
Outline Of A Sweetened Beverage Tax Act

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Sweetened Beverage Tax Act Section One This bill will reduce the number of deaths caused by the effects of obesity and reduce the number of obese and overweight adults and children in America with a $0.01 tax on all sweetened beverages for sale. Section Two Congress hereby finds and declares that the United States of America has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of obese people and the number of deaths caused by the symptoms of obesity. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths and accounts for 18% of all deaths in America (Fox 2013); thus, a one-cent-per-ounce tax on sugary beverages will decrease consumer rates and lower the obesity level. The rise in sweetened beverage consumption is parallel to the increase in obesity rates. Soda and other sugary substances are the largest contributors to sugar and calorie intake; soft drinks, energy drinks, sweet teas, and sports drinks are considered the top most consumed beverages in America (Kickthecan 2014). The annual medical costs due to obesity and overweight Americans is also staggering. The proposed solution will not hinder the necessary diet and nutritional value of one 's meal, but rather improve it by reducing the amount of sugar American 's consume, especially since sugary beverages are a large factor of obesity that can be costly and life threatening. One in every three adults and one in every three children are obese (CDC 2014). Overweight and obese are labels characterized by excessive

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