
Outrageous Amounts Of Homework

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Most high school students around the world are faced with outrageous amounts of homework that consumes majority of their lives, from the moment they arrive home to the time they need to be sleeping. If students have homework taking over their lives there is no real balance between school life and socializing also with the amount of homework given out is causing major stress on students and causing conflict within families.

Students arrive home from their tedious six hour long school day only to go home and finish another three to four hours long homework task that could have been taught in class. Students brains are still developing and it takes a long time for information to finally soak in and become more able to remember without having to stress. Most homework tasks that are set are only supposed to be worked on for half an hour but for most students, especially when they are tired and restless cannot just simply sit there and re-do what they done at school it generally comes a two to three hours long task causing students pick between sleep or a detention the next day causing more than necessary stress on students.

Large amounts of homework for students especially in high school has such an impact on a student's social life especially when they …show more content…

Students are faced with the reality of should I do my homework later and just stay up all night? Or I’ll do it now and risk having a huge argument with my parents, students are faced with those questions every day but if they do what they think is best they end up in a huge argument whether it is with their family about not doing the chores or it’s with the teacher because they didn't complete their

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