
Outline For The Most Dangerous Game

Satisfactory Essays

The short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” begins when the protagonist, Rainsford, finds himself in the warm waters of the Caribbean, just off the shores of “Ship-Trap Island.” On the aforementioned island, Rainsford meets Zaroff, a Cossack who lives for the thrill of hunting all things—not just animals. When Rainsford first lays eyes on Zaroff he notices that he was “singularly handsome” with “high cheekbones, a sharpcut nose, a spare, dark face,” in addition to having “thick eyebrows and a pointed military mustache as black as the night as which Rainsford had come.” Rainsford also observes that Zaroff seems to be studying him and acting bizarre, almost as if he could sense that Zaroff is capable of mysterious, inhumane things. Furthermore,

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