The research studies the utopian and dystopian literature in Lois Lowry’s The Giver (1993) tackling the memory and the past ,rules and order, choices, language and communication, isolation ,suffering, old age, tradition and customs through the techniques of flashback , foreshadowing, and suspense.
I: Utopian and Dystopian Literature
1- Definitions A: According to Vladimir Lenin is a Greek word consists of ou means not and topos means a place, It means a place which does not exist.
B: According to Booker.M.Keith and Harley Ferris dystopia is a negative of utopia, a place in which everything is imperfect.
2- Origins
A: The term utopia was coined in (1516) by Sir Thomas More when he wrote Utopia.
B: The term dystopia was coined by John
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B: Names (giver and receiver) are more significantly about memories from one person to another.
2- Setting
A: The Giver's community is an attempt at a utopia, a perfect society but there are some problems there's no freedom, choice or individuality.
B: The Giver portrays a failed utopia, a world in which everything goes wrong.
3- Themes
A: In The Giver memories are the source of wisdom, also the source of pain, but they are meant to be shared.
B: Rules, laws, traditions and customs are all used to control.
C: Old age is treated with respect; on the other hand the individuals are treated as children not as knowledgeable people.
D: Memories make both physical and emotional suffering.
4- Plot
A: The December ceremony is the actual beginning of the events, when Jonas is selected to become the new receiver of memory.
B: When Jonas learns about memory his character changes and becomes complex, also there is an inner conflict between his life before and after receiving memories.
C: Jonas crosses the boundary releasing the memories that naturally flood back into the communities.
Lois Lowery´s The Giver is an award winning book where it tells a story of a boy named Jonas and his stereotypical community. The community has taken away any chance of pain, feelings, and creativity. The community has taken away memories from the past. The fact that taking away the memories limits people to be their true selves and takes away their choices.
Lois Lowry’s novel, The Giver, offers a thought provoking, well written story, because it changes the perspective of anyone who dares to read it to. Lowry places her novel, at some point in the future when mankind has gone away with changes and choices in life. She forces readers appreciate, or at least re-think the world they live in today. Her novel presents a fully human created environment where people have successfully blocked out conflict, grief, and individuality. Each person follows the same routine every day. Failure comply with standards, to be different, means death. Jonas, the main character, finds himself trapped in this world.
First, The Giver’s community is a dystopia because there is limited freedom. I know this because in the Document E it says, “Oh,” Jonas was silent for a minute. “Oh, I
This essay is about comparing the Giver book and movie. The Giver is a story about a boy named Jonas who was chosen to be the community’s next Receiver of Memory. He lived in a community where everything was chosen for the citizens, and everything was perfect. During Jonas' training, he realized that the community was missing something and that there was more in the world. Jonas wanted the everybody to know that. The Giver book was then made into a movie. Though the two were based on the same story, there are three important differences that could've made them two separate stories. The three main differences between the book and the movie are Asher and Fiona's Assignments, the similarity all Receivers had and the Chief Elder's role.
Jonas and The Giver are two important characters in this story. The Giver is someone who transmits the memories and passes them on to the Receiver of Memory which is Jonas. Jonas’s community is dystopia because only two people are able to have the memories, lives are taken away from people with no choice (released) and also only
The Giver Essay by Dennis Doernenburg First words are the hardest. The screenplay, storyboard, directors all of the people responsible for a movie version of a novel, starting to write something with high expectations requires a lot of confidence, and I have the first-hand experience. The team that wrote this amazing movie had to change the book to make it fit the “movie skeleton”. The movie skeleton is the base of the movie, using all the main characteristics of a movie. In this essay, I will point out the changes in characters.
Together, Jonas and The Giver devise a plan to bring back all of the things and memories people had before Sameness. The Giver is a very complicated and difficult story. There are many themes a reader can take away from this book,
The novel, The Giver, is a utopian/dystopian fiction written by Lois Lowry. The main character, Jonas, lives in a perfect world. There is no war, fear or pain. By comparing and contrasting two seemingly different societies, one can determine that a utopian society cannot truly exist. While there are many similarities and differences within The Giver and modern society, some that stood out were the lifestyle, memories, and families.
Throughout the plot of The Giver, the idealist outlook of the government is constantly in juxtaposition with that of the Receiver and the newly
In modern society, people tend to enjoy terrifying and horrific films and novels because of the anticipation and thrill of the character’s fear, in which they are not aware of. One of these common and popular genres is known as Gothic Horror. Although this entertainment is common in our society today, in past time periods, it was written during a mass transition. The age’s in which there are religious, cultural, and technological advances and changes, is a particular time when novels in this genre come to light. People are typically not comfortable with change, which is why these transitional times can cause anxiety, in which causes novels in this genre to be written. The short story, The Judges House, written by Bram Stoker is properly categorized
The famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov once stated ”Science is dangerous. There is no question but that poison gas, genetic engineering, and nuclear weapons and power stations are terrifying. It may be that civilization is falling apart and the world we know is coming to an end.” This quote sums up my stance on genetic engineering perfectly. Our society should not pursue genetic engineering in humans because of the risk, possibility for discrimination, and ethical problems associated with modifying human genes.
Imagine having everything you wished for. You would live in a perfect world. But every world has imperfections and you come across to realizing...a perfect world doesn’t exist. Within time, you come from an illusion to reality. You choose your journey and it starts here. The community is a separate environment from the world and has many rules to live by. The rules can vary to be severe consequences. It includes sameness, no memories, and family unit regulations. The kids end their childhood at the age of 12 by receiving their life assignment. The main character, Jonas is chosen to be the receiver of memory. He is reliable to hold everyone's feelings, hopes, and devotions. In The Giver the author Lois Lowry uses the theme of change to reveal that growing up in “the community” is a non-stressful and organized environment but Jonas finds the real world a whole different place when he receives memories about strong feelings and hardships, intellects the word “love”, and how important it is to be an individual.
Since Kraft Food’s gained its independence last year, it has seen a 6.4 percent reduction in grocery sales from the previous year across the board with only a slight increase in cheese as all other took a loss thus far. It is expected that for the 2013 fiscal year Kraft should reflect earning of $3.40 per share, this is up from the previous estimation of $2.75 per share. Overall Kraft will probably be in line or slightly lower than originally projected. (NASDAQ)
Lois Lowry’s The Giver is set in a futuristic, dichotomous society, one that is both utopian and dystopian. In response to the overwhelming destruction and chaos in the world, the Elders have attempted to create and maintain a peaceful and orderly utopia, but this security comes at a price. The citizens of the community have sacrificed their individuality and freedom. Although most adult members have some knowledge of the hypocrisies involved, they choose to perpetuate the deception, allowing the community, as a whole, to continue on blissful ignorance. When young Jonas is confronted with all the truths of the present and all the memories of the past, he must choose for himself
Utopias and dystopias are two sides of the same coin; as beneath every façade of a utopian community , there is a dystopian undercurrent detected . The term Utopia is coined by Plato in his book The Republic (380 BC). Plato's Utopia represents an ideal society of freedom ,justice and equality (Gerhard 2 ) . In 1516 , the term "Utopia" was used by Sir Thomas More in his book by the same name which depicts an imaginary country names Utopus , a country based on social equality and freedom from conflict (Sisk). In his article "Dystopia", David Sisk gives a brief background on the origin of the word utopia ,asserting that it is " derived from the Greek ou ("not" or "no") and topos (place), a utopia is "no place," a land that does not exist"(607).