Kylie and Joey are siblings who had very adventurous lives for kids of their age. They lived in several countries around the world during their early development, which has effected their speech. Both Kylie and Joey use assistive technology to help them academically in the classroom. Kylie uses a program known as a pragmatic organization dynamic display (PODD) communication book, a device in which each page of the book has none choices and Kylie can access her choices with the assistance of a communication partner. The PODD book allows Kylie to have communication with a peer, something Kylie would usually have a great deal of difficulty with. Joey reads and comprehends well but uses an iPad with voice output communication software. Carrie and
Journalist Christopher Leonard spent more than a decade covering the country's biggest meat companies, including four years as the national agribusiness reporter for the Associated Press. This what have led him to do what he is doing now. Christopher Leonard is know an investigative journalist who goes around covering the world's biggest meat companies. Leonard in the book “ The Meat Racket “ shows how companies have seized the nation's meat supply. We also see that the system has also put farmers on the edge of bankruptcy and they are charging consumers high prices. You'll learn how the food industry got to where it is today. You'll also discover how these companies are able to raise meat prices for consumers while pushing down the price
For this weeks journal I am reading "Harris and Me" by Gary Paulson. This excellent book starts off explaining the narrators (who goes by "me") situation. He has been raised by an angry, drunk mother and father. Finally CPS steps in and he is bounced back and forth from his relatives homes. The next relative he goes to live with is his distant cousins, the Larson's. The Larson's are what some people would call full blooded rednecks. The Larson's have a little bit of everything on their farm. Chickens, horses, cows, pigs are just to name a few. His cousin Harris is one of the messiest, craziest people he has ever met. Every time Harris lets a cuss word roll out of his mouth his fourteen year old sister Glennis gives him a licking for it. On the first morning he is on the farm Harris wakes him up before the sun has even risen and he's awful upset until he realizes that that's how things work on the farm. On his second day on the Larson farm he meets the dirty farm hand, Louie. Louie is the headrest working man he has ever seen. At dinner that night Louie had his food engulfed before the narrator could say "let's eat." The narrator and Harris are always getting into mischief. One day they got attacked by a rooster named Ernie. Ernie was the meanest thing you'd ever meet. Harris blamed his cousin that they got jumped. Harris said he would have he rooster had he not been distracted. Another day the narrator gets knocked out by Vivian the cow. After he woke from
When Catherine goes to her brother's occupational therapy meeting, she meets another young man there, Jason, who is about her age. He is confined to a wheelchair, but additionally he cannot speak. He must communicate with words on cards. As someone who is writing all the time, Catherine is struck by how difficult it must be for someone to...
The book Nineteen Minutes ended with an shocking conclusion. In the scene Peter Houghton had just finished shooting his way through the school, when he encountered his old best friend Josie Cormier and his long-time bully Matt Royston in the locker room of the high school gym.When Peter held up his gun to shoot Matt, Josie screamed which startled Peter, and made him drop his backpack which caused another gun to fall out of his bag. The gun skittered across the floor and Josie grabbed the gun and pointed it at Peter while Matt cowered behind her. In this moment Josie had the decision to either shoot Peter or let him kill Matt and possibly her. Shocking the two boys and herself Josie turns around and shoots Matt in th stomach instead.As
“Washington… was a ‘promised land’ to many a freeman… it was the capital of the nation– that is, of the North that had set them free.”
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) encompasses those forms of communication excluding oral speech which enable an individual to express themselves (Bondy & Frost, 1994). It replicates non-functional speech for those individuals with verbal or language difficulties through augmentative aides (Light & Drager, 2007). Recent technological advances have resulted in the availability of electronic devices which can convert text and picture and communication boards, to generate voice output. As a consequence, individuals with communication challenges accessing alternative means with which to express themselves, and in effect improve their social interaction, academic achievements, whilst gaining increased self-determination (Light & Drager, 2007).
Reading: Due to Kiara’s difficulty with reading and reading comprehension, reading to be challenging. She stated she reads at a slow rate and tends to wander off and not pay attention to what she had read. However, she went on to explain she understands the material better if it is read to her. Kiara had tried the Read and Write Gold program at Holyoke Community College. She liked having the videos she can look back on to remind her how to use the programs. The ATS would like to maintain continuity with the assistive technology at Holyoke Community College; having continuity with the Assistive Technology Department at Holyoke Community College will be significant to Jennifer’s success. The ATS is recommending Kiara use the Read and Write Gold program provided by Holyoke Community College. Since the ATS has the license to Holyoke Community College’s Read and Write Gold program the ATS installed the program into Kiara’s laptop for immediate use. The ATS advised Kiara to make an appointment with the AT department at Holyoke Community College to receive proper training. Kiara will need an All in One Printer; this will allow her to scan material into her computer when a digital format is not provided. Kiara should does not have adequate storage on her phone to download audio books. Kiara will need an iPod Touch in order to upload her audio books into an MP3 file for access when she is not at the computer. The ATS is recommending Kiara is provided with a 32GB iPod and
Communication is easy and mothers can talk with their children and they can connect with them. Some people who have this benefit are unaware that some families do not have this advantage in their homes. Lee Thomas and Linh Cao understand that some families have language change through each generation. Cao herself lived in house where her relatives used several different languages and learned first hand that there are many losses when a family doesn’t share a common language.
Bob is finally made president of the Asian Society. This is all that he had ever wanted,
The book A.D.H.D. Nation by Alan Schwarz takes us through the history of A.D.H.D. and shows us through stories and facts, the dangers of misdiagnosis and the abuse of A.D.H.D. medication. The book starts out with the start of medication for children with A.D.H.D. in Dr. Charles Bradley’s children’s hospital. Opened in 1931 the Emma Pendleton Bradley Home located in Providence, Rhode Island, opened their doors to the children that nobody wanted. The hospital was full of toddlers and teens who drove their parents mad with their uncontrollable behavior. It was here that Dr. Bradley created the first form of A.D.H.D. medication. He a created a small, ten milligram tablet in an attempt to ease the children’s headaches. He gave thirty children these
The copiers for the Center Director’s staff were difficult to replace as they can’t go days without being able to print/copy/scan. The second challenge of replacing these copiers was that the new copiers were being removed from area where executives’ offices are located. I asked the vendor to send me their best team to deliver the machines. The vendor’s team was able to get the copiers out quickly and quietly. I put in the tickets for the copiers to be setup a week before each copier arrived, so that the tier II team could work with the systems and network teams to get the copier working within a week. The IT staff at my request made these tickets the highest priority. The Center Director’s staff had copiers that were outdated and had
Literary suspense and tension are essential elements in any story, both in fiction and some genres of non-fiction. Several elements are needed to create and maintain the suspense in a piece of writing, such as the reader’s concern and empathy, looming danger, and building of tension throughout the story. Each element plays an important role and is a necessary part of a well-devised plot.
Speech and language disorders, as with any learning disability, can cause embarrassment and social hindrance for students along with the educational setbacks. Unfortunately there is yet to be a cure discovered, but luckily there are many ways in which individuals with learning disabilities can seek treatment and aide. For example a child could receive therapy from a speech pathologist to help them articulate more clearly. There is also assistive technology available for all types of disorders. Assistive technology can help motivate students to overcome the barriers in learning that they face by compensating in the area that they lack. When choosing which type of device that a student should use, it is very important that it is one that will accommodate to the specific disability of the student (Fleming, 1999). For individuals with speech and language disorders, either an electronic communication device or a personal FM listening system would be appropriate. An electronic communication device allows one to type their ideas into a machine so they
During this summer, my friends recommended that I watch a season of Warehouse 13 since I’m fond of science fiction movies, television shows, and books. I thought it was well made therefore I watched all of the episodes and I love most of the seasons. The fifth season seemed rushed and was only six episodes. Other shows I enjoy watching are Doctor Who, Supernatural, and The X-Files but there’s an overabundance of episodes. Warehouse 13 is distinctive by seeing that it won’t take up much time. This show has five seasons and around sixty episodes. They last around forty minutes each so I finished the series in two weeks. I normally don’t binge watch; however, after seeing the Indiana Jones based episode I finished fairly quickly.
You can look for suitable bodybuilding workouts routines that you can do at home if you are embarrassed to go to the gym to exercise. Even if you are not overweight, you might still feel self conscious and just don’t like the idea of exercising in front of other people. This is quite a common feeling and one of the main reasons that many people put off getting fit.