
Pain Of Grief

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Moving Beyond the Pain of Losing Someone You Love

My mum passed away one year prior a month ago. By one means or another I have made it 395 days without hearing her voice; her voice was as beautiful as a crystal clear lake. I watched her beaming in the open darkness; her bright crescent moon smile as brilliant as the star-studded sky above us. Freckled. Eyes as blue as a cloudless sky on a summer day.
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Grief is a black hole, unending and unfathomable. Sucking you dry of any emotional reserve you may think you have. In the previous year I have felt trapped, alone, and defenceless a greater number of times than I ever suspected I would in my whole lifetime. I am downing in grief, not able to see a light out. Along these …show more content…

Such a variety of individuals have said, "isn’t it nice, isn't that comforting to have it end on such a positive note?" I have a two part answer to that. Firstly, no, despite the fact that I will let you know in person that it is, I am just doing as such to keep you from stressing entirely as much. Not a single part of this circumstance is comforting. Secondly, imagine a scenario in which we had not reconnected, yes I would certainly have an issue with that guilt, yet would there be this constant throbbing aching in my heart? Would it be dissimilar in the event that I did not know exactly how great it could be? In any case, that is a standout amongst the most dangerous roads to go down, the "what if" road. Imagine a scenario where my parents had a frightful separation and the main individual on the planet who verbalizes his understanding to me, my father, was not in the same place, and was not as much of a comfort. Imagine a scenario where she had survived the fall however experienced whatever remains of your life as a shell of her previous self everlastingly fundamentally harmed and …show more content…

In that moment of time she was my partner, my best friend. Going ahead without her is insane to me, unfathomable. The thought opens up such a variety of questions and insecurities. I do not need this to define me. By what means will I ever have the capacity to trust someone else completely, without the fear of them leaving in the back of my head, now that I know it truly can be beyond anybody's ability to control? By what means will I ever have the capacity to arrange my wedding or walk down the aisle without her assistance and guidance all through it all? In what capacity will I ever have the capacity to have a child without her guidance, love, and support? Despite everything I need her. Her job was nowhere near over. Despite everything I still need her to such an

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