In this essay I am going to talk the patterns and trends of health and ill health among different social groupings. I will talk about each pattern and trend in its own paragraph, Social class, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Geographical location. I will talk about the links between these to health issues. I will back these up through the use of evidence such as statistics. I will then conclude what I have found out. Firstly I will talk about each pattern and trend.
Social Class
Social class helps to deter the reasons for individual’s health and ill health. Social classes also help with understanding health and ill health, this is done through the basis of individuals lifestyle class, for example the lower class who work in the worst
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Gender also determines how the individuals treatment is seen and how their illness is advanced, this means that most of the time men’s treatment is more intense because they leave the issue to progress compared to women. Another thing is that women tend to live longer than men and this is proven by statistical graphs, these show that women live a longer life then men.
The reasons for this are based around women and men, these show different variation in lifestyles and job workings etc. This graph shows the life expectancy over several years has increased, but it has shown that the male gender has still increasing at a lower level then female gender. [AIHW]
There are many other issues associated with gender, these are associated around the lifestyle factors and habits such as smoking. There is a higher death rate based around males which can be linked with their higher levels of smoking and drinking. This is also based around the individuals participating in dangerous sports and activities. This Is based around their need for more adventure and risk taking, this can also be linked with road accidents. Meaning a higher death rate for males between 17 and 24.
[Stretch and Whitehouse 2010]
The link between race and illness is difficult to study systematically because there are several different racial types or races throughout the world and travelling has
It is proven on my population pyramid that women live longer than men. This could have to do with many things. If a person is smaller, their heart doesn’t have to pump as much as a person who is taller. So, women are typically smaller than men and are less likely to have a heart attack. Women also take better care of their health and are less likely to be daredevils.
Distinction 1 - Evaluate different sociological explanations for patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups.
Social determinants of health can be referred to as the living conditions that can affect an individuals’s health. Some of these determinants of health include; qualify of life during infancy, education, employment, working conditions, food security, gender, health care services, housing, income and its distribution, social safety net, social exclusion, employment security and aboriginal status (Raphael, D., 2010, Pg 148). Those with higher socio-economic status; such as the upperclass and the upper middle-class, tend to possess a majority of resources, as opposed to those with lower socio-economic status; such as the lower middle-class and the lower class. This situation is the basis of the concept of social inequality; income inequality
According to the WHO, “The conditions in which people live and work can help create and destroy their health”. In general, mortality rate and social class are inversely proportional: the lower the level of social class, the higher the mortality rate.
Social determinants can strengthen or undermine the health of individuals and communities (Wilkinson & Marmot 2003). For example, in general, people from poorer social or economic circumstances are at greater risk of poor health than people who are more advantaged.
The quality of various ethnic and racial groups’ life and health is often linked to the person’s socio-economic status, and that is a factor that directly
Mortality rates: In gender men generally die earlier than women because of many aspects of their life, for instance in general women tend to take care of them self more physically. A lot of women go on diets and a lot of exercise DVDs and detunes are mainly aimed at women. Women in general do try to eat healthy and go on diets whereas men usually aren't very aware of their diet and don’t have much intention on improving it. Women also tend to go to the doctors and seek medical advice more often and have their illnesses diagnosed and treated more often than men. Because women' generally take more care of themselves and do more to keep themselves healthy.
The social divisions which has brought about different social classes has created material inequalities leading to anxieties, conflicts and other negative emotions which have detrimental effects on individual’s health leading to an increased susceptibility to diseases. Access to employment, education healthcare is not the same these various social divisions in the society. The impact of further social divisions due to race, gender, marital status, or rural location to a greater extent determines the impact on daily life of individuals in these divisions.
One of the major sections studied was the social economical status. The social economic status focuses on the income, education, occupation of the people as well as the race, gender and marital status. This study was able to show that African American people tend to be less healthy than whites despite the wealth of either race. Another immense portion of the social aspect is those that follow the trends of social media, in addition to performing crash diets and eating fatty foods. Well for the environmental aspect affects the health as well as the mind by putting pressure on the body.
classes are perhaps not as clear as they used to be. But it is just as
Social class have a significant impact on the health of individuals and the ability to obtain sticking to health services, nutrition, and life expectancy. Despite the fact that the demographics of other factors play a significant role on the health of individuals but social class is the greater factor that affects the health and access to health care.
Explain patterned inequalities in health and illness. Evaluate sources of evidence with regards to class, gender, ethnicity and age
Gender plays a huge role in the health care setting, for instants majority of patients now days would ask for a female doctor on the bases that they are more understanding. When it comes to male or female whether it be in the health care field or another work environment they think completely different on almost every topic. Males use more of assertiveness, and facts based, while females tend to use more emotion and strategic approaches. Women spend more time with their patients getting the gist of what they are feeling and a better idea of how they are going to treat the symptoms, while men on the other hand may usual only see you for about fifteen minutes get the diagnosis, answers maybe one or two questions uses the logical approach and
Why are men’s mortality rates higher than women’s? The mortality rate for men is much higher than that of women’s due to heart disease, accidents and cerebrovascular diseases. Mortality is known as the measure of the number of deaths in a particular population, in this case men’s. Cardiovascular disease consists of conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels. Having narrowed or blocked blood vessels can lead to a heart attack, chest pain or a stroke. Heart disease in men can be caused by factors the main one being smoking. 22% of men are known to smoke and do so twice as much as women do. Activities such as smoking greatly influence men’s mortality rates. Men are more prone to being involved in accidents, because
Socioeconomic status is often considered as a combination of income, education, living condition and occupation. It is a conceptualized as the social standing. Socioeconomic status is a strong predictor our health, and understanding of how these nonmedical factors affect people health can help us to look beyond the health care system for ways to improve our health. “People of higher socioeconomic status (SES) live longer, enjoy better health, and suffer less from disability, while those of lower SES die younger and suffer a greater burden of disease and disability”(Panayotes 2008) We are thinking that our health is affected by our age, gender and genetic factors that we inherit from our parents, but also most people realize that our health