
Outline On Anorexia Nervosa

Decent Essays

Research Essay Outline

Hook: In today’s day and age beauty expectations have drastically changed from the way they used to be. Being beautiful is solely based on how thin or “fit” someone is. When are we as people going to stop brainwashing others through the media and telling them that they need to be fit or thin in order to be beautiful?

Background: Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders that are effecting the lives of women all over the world. Anorexia nervosa was first talked about in the year 1684, it wasn’t until the 19th century (1870) that it became known as an illness and medical professionals started coming up with a diagnosis.

Thesis claim: There are many factors than can cause someone to develop anorexia nervosa.

Three supporting details: beauty expectations are based on how models look, media influencing the fact that thinness is considered beautiful, family and friends influencing eating habits and causing eating disorders to develop.

Transition sentence : firstly, beauty expectations are based on how models look.

Paragraph one:

Main idea: beauty expectations are based on how models look. …show more content…

However, Girls experience this level of dissatisfaction more frequently than boys do. They studied 25 females and had showed them pictures of thin women, after seeing these pictures, their body image had become more negative. When they were shown images of average, plus sized models, their view on their body image wasn’t as negative as it was when the thin models were shown. This study was shown to be more effective on the women that were younger than 19 years of

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