Overpopulation: Big Problem
In today’s society there are many economic problems such as, pollution, water conservation, war, overpopulation, global warming, pollution. All of these problems have a huge impact on our society, and overpopulation affects the environment. The term overpopulation is defined as a situation in which too many people or animals live in a certain area. In our case it is when there is an excess amount of people on earth which are depleting the resources available. The world 's population will soon reach an amount that will not have enough resources to sustain life. The growth must be balanced to avoid a catastrophe that we will not be able to handle. Many social, environmental, and economic situations are developed by overpopulation or increased by the overpopulation of humans. The government throughout the world should assume responsibility in regulating the growth of human beings to avoid societies to exhaust essential resources necessary to live.
The Earth does not contain enough resources to sustain the enormous population growth of people on Earth. For instance, there is only a limited amount of area in which we can grow crops and add living space. In 2013 the population was 7 billion, in comparison there were only 1 billion people in 1804. That means this was doubled in 1927, in which it doubled again by 1974. Scientists have estimated that our population would be as much as 12 billion in 2100. The Earth can only realistically hold and
Population Growth is an issue that exists in today’s world that needs to be confronted before it becomes out of hand. The population itself has reached overwhelming numbers making it a problem that could turn to be dangerous. The amount of humans that the earth can support or the carrying capacity is slowly rising but at a much slower rate than the population growth rate. The increasing growth rate has its negative effects environmentally, agriculturally, socially, and economically and also has its positive effects nationally, and economically. The government is brainstorming and trying to come up with ways to decrease
According to many scientists the world can only sustain about up to 2 billion people at a normal European living standard, and only about 6 billion with the global normal living standard and since there are 7 billion people in the Earth something
In the article Overpopulation Is Still the Problem, Alon Tal (2013) claims that overpopulation remains the number one problem facing the world today and discusses various problems and possible solutions. Tal unveils the falsely assuring news stories refuting overpopulation as a problem. He particularly dissects Ellis Erle’s assertions, in the New York Times, concerning China’s seemingly magical works of technology. Erle comes to the conclusion that China’s amazing technology has and will always be able to keep them out of any problems regarding overpopulation. Of course Tal is able to rhythmically rebut Erle’s claims by explaining that, “Anyone with a teaspoon of historic sensibilities about the country 's environmental history might want to mention its long litany of famines which occurred precisely because carrying capacities were consistently outstripped by a growing population”. Tal then goes on to explain other problems linked directly to overpopulation in China like the food crisis from 1958-1961 which led to the starvation of over 20 million people. He also discusses the Chinese one-child policy describing it as “tough medicine” although the application of the policy was flawed he depicts how it has prevented the next round of famines. Tal ties the China population problems into the rest of the article which is mainly about how quickly the world is growing and what we need to do about it. He presents distressing facts like 1 in 8 people in the world suffer from
Overpopulation is an objectionable condition which the number of human population expands faster than the Earth’s capacity. Overpopulation is a result of various factors such as improvements in medical facilities. Moreover, overpopulation also has a critical impact on the environment and is a salient issue in the modern world as it has led to many economical and sociological issues. Even
The Worlds population was once of seven billion just fifteen years ago but now? Now after a paralysing epidemic that leads to an almost certain imminent death the numbers are just under borderline of two point five billion. It's hard to keep exact count, the population grows and decreases daily, new births of unfortunate babies being brought into this corrupted World, deaths of old beggars, starving children. The numbers change daily. You lose people, you gain people, it's been that way even before the epidemic struck. People die, people leave yet there's nothing you can do about it and in this measly, broken world we've all lost someone, whether it be parents, brothers and sisters or your Great Aunt Margret who lived down the street with her
"Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of the billions who are its victim." This was said by Martin Luther King, Jr on May 5, 1966. If this was said almost 49 years ago by one of the greatest leaders of American history, why hasn’t the issue of overpopulation been solved yet? Simply because we lack the universal consciousness of the serious issues overpopulation bring and the education required on how to prevent it. The world just can’t support every single human being if we continue to ignore the issue. So what would happen globally if the demand for natural resources is greater than the supply? There will be conflicts and wars, environmental degradation and climate change. In addition to having a high demand for natural resources and a low supply, it will also cause a rise in unemployment and raise the cost of living.
Human overpopulation occurs when the ecological footprint of a human population in a specific location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing when a population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of nonrenewable resources or given the degradation of the of the environment to give support to the population. Overpopulation is a problem that needs to be solved.
Chuck Palahnikuk, American novelist and freelance journalist, once ask “When did the future switch from being a promise to a threat?” This question rings true for all of us on a global scale for society. Our population growth has exploded since 1967, let alone back in 1750. Since 1967, the world population has doubled and annually grows around 80 million people a year; that’s around 2.5 people every Second. Societies speculation of overpopulation has went from a probability to a growing fear of what the future may hold for the global economy. Some countries have taken measures, either by law or trend, to lower population growth yet and some have no idea where to start or don’t have to monetary assets to fund such an idea. I have done a thorough look into the population problem and possible solutions in helping ease the growth of all countries and not just a select few. Although the explosion of growth is mostly due to good things such as; technological innovations, an increase in methods of sanitation, a better medical care set up to help those who need it, an increase in agricultural output and advancements, and other factors such as medicines and proper medical staff which has lead to a dramatic decrease in infant mortality rate. Birth rates have out spaced death rates by at least a couple years; but are all this a great thing? Is there any way for us to slow growth without jeopardizing our own existence? How long can we continue on this path before extreme measures must
Planet Earth is a beautiful place home to a substantial amount of people. Nevertheless it faces many issues one of which is the growth in the over all rate of population.
The biggest fear regarding overpopulation is if there are enough resources to supply the unlimited demand of the human population. The real problem is not that the resources of earth can’t sustain the population, but that they are not used efficiently enough. The fluctuating population densities and the means to efficiently use the resources are some of the biggest flaws of the human population. When overpopulation is debated about the main concerns besides the plight of the dense populations are the birth rate, standard of living, and ecological well-being which are all on the low/negative side of any spectrum when comparing the earth in its entirety. Urban populations cost so much to the environment and is unlikely to change. The
Overpopulation, in my belief, is becoming one of the foremost problems facing human civilization. This complex, permeating issue will likely prove to be a problem of paramount importance for all people in the future. Overpopulation is a serious global issue that is often overlooked by most people. This is likely due to lack of knowledge and fast paced distracting lifestyles we embrace this day and age. While it is not a common problem or subject we speak of, it is a problem, in my opinion, that needs to be addressed and solved immediately. In the past 50 years the world population has doubled and our planet now provides for over 7 billion people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). We need to understand the detriments of such rapid growth in population and what it could mean for our future as a species and the planet as a whole. Problems that occur due to overpopulation could lead to an epidemic that would ultimately wipeout the human race. Although we as humans feel it is our right to procreate, we must look at the bigger picture and realize that everything we are doing in the present will affect the entire planet in the future.
Human overpopulation occurs when the ecological footprint of a human population in a specific location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing when a population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of nonrenewable resources or given the degradation of the of the environment to give support to the population. Overpopulation is a problem that needs to be solved.
The Earth is currently 4.54 billion years old, holding about 332,500,000 cubic miles of water, an estimate of 8.7 billion mammals, and close to 7 billion humans. The modern humans, evolved from archaic humans, have been roaming the Earth for about 17,000 years. Over the last fifty years, human population grew faster than it has ever before. In the 1960s, the world population was at about 3 billion people, increasing to an estimate of 6 billion people by 1999. The expected growth of world population from 6 billion people in 1999 is about 9 billion people by 2044, causing the world to become overpopulated. The word “population” causes many different reactions and thoughts. For example, it stimulates anger because of irresponsible procreation, insufficient funding for birth control methods, and religion for being against contraception and abortion. The reason that anger is one of the main reactions is that many are aware of how population growth can damage the Earth and affect the future. To reduce the population growth rates, there should be a worldwide, two-child policy for every couple during the process of establishing basic education because research has shown the positive effects of China’s one-child policy, how Earth’s resources are decreasing, and how overpopulation has negatively affected the environment.
Since the early twentieth century, the world’s population has exploded copiously.. This phenomenon known as overpopulation has been called a threat to humanity, and people all across the world are affected by it. There is inadequate housing to shelter the population, not enough resources for the population to continually utilize, pollution, habitat loss, and much more. Politicians and scientists alike are striving to solve this problem.: In evaluating the global issue of overpopulation, one can determine the solution to it through limiting children by creating a law, implementing the policy, and appropriately enforcing the limit.
Before now, our population was already concerned about limited resources and paranoia about the future. Amongst coming to a population of 7 billion came the term overpopulation. The term basically speaks for itself; we might be over populated. But is overpopulation a problem; if so, what can we do about it? Along with talking about the issue, to presenting possible solutions which may even take us back, the solution might be easier than we thought. As informed by Nicholas Kristof a New York Times writer, “In 1999, the United Nations’ best projection was that the world wouldn’t pass seven billion until 2013, but we reached it two years early. Likewise, in 1999, the U.N. estimated that the world population in 2050 would be 8.9 billion, but now it projects 9.3 billion Overpopulation can be defined as the comparison of our population and the number of resources used.” Here, I will be overpopulation, including statistics, and the effects taken on the economy. Our birth rates climb and we our population gets bigger and bigger, giving us our biggest issue, overpopulation. Many believe that expanding our areas and cities are the answer to any overcrowding issues. The more we expand the more natural resources we use. We are rapidly losing our natural resources, for not just ourselves but for the others we care about around us. A solution to overpopulation could be birth control, and I do agree that birth control could even help us in more ways than just overpopulation.