
Overcoming Plagiarism Essay

Good Essays

Plagiarism is an ever-increasing problem throughout the world today, as the internet, along with technology such as Iphones and Tablets, has made accessing another person’s useful work as easy as typing a few words into a search bar. Pirating that work is then a simple matter of “cutting and pasting”. Similarly, advanced word processors have provided a stress-free way of integrating another’s writing into one’s own, or editing a plagiarized work so that it is more difficult to detect. However, plagiarism is not merely immature cheating or a “little white lie” but a serious offense – legally, a crime. The consequences of plagiarism are large – any plagiarizer runs the risk of a lawsuit s/he is sure to come out of badly, and often …show more content…

This causes panic and for many, the consequences of a lack of success at school outweigh the fear of being caught plagiarizing. Moral stipulations are also lessoned by trepidation - the terror potential course failure instils can be enough to drive a usually trustworthy student to plagiarize. In an ideal world, nobody would compromise his or her convictions even when under enormous pressure. However, realistically this is never going to happen. Therefore, students would best protect themselves from plagiarizing by learning proper study skills that will keep them on top of their schooling. These skills include proper time management, planning, diligent study, and organization/prioritization of tasks. Obviously, this point extends beyond students to every person, and it is vitally important for each writer to become adept at these skills. Although one would imagine that without some measure of deceit and trickery plagiarism would never occur, this is actually not the case. Tufts University states, “many students who face discipline for plagiarism claim that they did not know that their research methods constituted plagiarism”. People may not understand what constitutes plagiarism, or they may simply be lazy in ensuring that their work meets copyright

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