
Over Fishing

Good Essays

International problem: Over fishing

Fishing once thought of as a leisure activity is now causing serious issues on the marine environment. Fishing, when taken to the extreme can cause species to deplete in numbers and over turn the natural food chain. Many people are involved in over fishing all over the world. The reasons they take part in the practise are also altering. However many of the fisherman are from poorer countries and they see it as, the more fish they return home with the more they will be paid. There have been many measures introduced to help prevent over fishing occurring although we could do more. Over fishing is a serious global issue which needs to be addressed before it is too late and we loose the many different …show more content…

There are many new regulations which have been introduced to prevent or at least slow down how much fish we are catching to put onto our dinner plates. However we can and should do a lot more to stop over fishing as it is going to have a huge effect on our lives and the lives of our children.

Over fishing is a practice that we must do everything in our power to stop. These days we can go down to the beach, the spit or a reef and your guaranteed to see some types of marine life. In the not to distant future however as our kids head down to the beach all they will see is themselves and their friends swimming around in a dirty ocean. Over fishing is a huge problem and there should be more done to slow it down or bring it to a Holt. We have started to see the error of our ways and have made a few changes to stop it from happening. This is a step forward and as they stay “we have to start

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