Most high school students around the world are faced with outrageous amounts of homework that consumes majority of their lives, from the moment they arrive home to the time they need to be sleeping. If students have homework taking over their lives there is no real balance between school life and socializing also with the amount of homework given out is causing major stress on students and causing conflict within families.
Students arrive home from their tedious six hour long school day only to go home and finish another three to four hours long homework task that could have been taught in class. Students brains are still developing and it takes a long time for information to finally soak in and become more able to remember without having to stress. Most homework tasks that are set are only supposed to be worked on for half an hour but for most students, especially when they are tired and restless cannot just simply sit there and re-do what they done at school it generally comes a two to three hours long task causing students pick between sleep or a detention the next day causing more than necessary stress on students.
Large amounts of homework for students especially in high school has such an impact on a student's social life especially when they
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Students are faced with the reality of should I do my homework later and just stay up all night? Or I’ll do it now and risk having a huge argument with my parents, students are faced with those questions every day but if they do what they think is best they end up in a huge argument whether it is with their family about not doing the chores or it’s with the teacher because they didn't complete their
Not only does homework help student but also it creates interaction between teens and parents. However, statics has shown that even though homework is a way to refresh what students have learned, it also create stress for students. Homework has shown its benefits for student but most of the time when student is given a homework it’s likely he/she will not do it. They believe it’s stressful,and when they can’t get the right answer, they gave up instantly instead of keep practicing. According to researchers, they believe that when student do more homework they get better grades and do well on the test/quizzes that were given. Even though homework has many advantage toward students, it also has disadvantage. Which include having too much homework and these things could lead to mental health issue toward students.
After spending most of their time in school, students are expected to complete even more work, seems almost ridiculous. Homework is taking time away from students other activities. In the book, “The Case Against Homework,” by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, they state how homework, “robs children of their sleep, play and exercise time need for proper physical, emotional, and neurological development.” Homework is no different than a towel placed in water. It soaks up the time from other activities A study done by the Brown Center found an
After a long day of school, students are tired, stressed, and overworked. This is often something that is ignored when it comes to students of all ages. Homework provides a heavy load that can add additional stress and time on a student’s shoulders. Schools should be making sure that students are receiving enough work throughout the day, to make sure kids do not have the worry of homework when school is over. Students who receive lots of homework, may not have enough time in the evenings to be around family, friends and enjoy the rest of their day.
Source C finds that students do not believe they have the proper amount of time to foster improved social and cultural interactions. Homework decreases the amount of time students have to interact with others, resulting in individuals not suited to societal engagement. Even if homework were effective, the amount of time it takes away from human interaction destroys the ability to discuss the very ideas reinforced during homework. Source D states that important lessons about responsibility develop when homework is assigned regularly. However, the development of character traits means nothing if the individuals cannot express themselves around others.
People expect so much out of teenagers, especially the students who are involved in sports and maintain a job throughout the school year. They are expected to attend classes and their extracurricular activities; they have to make it to work on time, finish their homework, do their studies, and on top of that, get enough sleep at night. This is the kind of busy schedule students uphold in their week and it’s overwhelming for them. It causes stress and exhaustion, and people still expect them to do well and keep up with everything. Is this how we want students to feel all the time? Sure we want them to accomplish goals and be the best they can be, but one way to relieve some stress is less homework. When they come home from work or sports
First of all, the amount of time that some homework assignments given take is ridiculous. Students do not have the amount of time it takes to complete the homework that all of their teachers give. Not to mention, when the parents get upset and angry
Another part of the problem with high schools is the amount of homework is given to students. Let’s say that a student has five classes a day and receives five hours of homework each night. That leaves the student little to no time to spend time with family and friends, go to work, play a sport, and even
High school students feel more stress than working adults, and children are beginning to feel aversion towards learning. Both adolescents and children are at risk of health issues due to anxiety and less time is spent with family, playing, and sleeping. The cause for all of this is too much homework that is suffocating students. Homework causes students to sleep less, have more stress, and even forces students to give up extracurricular activities. These negative results can be improved by reducing the homework load.
When kids have homework every night it steals time away from relaxation. Students are tired after a long day at school. For example, students are now staying at home doing homework instead of being with friends and family. Homework takes time away from
Have you ever gotten home after a long day of school ready to relax only to realize you have homework to do? Millions of kids around the world go to school for 7+ hours a day just so they can go home and do even more work. Students should not have homework.
Have you ever tried to finish something after you’ve been busy all day, you're out of time, and you have no one to help you? Students try to do this far too often. Students are handed mountains of homework that despite their best efforts, they cannot finish. I would know, I am a junior high student after all. Far too many times I’ve seen students struggle to complete homework and their mental health has suffered. It’s obvious students shouldn’t have so much homework. First of all, teachers can’t help student's when they are struggling to complete assignments at home. Secondly, homework puts teens under immense amounts of stress. Lastly, students often don’t possess the time with their busy schedules. Students should have less homework because students won’t have a teacher’s assistance in completing assignments, It stresses students out, and the majority of students don’t have enough time to finish homework and do things important to them.
Losing sleep due to homework is a big problem as well, which can be heart-breaking considering the fact that they are also not spending a lot of time with their families just to be up all night studying for a test the next day and completing lengthy homework assignments. These students may become depressed, end up having bad attitudes, and even dropping out. As a motivated student myself, I am sure that these issues should not be occurring just because of homework.
Students today are overwhelmed by the amount of homework they are doing. Schools are giving kids so much homework it's causing them to be stressed and lose sleep, lose their family and free time, and it's causing kids to have health problems.
Students are being graded for how well they practice a newly taught item. If a student does not comprehend the way they are taught, and are given homework, they will cheat in order to get a decent grade. Evidently, students that do this do not learn the material causing them to do poorly on tests. Homework also denies the ability to pursue hobbies and after school activities. Correspondingly students that do not pursue their hobbies slowly start to descend their communication with family and friends. Many students have lost the desire to learn, because of the large amount of homework. This causes disruptions, poor grades, and most importantly drastically decreases the achievement level. Student’s attitudes will become greater and have the urge to try drugs, tobacco, and alcohol to lower their amounts
Homework may be thought of to help kids improve their test scores and studies, but this common misconception has our whole school systems fooled beyond belief. Over the years, the study of this controversial topic has been operated heavily. For example, Duke University psychology professor Harris Cooper conducted studies called the 2006 Meta Analysis that are heavily renowned in the community. some studies he examined showed homework can cause physical and emotional fatigue, fuel negative attitudes about learning and limit leisure time for children. This is beyond true nowadays, where our school systems push kids to sleep less, stress more, and spend less time with family. The fact that most of us students get less than the recommended 8 hours a night and are given on average one hour of homework per class is awful to