
Overcoming Obstacles Analysis

Decent Essays

Oftentimes, there will be obstacles that will hinder me from achieving my goals in life, though I will always overcome them with hardwork and diligence. When I started school in Maryland, I was oblivious to my surroundings and would frequently get carried away. Unlike other kids I went to school with, I tended to be a follower. I was a “class clown” all throughout elementary school due to being influenced by other kids. With all this in mind, this was when I discovered my hearing impairment. I find my hearing impairment as one of my main obstacles in life because of the way I cope with it. I feel like it’s hard to remain connected with my surroundings. For instance, when the bell rings and everyone jump out of their seats, I immediately assumed that we had a fire drill due to the lack of being able to hear the bell. Another way of it being an obstacle is when I’m having a conversation with someone and sometimes I’m not able to tell which tone they’re using or if I’m not able to grasp what they’re saying with their mouth …show more content…

Before having a captionist, I used to wear hearing aids but they didn’t help nearly enough. For instance, whenever I put them on, it picks up a ton of sounds in the background, which is how it functions; they amplify sounds my ears don’t pick up. Along with my hearing aids, I had this device called the “FM System,” which was used as a microphone, solely for the hearing aids. So whenever I engage myself in a conversation with someone, I barely get a thing out of them. It was hard for me talking to people, not knowing that it wouldn’t work out. Whereas when my teachers wear the FM System around their neck, I still won’t be able to gain anything from them. I personally thought wearing hearing aids will compensate all the high frequencies my ears do not pick up and make my hearing better, but I was wrong. That’s when I realize my hearing loss was

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