
Ozone Depletion Essay

Decent Essays

Our country is facing many serious problems that can harm peoples well being. Some that you may think of is the increase in crime, the war on terrorism, and drugs. The last problem you would think of is the depletion of the ozone layer. However, it could be the most serious problem we are facing today. The ozone is a layer of gas that forms a protective covering in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. This layer of gas is slowly diminishing each day, and causes a great concern to our safety. There are many reasons why this depletion is occurring, and chemistry is playing a huge role into helping solve this problem.
Ozone composed of three oxygen atoms is an extremely reactive gas and depending on where it is in the atmosphere affects life on …show more content…

CFCs are not easily broken down, once released; instead they are transported into the stratosphere where they are eventually broken down by UV rays, releasing free the chlorine molecule. The chlorine becomes actively involved in the process of destruction of the ozone. “The net result is that two molecules of ozone are replaced by three of oxygen, leaving the chlorine free to repeat the process thousands of times.” Up to 80% of the current damage already done to the atmosphere is due to the emission of CFC’s from humans. Scientist's are also worried that continued global warming will speed up ozone destruction and “increase stratospheric ozone depletion”. Ozone depletion will intensify when the stratosphere becomes colder. Since global warming traps heat in the troposphere, less heat will be able to reach the stratosphere which will make it colder. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket for the troposphere and make the stratosphere colder. Global warming can make ozone depletion get much worse right when it is supposed to begin its recovery during the next century. These problems will continue to get worse as more and more CFC’s are released into the atmosphere. The current hole over Antarctica will continue to expand and in turn will maintain the melting of the ice cap. Ocean levels have been rising steadily over the past 100 years almost 8 inches in some parts of the world. Every time a small part of the

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