Name: Matt Eichelberger Date: 10/18/15
Topic: concussions
General Purpose: understand NFL concussions
Specific Purpose: concussions are a serious problem in the NFL
Central Idea: concussions can be bad if not treated correctly
Speech Title: NFL protocol
I. Introduction (introduces topic)
a. Attention Getter- How many of you have had a concussion?
b. Thesis- I want you to better understand concussions, why they’re a problem in the NFL and what measures are being taken to prevent them.
c. Establish Credibility- As I said in my last speech I couldn’t go on to play football in college because of my number of concussion so I know the effects they have on you.
d. Preview Main Points-The definition of a concussion, how many happen in the NFL and safety/ equipment protocol.
e. Transition to Body/Main Point 1 How bad are concussions for your body you may ask. Bad.
II. Main Point 1
a. Supporting Idea/Evidence What exactly is a concussion? There technically isn’t a universal definition but the most common used by sports medicine is MTBI or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. It caused by an immediate stop that causes you brain to come in contact with you skull. It can cause,” permanent memory loss, depression and personality change.” If not taken serious and treated properly over the correct amount of time you could risk death by having a second hit to your head. (tator,1)
b. Transition/Signpost to Main Point 2- Where are concussions most likely? The
Science says concussions are inevitable; 96 percent of all NFL players and 79 percent of all football players test positive for brain disease (Source: Frontline League of Denial 9/18/15 Concussion Watch Article). Prior to 2002, the NFL’s approach to preventing, treating, and managing concussions and CTE was very different than it is today. My essay will explore what some of those differences were and whether or not changes in the NFL are improving the outcomes and quality of life for current and former NFL players.
All throughout sports, the topic of concussions seems to become more prevalent everyday. For the past couple years, concussions have become the topic to talk about in the NFL. First to understand how prevalent a concussion is in the sports world, you need to know what it is. As stated on, a concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. Now you can imagine why this is such a problem. Which leaves us to wonder, are the protocols in the NFL working?
I want to write a research paper on concussions in football for these three preeminent reasons: it will further my knowledge on the topic, help me understand concussions from both a scientific and football player’s perspective, and allow me to learn about something I encounter everyday and can use to prevent possible future injuries. Currently, I coach football at Maine Central Institute in Pittsfield and I want to know more about concussions and their implications so I can spot them, prevent them, and help players overcome them.
Concussions occur time after time throughout different sporting events and many are familiar with the word concussion, but what really is a concussion?
A concussion is a type of TBI that is caused from an impact to the head or from a jolt of the head which can be caused by a fall. A person receives a concussion when the brain hits the side of the inner skull due to the blow. This causes the brain to become more sensitive to some aspects of life. There are three different levels of a concussion mild, moderate, and severe. All three of these forms all have different symptoms (although some overlap) and different lengths of recovery.
The NFL as you probably already know, stands for the National Football League. It is the elite league for the best players and best athletes in the world. These players are in tip top shape and are extremely strong. Now the big question is this. What is one of, if not the biggest problem in the NFL? Concussions. Nate Jackson, a former NFL player and writer says this, “Why is it that men who were the strongest and fittest people alive when they were young degenerate so quickly? That’s the million-dollar question.” With all of the protective equipment and top-of-the-line helmets, you would think that the players are safe from these types of injuries. But, there is a remaining problem of concussions that is still very
Football is one of the most beloved sports in the United States. It is one of the most violent bone crushing sports, leaving players permanently injured for life in some cases. The most common injury that football players suffer from pee-wee through the NFL is the concussion. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that changes the way your brain works. The effects of a concussion are usually temporary and can result in a full recovery if its minor and treated correctly. A concussion can lead to brain problems later in life, even after a player has finished playing football. This is why people are studying and trying to understand concussions fully in order to prevent and treat future ones. Concussions are very
In the sports world today, there are many different injuries that athletes experience and one of the most devastating injury is a concussion. Concussions can happen to anyone, in any sport, but we tend to see most concussions in contact sports (Świerzewski 1). While having an informal conversation with my dad about football, he told me it was common for athletes to receive a head injury in a game and continue to play as if nothing was wrong. While watching SportsCenter, I found that some of the greatest retired athletes don’t remember the best moments of their careers due to the lack of treatment. The worst aspect of concussions is that the symptoms can be delayed; in some cases, it’s only a headache so athletes don’t seek medical treatment. Multiple concussions over time can lead to life-threatening complications due to the damage they cause to the brain. Concussions can happen to anybody at anytime, but there is more to concussions than meets the eye.
Head injuries, including concussions, particularly in the game of American football, have become a subject of deep concern, much study and even Congressional hearings in the United States.
Concussions can seriously alter one’s life. Concussions are the result of moderate to severe impact to the head with another object. These impacts shake the brain, which is suspended in cerebral fluid, and cause it to scrape against the skull. Concussions can have mild to severe symptoms including insomnia, an inability to concentrate and headaches. Symptoms manifest both physically and mentally and may appear days after the initial trauma, with the possibility of lasting for months. Concussions are extremely prominent in contact sports such as football and hockey at all ages of play, professional to amateur. Multiple concussions may be accompanied by CTE, a neurodegenerative disease associated with
The sports communities that require concussion education include the players themselves; their parents, the coaches, trainers, therapists, and referees; sports organizations/leagues; the media; teachers; and health care professionals. Several gains in recognition and management that impact upon concussion prevention can only be made through widespread of knowledge about concussions. Concussions are a serious issue in many professional sports. Concussions affect multiple sports in many ways. Many sports today are affected by the medical condition of concussions. Today, multiple leagues and professionals are learning how to prepare and prevent these career shattering injuries. With hundreds of medical advancements and a better understanding of the knowledge that the science has, we are assisting athletes to recover from these injuries. In order to understand concussions that lead the role on the games, one must look at the symptoms, injuries, and side-effects of this
A concussion is “a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration of brain function, including alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma” (American Association of Neurological Surgeons). Concussions are commonly seen in sports injuries in children and adolescents, but can also occur from falls, motor vehicle accidents, physical assault, and recreational injuries. In a concussion, a blow to the head or violent shaking causes the brain to twist or bump up against the skull. The force of the brain hitting the skull may tear blood vessels, pull, squeeze, stretch, or tear nerve fibers and neural cells, and bruise the brain (Brain Injury Association). This causes disruptions in brain processing and in turn all the symptoms associated with
It happens so quickly that you can’t even comprehend it, it’s a quick flash and then it’s like your whole world got turned upside down. Some people call it “seeing stars” or “blacking out.” A temporary blow to the head that causes unconsciousness is called a concussion, and they are becoming a serious issue in sports. The term “Concussion” was used pretty loosely back in the 1950’s. This became a serious issue around the early 1990’s and is now one of the most serious issues in today 's sports. Some myths have been brought up about concussions and many researchers decided to test them out and see if they are fact or fiction. Karen Schrock discovered six things about concussions that are true and many people don’t know them. In my own opinion, three out of the six are kind of common sense, but the other three are more unknown true facts about concussions.
In the U.S. alone, athletes suffer from roughly 300,000 concussions per year; 3,800,000 concussions were reported in 2012, which is double of what was reported in 2002. A concussion may be defined as a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, stretching and damaging the brain cells and creating chemical changes in the brain. Concussions are not usually considered life-threatening, but they may result in effects to the brain that may lead to devastating outcomes. Concussions are serious injuries that need to be taken seriously because of their severity and the serious health disorders that may arise.
My first research project was the dangers and preventions of concussions in sports. Concussions can be very dangerous if you are not wearing the proper equipment and do not treat them properly. For those of you who don’t know “a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull”. There are many symptoms of a concussion. “You may be suffering from a concussion if you experience dizziness, headache, off-balance, amnesia for what occurred before the head trauma, anterograde amnesia (a loss of ability to create new memories after the head trauma), difficulty concentrating, irritability and vomiting”.