An outcome evaluation focuses on long term program measures such as morbidity, mortality and disability. Outcome evaluations assess the programs ability to effect change and determine whether program objectives were met. An important consideration when conducting an outcome evaluation is to choose the appropriate evaluation design based on time, resources and the message you intend to deliver. Additionally, the evaluator needs to consider what variables to evaluate in order to demonstrate the program’s impact. For the purpose of our program our group has chosen a quasi-experimental design as there is no random group assignment within which to draw a comparison. Our group has chosen to compare the intervention group with a group of Hispanics
When an organization starts to make decision about the programs it will offer they have to start thinking about the processes and outcomes they want to use and achieve through their program. They need to find the best ways to run their program that follows their mission and produces outcomes that help support that same mission. Process and outcome evaluations in a human service setting help the organization to better understand the outcomes of their programs and the processes in which the outcomes came. (Yuen, Terao, 2003) This paper will walk you through an explanation and outline of a process and outcome evaluation plan for the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency. This process and outcome evaluation plan would be helpful in the organizations
Clegg and Smart (2010) noted that the term outcome measurement process is often interchangeable with achievement, goal, objective and indicator. Furthermore, Clegg and Smart (2010) went on to identify these terms, goals, outcomes present as essential elements to assist in identification of relevant data for program evaluation. Definitions of terms recognizes that goals are a broad statement of the ultimate aims of the program, outcomes are the changes in the lives of recipients, organization communities and those impacted by the program, and indicators indentifies specific, measurable information that can be collected or tracked to show that outcomes have occurred (Clegg & Smart, 2010).
High Noon and “The Most Dangerous Game” are both amazing stories to watch or read. The growth of the characters and how the plot plays out is incredibly interesting. At High Noon, Will Kane faces off with Frank Miller without much help at all. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, Rainsford faces off with General Zaroff and has to overcome his fears. When comparing them side by side, you notice the uniqueness of each story and also how they are alike.
The outcome evaluation process consists of a six stage model. The first stage is to build agency commitment and to clarify expectations. The second stage is to build agency capacity to measure the outcomes. The third stage is to identify the outcomes, indicators, and data collection methods. The fourth stage is to collect and analyze the outcome data. The fifth stage consists of improving the outcome measurement system. The sixth and final stage consists of using and communicating the outcome information.
Process evaluation is used to determine if the program activities have been implemented as intended. Outcome evaluation is used to measure effects of a program in the target population by estimating the progress in the outcome objectives that the program is to achieve (CDC, n.d.).
In my voluntary work as a first aider, I often need to make critical decisions based on assessing both seen and unseen signs and symptoms regarding someone health, while in the clinic I need to consider longer-term judgments about someone's wellness. The ongoing structured training I have undertaken and adhering to guidelines means that I can make these decisions in s consistent, fair and repeatable manner, which keeps everyone safe. Having an understanding of evaluating the short-term or long-term outcomes according to established or agreed criteria, is crucial to decisions based on assessing evidence.
The second evaluation approach would be outcome/impact evaluation examine the outcome and impact the program has on the targeted population. Furthermore, the evaluation can be useful
Program evaluation is a system that determines a program’s effectiveness and efficiency. This means whatever the programs expectations are must be kept. Efficiency is measured by the outcomes that are achieved with effort, limited time and additional resources. Excellent program evaluation includes subjective or objective information based on many different options. Human Services programs are important to evaluate for numerous reasons. The program can save time by finding out what works or doesn’t work for them. Making the community more aware of the program and how it benefits participants. The ability to prove the program’s effectiveness can help raise additional funding. The staff of the agency will be able to identify strengths and weakness. Also, bring more awareness to the Human Services field by educating other programs how to get started.
Outcome based practice, is defined by the Scottish Government as “an outcomes-based approach encourages us all to focus on the differences that we make and not just the input or processes over which we have control” (Scottish Government 2011). In 2011, the English Government launched is first framework of outcomes for adult health and social care. Within this framework, they stated “set of outcomes measures which have been agreed to be of value, both nationally and locally for demonstrating the achievements of adult social care”.
Outcome evaluations can show if clients are not benefiting as a result of a program to the extent desired.
Outcome Evaluation-- Outcome evaluation measures the treatment effectiveness or whether the treatment experience has been a factor in causing the desired change and it also measures how clients and their circumstances change affecting the intervention.
The evaluation process allows information to be collected and analysed, allowing decisions to be made about effectiveness, quality and outcomes of programs (Robertson & Long, 2008, p. 96). Evaluation allows accountability for practice and services (Alston & Bowles, 2012, p. 178). This process is extremely important within nursing homes as not only are the evaluations used internally but outcomes may be requested by government funding programs, insurance companies, professional organizations or accreditation agencies (Robertson & Long, 2008, p. 96).
Evaluators need to determine the design, approach and data collection methods to use for an evaluation. It is important to consider cultural context throughout the design and implementation. This describe how to match evaluation approaches to information needs, identify key contextual elements shaping the use of evaluation, produce the methodological rigor needed to support credible findings, and design responsive and useful evaluations. The evaluation process takes time and many moving parts. Communication and goals have to be clear from the beginning. It is essential to maintain an open line of communication and building trusting relationships with the organizations we work with while conducting evaluation of programs. It will be important for me to remain true and committed to my values when designing and implementing evaluation plans as well as following the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) that include: systematic inquiry, competency, responsibility for general and public welfare, integrity and honesty, and respect to promote the health of individuals, groups and organizations I work with. The strength of findings, conclusions, and recommendations about program implementation and results depends on factual decisions regarding evaluation design and measurement. The chapter targets getting the most appropriate and reliable measures for a given evaluation and then on designing the evaluation to assess the extent to which the program being evaluated affected the measured outcomes. Evaluation findings possess generalizability when they can be applied beyond the groups or context being studied. With quantitative data collection the ability to generalize findings from a statistical sample to a larger population refers to statistical
Program evaluation is an important tool to show that the health interventions have been effective and they also intend to improve the health of the target population. Evaluation helps define the worth of a program. It is imperative to conduct program evaluation in order to provide feedback to improve the effectiveness of the program. Evaluation plans should be developed at the beginning of the health program interventions. The CDC framework for program evaluation is comprised of the following steps:1) Engage stakeholders; 2) Describe the program; 3) Focus on evaluation design; 4) Gather credible evidence; 5) Justify conclusions; 6) Ensure use and share lessons learned. Also listed are the four standards for assessing the quality of evaluation activities: utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy (CDC, 2013). According to an article
According to Mertens and Wilson, program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency. Stakeholders often want to know whether the programs they are funding and supporting are effective. While program evaluation first focuses on the effectiveness of the program, other important factors to take into consideration is cost of the program, improvements that could be made, outcomes of the program, and usefulness of the program. Evaluators help to answer these questions, and stakeholders have to work with the evaluators in order to come to the best conclusion about the effectiveness of a program so that all aspects are taken into consideration. Program evaluations can involve both quantitative and qualitative methods of research. People who do program evaluation come from many different backgrounds, such as sociology, psychology, economics, social work, and public policy. Some graduate schools also have specific training programs for program evaluation.