
Paid Paternity Leave

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Paternity Leave A Father’s Right
Becoming a new parent is a momentous occasion in any person’s life. After the baby is born the majority of America expects that mother to stay home with the newborn while the father quickly returns to work to support his newly expanded family. This train of thought shows how far American society is behind our European friends. Across the majority of European countries fathers are given paid time off to adjust to life with their new bundle of joy (Paternity Leave in the EU, N.p.) . The time is now for America to embrace laws giving the father paid paternity leave. Providing paid paternity leave allows men to become more effective fathers, allowing them to experience fatherhood without the worries of earning income. …show more content…

Granted a new mother needs more time off to merely recover from the physically effects of child rearing, but the physically and emotionally effects weigh nearly as heavy on the fathers as well. Ensuring a father is granted time off after birth of a child allows the father to fully understand and appreciate the requirements of parents in raising and caring for a child (Rehel, 125). Additionally the allowance of paid paternity leave allows a father to shift from a manger role of the family into an equal partnership with the mother. According to Nepomnyaschy and Waldfogel research fathers that took paternity leave were more likely to regularly engage in caring for their new child than those who did not take leave …show more content…

However, since the passage of the FMLA in 1993 the average length of family leave taken (among leave-takers) was only 10 days (Baum, 433). Furthermore research has shown that fathers taking as little as a week of paternity leave were significantly more involved in hands on care of their newborn (Nepomnyaschy and Waldfogel, 437). The overall cost associated with this small amount of leave would prove to be fairly minimal to almost all employers. If simply looked at as an additional week of vacation very few business would endure a major hardship overcome the loss of an employee for one week. So using cost and time away from the workplace as a primary reason to oppose paternity leave does not truly take into account the realities of the leave taken by the majority of fathers in the United

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