is $13,606. Your tuition fee is $8,655, this is for all four years of public college. If you want to go to a private college the price is a little different. The tuition cost for four years of private college is $29,056, and for your room, board, and books it cost $14,233. That’s not including food, drinks, and other needs. So I would want to go to public college so the total cost all together for all four years including food and drinks would be around $24, 661.
Out of state tuition shouldn’t limit people who seek a better education. When looking for collages to go to people tend to stay in state because the cost is cheaper. What is the actual tax dollars that go to the in state students? Schools collage shouldn’t be limited to just your state based on cost but it should be something you chose based on how good the school is. To fix this problem you could either have a universal tax that gives money to all schools in America this way schools have to give everyone who wants to go to their school pay the same cost. The other idea I have to fix this problem is to use the money the schools get already and have everyone take a cut this would increase instate tuition but also eliminate out of state tuition.
College has become a norm in today’s society so much so, that the average costs of higher education are not really discussed. A public two-year in-district college was $3,520 for a full-time undergraduate student in 2016-2017 (Baum 68). Baum also declares that a public four-year in-state undergraduate tuition was $9,650; a public four-year out-of-state college cost $24,930; a private nonprofit four-year college costs $33,480; and a for-profit college cost $16,000 for that same school year. (68). Across the nation, figures will vary because of the obvious geographical region differences, but also because of price discrimination. Price discrimination allows institutions to discount their prices for a lot of students (Baum 79). Institutions do this based on individual student circumstances, and it segments the market. Institutions
As discussed by Fryar (2014), if leaders perceive efforts to improve affordability as threats to the quality of their institution, efforts toward promoting affordability will be halted. Furthermore, prioritizing quality let college leaders seek for more stable and dependable financial sources. Tuition and fees, as one of the controllable and dependable source, will be the first choice for institution to maintain quality and avoid risk (Fryar, 2014). The dominant ideology that links price with quality in higher education institutions, or in other words, quality is maintained on the base of accumulation of tangible resources and the higher the price is, the better the education will be, is the root problem for the ineffective institutional affordability movements.
With the development of medical sciences, mortality and morbidity related to medical treatment and management has reduced. Further effort to reduce this further is an ongoing process (Subhash, 2005). Unforeseen and expected complications and even death do occur during the
When the same goods are sold at more than one price to a customer, a sophisticated pricing strategy occurred which is in a way called a price discrimination and not because of the cost differences, but the MR = MC rule for setting the price to achieve maximum profit. There are many pricing strategies adapted to yield firms profits above to those earned by simply charging a single price where marginal revenue equals marginal cost (Brue, Mcconnell, and Flynn, 2014, p. 417 - 438). There are few pricing strategies that are used by firm such as price discrimination, two-part pricing, block pricing, and commodity bundling.
In general ‘microeconomic theory’, Third-Degree Price Discrimination is said to be Pareto-inefficient because it reduces consumer surplus (Corts 1998). However, this claim has never been pervasive than it is in this modern day and age. With fast and ever-growing advancement in modern technology, firms are able to collect, analyse and utilise consumer information to their great advantage (Liu and Shuai 2016). Armed with this precise knowledge about the consumer, they (firms) can target any group of consumers they like. This is good news for them, but what about the consumer surplus/welfare? (Liu and Shuai 2016).
College tuition is in constant continuous rise in the United States. The rise in tuition varies from state to state a and from the two years public school to the four years private school in the United State, causing a heavy burden on students and parents. The four years private universities have double their tuition since 1980 while the tuition in 2 year community colleges increased by 50%. Still one cannot tell at what point this escalation of the tuition is going to become less than desirable.