
Outline On Utopian Society

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I) a utopian society cannot exist A) people have different veiws on certain things, and we all live very different lifes. B) a super power will slowly but surely controll all of our actions, and make us this the way they want us to. C) without diversity we will become a society in a \\ D) Therefore, a utopian society cannot exist II) a utopian society cannot exist because people have different veiws on certain things, and we all live very different lifes. A) if one culture is against school essays and another culture is all for essays who\'s beleif will be allowed and who\'s will be criminalized. B) there would be to many arguments, and fights. C) we need cultural differences; its what makes us feel that there is a meaning to life. …show more content…

III) a utopian society cannot exist because a super power will slowly but surely controll all of our actions, and make us this the way they want us to. A) a goverment type power will start taking steps to increase our \"safety.\" B) they will keep us away from prior knowledge, so that we dont notice how much this goverment has \"guided \" our thoughts. C) we have seen it in history where people, and goverments have altered the thoughts of civilians,and soldiers to think a certain way D) Therefore, a utopian society cannot exist because a super power will slowly but surely controll all of our actions, and make us this the way they want us to. IV) a utopian society cannot exist because without diversity we will become a society in a \\ A) we, as humans, need individual thoughts without them we are only

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