The principle outside influences in Southeast Asia were the British, Dutch, French, Spanish and Americans. The British colonized Singapore. The Dutch colonized Indonesia. The French colonized Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Spain colonized the Philippines before the country was turnover to the United States. Although Southeast Asian countries had their own identity even before the colonizers came, they were not as organized. Most SE Asian countries then did not have a central governing system. This was probably one of the reasons why SE Asian countries were attractive as potential colonies. Outside influences affected history more than SE Asian indigenous leaders at that time simply because these outside influences were countries that had the resources
When people first start reading a book there is one burning question: "What is this story about?" It’s a heavy question, especially for a fiction novel with so many fabricated details. You can fix this by saying a story is all about decisions. Of course, there are other themes, but the entire story is connected by the questions characters ask themselves and the outcome of their own answers. We can think about how this mimics real life. How every day we are forced to consider life's chance situations; some casual, some pressing, but all of them impacting our final growth as people and those around us to some degree. A good example of this is when in the book "The Outsiders", our protagonist Jonny decided to kill Bob in self-defense, this resulted in Jonny and Ponyboy going on the run. The decisions, the choices, that were made by Jonny change the course of his and his cohort's entire lives in an instant--directing the whole final tale and story outcome.
In the time period from 1450-1750, Asia began to use multiple strategies to to build their empires. Many aspects of their culture including their government, religion, and education were refined and changed. During their time period, Europe began to move into Asia in order to gain influence. While the empires of Eastern Asia focused more on their governments and education, the Europeans came and attempt to spread their religious ideas, especially Catholic countries.
Establishment of colonial empires had been made with the Global trade. Plus there were new business and trade factors as well too. Global Trade had made a superior impact because there weren’t any negative effects on the trade
It is a tragic truth: About 10,000 lives are lost in the United States because of drunk driving each year. Alcohol is wildly known as one of the main reasons of causing social security issue. Small amount can make people feel relaxed, but bigger amount could make them loss their coordination, get feeling of confusion and disorientation, and significantly slowed their reaction time. On average, one person dies every hour because of alcoholic traffic accident in United State. Therefore, the NTSB put out a recommendation last May that the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) level for drivers should be lowered from the current level of .08% to .05%. But for several reasons, we shouldn’t lower the
British Imperialism in China didn't quite work out so well. It was driven by the desire to gain higher wealth and to also have complete control made possible by spheres of influence which is a concept of control from an outside power. From that point, the British had control over trade all throughout Asia.
Southern Asia was one of the first areas to undergo decolonization. One reason was due to nationalist resistance that was already occurring in Southern Asia. Countries were displaying nationalism and some were unwilling to cooperate with the imperialist government. Another reason was the effects of World War II on many Western countries. Many countries were exhausted after the war and lost much of their dominance and control over the rest of the world. Many did not want to take risks by keeping colonies as operating a government was expensive. Some countries were eager to pull out of their colonies. This was the case for some colonies in Southern Asia. All of these factors contributed to Southern Asia becoming one of the first areas to undergo
Are outsiders simply those who are misjudged or misunderstood? Whether outsiders are misjudged or misunderstood depends on whose perspective you view this question from. When you look at someone you are developing an opinion of them, and you may be misjudging them by deciding they are an outsider. While when you are the person being judged you feel that you are just simply misunderstood. You may have experienced one or probably both of these perspectives. Moreover to truly understand what it means to be an outsider you need to understand both of these perspectives.
In conclusion it has been demonstrated how the Attack On Pearl Harbor can be considered one of the key reasons why U.S.A entered WW2. It is clear that historians will never know whether the American Government was planning to take part into war even before Pearl Harbor, but using the sources previously analyzed we can demonstrate the strong economic interests America had in Europe and in Northern Africa before that dramatic event. Equally important was the relationship between Germany and USA, more specifically between the Nazi-nationalist economy and the world-wide capitalist market. In fact the two opposite ideas could not get on due to their ideological fallacies. The attack on Pearl Harbor was simply the spark to what were already
a) Portuguese & Dutch merchants enjoyed a rich & active trade until the early 1800s.
Colonial architecture is a combination architectural style of a country that has been adapted from the other countries characteristics, methods and influences. The colonists built settlements and create hybrid designs that include their countries of origin with the design styles. Europeans came to Southeast Asia during 16th century. The colonial vision was effectively imposed on Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the Southeast Asia countries were controlled by the British, Dutch, French and the Americans. Under this colonial rule, the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a period of fast development of such as new architectural styles, modern construction methods and techniques, railways, roads, etc. They changed the configurations, construction and methods to make the buildings more sustainable and maintained.
The world has many different influences that affect the way we grow, think, and act. It is interesting how some people from the same background and upbringing can become completely different people simply by the people they associate with. Psychologically association can be one of the best or worst things that can happen to someone. Depending on the type of association can determine which road you go down in life. Choices like this start at a very young age, such as grade school to high school.
The inspiration for Bede’s reform program comes from a pattern that can be found in the book of Ezra-Nehemiah which can be conveniently divided into three sections. Each of these sections deals with a similar situation and issues: a return from exile which includes projects of restoration and reform. Today modern English translations of the Bible print the text of Ezra-Nehemiah as two distinct books. By having Ezra and Nehemiah as separate books was not always the way in which these texts were written; they were traditionally combined into one book in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles. However, by considering them as one document, it will help to make it much easier to understand the book in its three parts.
A great example of this is getting a degree; it might not be as important or beneficial to you to get a certain degree but the benefits that you could give the society with that degree can be significant, so the government creates scholarships and incentives to motivate you and make it easier for you to get an education and ultimately be part of the working society.
In many ways, nations can be defined by their trade relationships. Before the Age of Exploration, European nations remained isolated, with most of their trade coming from neighboring countries. Similarities between nations in close proximity to one another limited the amount of influence each culture had on the other, as their proximity allowed the cultures to blend regardless of trade relations. However, as the Age of Exploration unfolded, western nations rapidly came into contact with eastern nations. The massive differences in culture between East and West opened the door to new, dramatic influences on eastern nations. The colonization of China and Portugal provides one example of this form of influence. Although trade routes to China
During the 19th century, European world powers colonized all of Southeast Asia, except for one kingdom, Siam. Before the French and the British arrived, Siam had conquered all its surrounding countries and had control of all of Southeast Asia and the Malay Peninsula. But as the European world powers started to takeover Southern Asia, the kingdom had started to see a threat to its independence. In the wake of the threat, the Kingdom used many different methods to keep its independence, such as signing treaties in which they ceded land they had previously conquered, being a physical buffer state in between the French and the British, who were two major colonial rivals, and undergoing a period in which they adopted many Western values.