Student's rights about free speech and expression shouldn't be limited outside of school.It also shouldn't be limited on social media either just because that's whats on their mind.It should only limit when your're inside of school just so it can keep the peaceful environment.From the center of Public Education "student's should be required to be in a peaceful environment so it can thrive" so if we limit the freedom of speech during school is taking place then the peaceful environment should stay.This should also limit negative clothing or expressions during school but when they're outside of school these actions can take place.
There shouldn't be any form of punishment to the children who say or express themselves outside of school.There is no reason for expelling or suspending a kid for doing what they want on social media or expressing themselves because it's not effecting the peaceful environment during school.This is what ACLU says "Likewise, students should be free from discipline for speaking out on issues of the day or criticizing teachers or officials".This agrees about having no punishment for kids who
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"This also states that 33 percent disagreed for this and 19 percent of that strongly disagreed.Since of this statement this proves that people want this to change and have students have their
There is an increase in cyberbullying due to technology, the school has the right to protect their students, and it affects how teachers work. Numerous individuals trust that punishing students for what they say outside of school goes against the First Amendment, yet in the event that it disturbs the wellbeing of the student body, something should be done. At the point when students are included with cyberbullying, it unquestionably goes past the school's doors and influences not only the student, but the general population around
Citizens in America are born with a various amount of rights. One of these rights include the freedom of speech and expression. However, school administrators have the ability to restrict a student’s expression. The Supreme Court Cases ‘Bethel School District v. Fraser’ and ‘Frederick V. Morse’ gave schools the right for the administrators to discipline children when they see fit. Students should be able to express themselves in any way without fearing that their school administrators will discipline
Schools have very different policy's when it comes to what the 1st amendment says. 2 cases are proof of this, Tinker vs Des Moines is a case where a simple armband protesting the Vietnam war which shouldn’t be an issue gets into the supreme court. This is because schools can enforce things that are a distracting or disruptive to school activity. A similar case to this is Bethel school district vs Fraser is a case where freedom of speech of a student gets taken away from him. This is due to the fact the student was making sexual remarks in a school speech which the principle deemed inappropriate for some students. Both cases directly relate to the first amendment with Tinker vs Des Moines being freedom of expression and Fraser being freedom of speech. Tinkers case is the best
Students should be able to freely express themselves and be their own unique beings, even amongst hundreds of peers. Since the beginning of time, our society has
Imagine being bashed on my over a dozen kids online saying rude hurtful comments, would you not want someone to help solve this problem? In my DBQ there is seven different documents with seven different examples. After reading and doing extra research on the documents I think schools should be allowed to limit students’ online speech. I believe that the schools are trying to make this a safer place for students.
By limiting online speech, schools will be able to create an amiable atmosphere and keep students focused on school work. Confining speech will also legally protect students' and teachers civil rights to prevent violation of the Fourth Amendment. Lastly, schools should restrict online speech to avert emotional agony in teachers and students and even prevent causalities such as suicides caused by cyberbullying. With increasing technology, it's crucial to develop school policies limiting online speech to keep students focused on their future without the anxiety and fear of being
Freedom of Expression is a right that all Americans can joy on a daily basis, now imagine if it were a controlled right? That doesn’t make it a right, more so something that we can use when the government says so. In November of 1968, 4 students organized a silent protest against the US policies in Vietnam, which ended with suspension from their local schools. The issue was brought up in court, which led to split consensus. The majority opinion of the Supreme Court was that the expression of speech couldn’t be prohibited unless it was a disruption and harmed the rights of others. The dissent opinion stated that if freedom of speech was without a limit to an extent, who says it could lead to school being a platform for the exercise of free speech instead of education. The argument came to the conclusion of defining the rights and freedom of speech for children in school. I agree with the majority opinion, seeing the freedom of expression shouldn’t be controlled and such.
I believe that schools should limit students online free speech because many students are seriously affected by cyberbullying. And students are not the only victim 15.1% of teachers admit that they have been a victim of cyberbullying. Online bullying has seriously affected both students and teachers too by reducing their self esteem, making them stressed out, and even affecting their home lives. If schools were to limit the
Should schools be allowed to limit students online speech? My answer, yes because there are many reasons to limit their speech by, bullying and cyberbullying. I have one report on “ Survey of British School Teachers,” it was a survey of percentages of job workers, school teachers, are scared and stressed to go back to work because they get cyber bullied by others. Students need to limit their speech because the victims can start hurting themselves because bullies have no other things to do. These were my reason for why schools should limit students online speech.
First off, limiting students’ online speech is unconstitutional. The first amendment clearly states, “Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech…” Which says that, for the most part, we can say whatever we want. In Gitlow v. New York the Supreme Court decided that first amendment applies to other levels of government, including public schools. What all this amounts too is that public schools are required by the constitution to protect their students’ freedom of speech. So, if a school was to limit any student’s online speech, the school is entirely abridging his/her rights.
Evidence of this is, on June 13th, 2011 a student going by the name J.S was suspended for creating a MySpace account where she posted hurtful statements using vulgar language about her middle school principal. The day after she made the account, rumblings in the hallways began to happen and students began discussing the profile during class time. This evidence helps explain why school should limit student’s online speech because if profiles like these keep being created in class, because there's no limit to what students can and cannot say then students will continue talking about them during class and that could cause bigger discussions and all of those conversations will lead to no learning getting done during
The purposes of schools include protecting and educating its students. Therefore, naturally, when a student is cyberbullying someone else, the school seeks to intervene. However, many argue that a school’s intervention of its students’ online speech is in violation of their First Amendment rights. Should schools be allowed to limit students’ online speech? That is, should schools be allowed to punish the things its students post online, even if they are done outside of school, and from their personal devices? The answer is clearly yes. From the concept, to the precedence, to the data, to a letter from the US Department of Education, evidences everywhere supports limiting students’
Freedom of speech is more than just words, it is posters, petitions, rallies, protests, and more. This lets opinions be shared and spread to make a difference in the world. The problem is that in schools there is a limit on the amount of freedom of speech students can have. How are students supposed to feel like they have a voice when they are being told that they can only speak of certain topics? By what means could student be educated on their rights like the First Amendment if they cannot have full access to that right at all times? Students are brought together by freedom of speech, schools should not be stopping that. It is essential that freedom of speech in schools should not be limited because it gives students a voice, it educates them on their rights, and it brings students together.
What if you got suspended from school for saying your thoughts or wearing something that wasn’t the ideal view of things? Just for having the less ideal way of thinking, you are silenced and judged. Censored by your own teachers and fellow peers. Schools should not restrain student expression because students and teachers will continue to find something else they’d want to be banned, violates students right, and affects scholars intellectual diversity.
As an educator, it is extremely important to know educational policies. On top of the knowledge, it is also imperative to respect the rights granted to students in the democratic society. Attached above is an article, published by the first amendment center, regarding how the first amendment is employed within public schools. The first topic in the article is titled speaking out in school. Here I learned that the school cannot limit the student’s freedom of speech, unless it is hindering the environment to learn, and even then, there is a lot of grey area. Here the school must be able to provide substantial evidence that the student’s writing, speech, or expression would cause great disruption. This also ties directly into school dress code and uniforms required by the school corporation. Students, in many