
Outline For Animal Testing Essay

Good Essays

Aleesha Bender

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the society of animal testing.
Central Idea: I will discuss the history behind animal testing, the advantages of animal testing, and the disadvantages of animal testing.
I. Attention: Bonzo is a 2 month old, Rhesus Macaque breed monkey. He was born in an experimental laboratory, and after just a few short days of being born he was ripped away from his mother’s arms into the hands of the experimenters who would now be his only family. He was immediately taken to a cage that would be his home for the rest of his life. Little did he know at the time, he was going to be used for medical research. More specifically, he was going to be used for the testing of modern advances …show more content…

My second main point evaluates the pros or advantages of animal testing. According to an article updated in 2015 by Ian Murnaghan in About Animal Testing, the major pro for animal testing is that it aids researchers in finding drugs and treatments to improve health and medicine.
a. Without animal testing we wouldn’t have as many of the medical treatments as we have today. Some include:
1. Antibiotics
2. Vaccines
3. Insulin
b. Another big advantage in animal testing is the safety of drugs. Humans are exposed to many drugs which can come with hazards, but with the use of testing human harm is decreased.
(Transition: Since now you know about a few of the advantages associated with animal testing, we will move onto some potential disadvantages.)
V. My third and final main point views the cons or disadvantages of animal testing. A 2011 article written by and for Phil for Humanity states that animals undergoing testing can be subjected to torture and suffering.
a. They spend their entire life locked up having no control and they are injected with diseases. Some animal testing even results in fatalities.
VI. Catherine Militello explains in her 2004 article Animal Tests Can Be Very Unreliable, that animals have different genes, different proteins, and different pathways than humans do. They are different from

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