
Outline For The Giver Research Paper

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The research studies the utopian and dystopian literature in Lois Lowry’s The Giver (1993) tackling the memory and the past ,rules and order, choices, language and communication, isolation ,suffering, old age, tradition and customs through the techniques of flashback , foreshadowing, and suspense.

I: Utopian and Dystopian Literature
1- Definitions A: According to Vladimir Lenin is a Greek word consists of ou means not and topos means a place, It means a place which does not exist.
B: According to Booker.M.Keith and Harley Ferris dystopia is a negative of utopia, a place in which everything is imperfect.
2- Origins
A: The term utopia was coined in (1516) by Sir Thomas More when he wrote Utopia.
B: The term dystopia was coined by John …show more content…

B: Names (giver and receiver) are more significantly about memories from one person to another.
2- Setting
A: The Giver's community is an attempt at a utopia, a perfect society but there are some problems there's no freedom, choice or individuality.
B: The Giver portrays a failed utopia, a world in which everything goes wrong.
3- Themes
A: In The Giver memories are the source of wisdom, also the source of pain, but they are meant to be shared.
B: Rules, laws, traditions and customs are all used to control.
C: Old age is treated with respect; on the other hand the individuals are treated as children not as knowledgeable people.
D: Memories make both physical and emotional suffering.
4- Plot
A: The December ceremony is the actual beginning of the events, when Jonas is selected to become the new receiver of memory.
B: When Jonas learns about memory his character changes and becomes complex, also there is an inner conflict between his life before and after receiving memories.
C: Jonas crosses the boundary releasing the memories that naturally flood back into the communities.


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