Learning Objectives:
New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards of Mathematics:
Measurement and Data: 2.MD
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
4. Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit.
Geometry: 2.G
Reason with shapes and their attributes
1. Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
3. Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds,
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Independent Learning: To educate the children at patience and attention
Communication/Emotional/Social: During the art activity, children will be able to communicate with their peers and share their ideas. Also they will be able to share tools to make collage. Materials and Set-up: I will have four to six children sitting on the table. On the table, I will be already prepared colorful papers (hard and soft), scissors, card boards and brushes for glue.
I will introduce the lesson to the children and explain what is a collage. Then, I will show them the art supplies and will demonstrate how they are going to do the art activity. Also, I will explain that we will be tearing and cutting the paper, napkins, and that no one’s art will look the same. To be creative will be our goal. I will observe the children as they are working on their project. After children finish, I would them to share their collages like to ask the questions
“ Tell me about what you did here?” Or, “ What shapes did you use to create this?” After we are done, I will ask the children to help me to clean
The lesson begin with revise on the previous lesson, to reinforce their learning on lines and patterns. Then display the beach illustration on the book’s front cover to the children, and assist the class to decompose the elements and principals of the illustration by asking questions,
Either walk through the steps together or have students collaborate in groups. Make sure to test out the boomerangs before painting!
1.MD.2 Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.
I will assess the students understanding of the task during the conclusion, where we will more speaking and writing practice (Swinburne 2016). I will try to give students lots of fun such coloring and creative thinking practice, this activity to learn in lesson and discussion or reviews of the content (Swinburne 2016).
The next phase in the planning of lessons will involve me preparing the agreed activities, worksheets or relevant material. I may be required to print, photocopy or prepare the classroom by proving enough glue, scissors, paints or special types of paper e.g. sugar paper, tissue paper etc.
Presentation: How will the teacher present the experience? The teacher would have to give instructions and help the children color the marshmallow and sort them according to their size. Then after several attempts the teacher will become part of the group
List Mathematical Guiding Principles from California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CA CCSSM) and describe in your own words the importance of these principles
2. Describe the pattern of growth in the “Number of people told” column for both Scenario A and Scenario B.
Having discussed what activities we would be doing in the classroom it is then my responsibility to prepare the classroom ready for the lesson, this would be done either before the children arrive or when the class teacher gathers the children on to the carpet area where she will discuss the activity with them, what it involves and what is expected of them.
An American citizen has the right to an education. Every American goes through certain points of an education, and the first being kindergarten then all the way to their senior year. Throughout an American’s education they go through certain assessments during each grade, and all with different assessments with subjects like science, math, and language arts. However, within the past year many schools in the United States of America have switched their state standards to a new standard known as common core. Common core is now a nationwide standardized test with subjects like reading, writing, and math. Some standards that are evident in the common core are, “research and evidence based, clear, understandable, and consistent, aligned with
Since 2010, there were 45 states that have adopted the same educational standards called Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers and seeks to establish consistent education standards across the states. The Common Core Standards is initiative state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English and Mathematical standards. These standards help to educate all of the students equally, they help children who move from state to state, as well as they help to prepare students for college and workplace. The common core standard helps to provide a clear understanding
Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.” During my past career as an art teacher at Intel Academy, introducing and demonstrating aesthetic techniques and materials have thrilled me as much as completing an art piece. Through workshops and demonstrations, I learned how to communicate and suggest better ways of developing their ideas and expressions. Some children had difficulties encountering art due to their behavioral problems; however, respecting their accomplishments and encouraging their process of following the curriculum became a part of the solution. My decision to apply to masters program in art education was pursued as I faced these
While watching National Hockey League (NHL) games, I often heard the play-by-play announcer mention at the start of the third and final period how it would be tough for a team to come back from a one goal deficit. This led me to wonder just how difficult it was mathematically, and how much previous periods affected the final one. In this project, I will investigate whether the scores at the end of the first period affect the final score of NHL games.
Self-initiated learning is a key aspect of Rogers’ beliefs for a lasting education. He notes that when a student is fully engaged with the subject matter, they are more likely to retain the significant information they have been taught. When developing a curricular activity to represent Rogers’ experiential learning theory, we must remember to assemble a curriculum where the student can reflect on their work. As a secondary school art classroom focuses on work developed by the student, the assignments are often structured with a curriculum created by the educator. Assignments and art pieces are put in place to help the student learn the foundations of art and art history. Although students create the art pieces, they are often confined to the outline created by the teacher.
In today’s society mathematics is a vital part of day-to-day life. No matter what a person is doing at home or at the workplace, he/she is constantly using different mathematics skills to simply function. Then what does this mean for mathematics education? When someone needs to utilize a skill every day then he/she needs a strong background in the skill. Therefore, today’s students need more than a just a working knowledge of mathematics or enough knowledge to pass a test. Today’s students need to understand how mathematics works and how to utilize mathematics skills in the best way possible.