PTLLS Unit 012
Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning
Produce 1 Written Rationale of 1000 words for all areas of research in 1 to 3.
1.1 Analyse how types of assessment are used in lifelong learning:
“Assessments should be a regular process; it might not always be formalised, but you should be observing what your learners are doing, asking questions and reviewing their progress throughout their time with you”.
Gravells A. Page 113.
Assessments are used to track not only learner but tutor progress. Below I have documented some utilised in my everyday teaching life:
Initial Assessment
Undertaken prior to a lesson or course is delivered and helps direct my session planning to meet learner’s expectations.
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The down side of this is that learners may have only been taught what is needed to pass the exam and not retain any of the other theories they may need at a later stage.
2.1 Evaluate how to involve learners in the assessment process:
As a tutor I will carry out various methods of assessment to maintain continuous improvement; I also involve my learners in the process.
By giving my learners clear guide lines they undertake peer to peer assessments, where they give verbal feedback to each other. This stimulates focus on the subject being taught; encourages communication skills and the discovery of common ground. Sometimes comments coming from a peer can be better received than from the tutor.
Checking their own work and progress through self-assessment is useful as this gives learners an opportunity to step back and reflect on their objectives and whether they’ve attained them.
I also conduct one to one tutorials in an informal manner where we discuss objectives, progress and development. This demonstrates positive and individual inclusion. As stated by Wilson L. (2009). page112 “Assessment is a term given to checking that learning has occurred. It may happen at any stage during the learner’s progress through their qualification”.
Assessments are also a tool to motivate and boost the confidence of learners.
2.2 Analyse the role of peer and self –assessment in the assessment process:
Peer assessments are a good
Assessment plays a significant role in the learning experience of students. It determines their progression through their programmes and enables them to demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning outcomes. It is assessment that provides the main basis for public recognition of achievement, through the awarding of qualifications and/or credit.
This is why assessments should be an ongoing process throughout the learning experience. Assessments are not only there to assess a learner to sit an exam to test a learner’s knowledge of the subject matter but to:
Describe and explain the ways in which assessment practice has the potential to impact students’ learning:
As Stephanie Ingster outlines (lecture 2, slide 37), explains that teachers need to focus on assessment for learning as students are able to receive feedback and reflect during the unit rather that at the end of teaching. In this way, teachers and students are able to gain a better sense of direction for motivation and improvement in ongoing teaching and
Assessment is carried out to ensure that learning has taken place. This is used to measures the learner’s knowledge and skills in their chosen area of learning. Assessment can be used to encourage learners to ask questions on anything they have not understood, learners at some point will have to know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding to the standards of the awarding body.
Initial assessment may start during enrolment to establish learner’s skill sets, interests, experience and motivation. It may also be
Peer and Self Assessment is an effective way to get the learners involved and it gives a clear idea of what the learner is currently at and what action is needed to meet the standards and criteria. This can be done through feedback.
Peer assessment as a tool is also instrumental in the development of student’s self – esteem as it is felt that the students will be more likely to accept critique from their peers rather than a teacher as it is given in a way and language they more readily understand. Black and William purport that to engage in a process using the feedback taken from self and peer reviews will only help to facilitate the students learning as they become critical reflectors of their own and others work (Black and Wiliam,1998) However it could be argued that along with peer assessment teacher monitoring and feedback is also a vital and very necessary part of this process. As stated by Gibbs and Simpson there may be a lack of quality to the assessments given that could result in imperfect feedback from a fellow student having more impact than perfect feedback from a teacher (Gibbs and Simpson, 2004 p.19).
In life, being assessed is inescapable in most spheres of human existence. “Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences” (Huba &Freed, 2000). Examinations serve many purposes. Teachers use them to determine if learning/curriculum objectives are being achieved and the results also forms part of the process of accountability to parents. “Learner assessment is best concerned as a form of two-way communication in which feedback on the educational process or product is provided to its key stakeholders” (McAlphine,2002). There are two major
Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning?
Assessment has to be fair, consistent and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair assessment. An assessor cannot be persuaded to give a learner an easier assessment because they favour that learner. The assessment process may have to be adapted to be suitable to the learner’s needs but, needs to eventually lead to the same outcome.
Assessments can be produced and performed in many ways, such as: an examination, dissertation, performance, discussion, presentation, essay, assignment, or a group or individual project. However, whilst a learner is participating in education they
Assessment methods help form a vital stage of a learner’s journey helping them to draw on skills they have acquired, and aids in the consolidation of the knowledge learnt. From the perspective of the teacher – assessment gives the advantage to better understand the learner’s level of knowledge and understanding relating to a given topic. This understanding feeds into to assist in the tailoring of each class
The assessment of learning process aims to help students identify where their level of achievement lies, recognise where they need to be and encourages them to think about the steps they need to take to get there through the use of four key concepts. These include feedback, goal setting, self assessment and peer assessment.
This paper aims to examine the purpose of Assessment for Learning and the different methods that can be utilized to put it into effect in the classroom, through reviewing different pieces of literature, reflecting upon strategies that I have seen in lesson observations and evaluating the effectiveness of strategies I have used in my own lessons.