
PBSS Observation

Decent Essays

Many studies have shown strictly punitive forms of discipline are counter-productive. Lee asserted that research shows that troubled students are showing pain-based behavior and inflicting more pain with punishment makes the students resentful (2013). Implementation of a PBSS “advances beyond punitive, reactive responses to undesired behaviors by employing an applied method of teaching, positively reinforcing, and continually expanding an individual's behavioral repertoire.” (Caldarella et al., 2011). Behavioral matrices are integral components of a successful PBSS. My experience with the creation of such a matrix provided me with some insight. I realized the benefits of creating uniform expectations and responses. I also realized …show more content…

At the end of the first training session, teachers would know what the school-wide expected behaviors and the incentives for the desired behaviors. The teachers would also know the Intensity I behaviors and the corrective actions for and consequences of those behaviors. The staff would receive training in how to administer those corrective actions properly. In a large group setting, the teachers would receive handouts and a classroom poster of the behavioral matrix. The administrator would then show a PowerPoint presentation on the Intensity I behaviors, briefly explaining each. Then the administrator would speak about possible corrective actions, making it clear that the teacher action can vary from student to student; the action is chosen by the teacher to achieve the desired result from that child as quickly as possible. This portion of the profession development would last thirty minutes. The staff would then break into small groups to role play responding to the Intensity I behaviors. For this activity, each group would have slips of paper with an Intensity I behaviors on them. Each teacher would pick a behavior at random to act out, while another teacher in the same group would have to respond to that behavior. The teachers could then provide feedback to each other. This portion of the professional development would also take thirty minutes. Then the

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