The perception of pain during labor and delivery varies between individuals. Some are able to bear the pain and go ahead with normal vaginal delivery, while who can’t go for a caesarian section, while some opt for the painless epidural delivery. Epidural anaesthesia is an advance in pain management during labor, which ensures that a pregnant woman has a comfortable labor. It is a regional anaesthesia in which an anaesthetic drug is injected near the spinal cord in the spinal canal. Nowadays, it is being commonly opted, by pregnant ladies, because of its painless benefits, but the method also has mild chances of certain complications. Some of the complications caused by this method are: • Sudden drop in the blood pressure. Epidurals can cause
Learning about the potential complications of epidural reinforced my knowledge in being able to choose the right anaesthetic monitoring equipment. Knowing that Spinal and epidural anaesthesia can cause unpredictable and profound arterial hypotension necessitate the use of adequate monitoring like the; Pulse oximetry, ECG and Blood pressure cuff. This knowledge will help me to be able to select appropriate monitoring devices during epidural catheter insertion. Also it goes without saying that an epidural must be performed in a work area that is equipped for airway management and resuscitation.
According to the authors (Tussey, et. Al., 2015) “Because limited research is available on the use of exercise or peanut balls with women with an epidural, the research question was generated from a growing trend in hospital labor and birth units to use such balls” (p. 22).
There is enough footage and personal stories of childbirth for anyone to know how excruciating it can be to give birth. This could be one reason why more mothers are asking for epidural anesthesia in order to avoid labor pain. This medication is injected into a small space outside the spinal cord in the lower back. Why is this becoming more popular and is it even safe?
Central Idea: Pain management is an important aspect of childbirth that women need to educate themselves on so they can make an informed decision when choosing which method they will use.
For a few years now I have been very interested in anesthesiology. When my sister had my niece, I watched as they gave her the epidural, I became very intrigued with this career.I am going to write in my research paper what exactly they do, how to become one, the risks, and the importance. In my project I am going to show where you must inject the anesthesia, and again bring up the
A commonly known procedure when it comes to hospital births are epidurals. An epidural is an injection of a drug between the “epidural space” which causes
I picked this article because I am curious on what the side effects of an epidural are because of I’ve always known about the pros of Epidurals and how it is a successful pain reliever. An epidural makes the person so numb that it's hard to contract and push adequately and this makes the labor longer. With the labor process increasing it leads to cesarean which has more side effects and the recovering time longer than natural birth which impacts the mother and baby bond for the first couple days. a study that was done with women babies for the first time during the second phase stage of labor was much longer coming at 336 minutes with an epidural. Women that choose natural birth had 197 minutes of labor this was a difference of 2 hours and
I agree with Ayn Rand’s theory of Rational Selfishness and with how she depicts altruism – in terms of the false idea of benevolence and the actuality of the true concept of self-sacrifice. Before reading this chapter of Rand’s book, I labelled myself as an altruist, because I was raised under the false interpretation of altruism, I believed it was about giving to those who were in need, even if that meant you had to do without for the time being. My definition of selfishness was society’s misunderstood definition, living and operating only to accomplish and fulfill my desire. In the article, “The Ethics of Benign Selfishness” by Tibor R. Machan he discusses the prominence of altruism and states that one of the reasons why it is so commonly
The focal point of current educational trend in the United States is on preparing the leaders of tomorrow (National Task Force, 2012). Student success has been expanded to include civic responsibility which is a dimension of the college experience largely ignored until recently (Upcraft, Gardner, & Barefoot, 2005). The Department of Education has taken this charge and developed the National Task Force for Democratic and Civic Engagement. This initiative places developing civic responsibility as a national priority based on the tendency of young people who are often too caught up in ‘narrow collegiate worlds’ of their own existence to understand the larger role of being a contributing member of society (Upcraft, Barefoot & Gardner, 2005). Thus, engagement as a participating citizen living in community is frequently beyond the scope of young student leaders in college. Due to this, the government has renewed its interest in creating civic-minded young people prepared to advocate for change. This has led the charge for a civic engagement initiative nationwide.
Central Idea: Pain management is an important aspect of childbirth that women need to educate themselves on so they can make an informed decision when choosing which method they will use.
Marijuana (Drug Name: Cannabis) is a natural herb that derives from the hemp plant. The euphoric effects stem from the drugs THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels. THC not only causes the hallucinogenic effects, but also gives somatic pain relief, controls the frequency of seizures, and helps slow the progression of Dementia in older adults. For over 5,000 years, Native Americans have been using this plant for medicinal reasons. However, since the early 20th century, marijuana has been a controversial topic in the U.S. Many citizens have grown to love the mind-altering effects that the drug gives and consequently, made it into a recreational pastime.
A first time pregnant woman in labor who has limited medical knowledge about episiotomy may become frighten when all of a sudden as she is actively pushing, the provider tells her stop because the passageway to let the baby out is narrow, therefore he/she is going to perform a procedure which involves an incision made to the vagina that will assist the birthing process, therefore allowing the baby to be delivered easily and preventing further complications. This might be really frightening to the patient due to her limited knowledge and prior misconceptions about the procedure.
Childbirth can be described as one of the most rewarding and also painful experiences in a woman’s life. Most women choose some type of method to ease pain, however, there has been a lot of controversy over with pain management method is the most effective. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), In 2013, there were 3,932,181 births recorded in the United States, 32.7% of those births were surgical procedures. In 2012, 1.36% of recorded births occurred out-of-hospital, meaning these births took place mostly in homes or birthing centers. Without the option of medicine that a hospital provides, how were these women able to manage their pain during labor and delivery. There are many different methods for easing pain during childbirth, some methods involve the use of medicine and surgery, and others include natural techniques, such as hypnosis, Lamaze, and many others. It is a personal preference of the parents over which method is right for the needs of the mother and child. This can be an overwhelming decision for new parents to make because they have to take into consideration the safety of the mother and child, pain management for the mother and desire for medical involvement.
Childbirth is a beautiful thing. After the hours of labor, there is nothing more special than having the newly mother able to hold her child the minute after it’s born. It makes the pain that you had just experienced go away because all that matters in the world is that newborn child in your arms. During labor, every woman has her own experience but one common experience is the pain. According to Kitzinger (1978) “Labor pain can have negative or positive meaning, depending on whether the child is wanted, the interaction of the laboring woman with those attending her, her sense of ease or dis-ease in the environment provided for birth, her relationship with the father of her child and her attitude to her body throughout the reproductive
The only con there really is to natural childbirth would be that it is painful. However, if a pregnant woman does not deal well with pain or if she has a complicated delivery, an epidural might be an answer for her.